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Friday, November 30, 2012

Muddu gare Yashoda

This is a very sweet keerthanam by Ananmacharya that oozes out with his love for the Lord Krishna and his knowledge about the jewels(gems). In this work, Annamayya compares Krishna during his various acts(leelas) to precious gems or nava ratna(9 gems) and at the same time also describes the people related to Him in each verse. The comparison and the adjectives Annamayya uses are simply enthralling, as seen always in his other works.
Apparently, each planet (graha) has a gem stone associated and hence the famous navaratna for 9 planets. The nine gem stones for the nine planets are as follows in english, hindi, and telugu:
1. For the Sun it is ruby, called manik in Hindi, and maanikyam in Telugu.
2. For the moon it is pearl, called moti in HIndi and muthyam in Telugu.
3. For the mars it is red coral, moonga in Hindi, and pagadam in telugu.
4. For mercury it is emerald, panna in Hindi, and Garudapachcha in telugu.
5. For jupiter it is yellow saphire, called pukhraj in Hindi and pushyaraagam in Telugu.
6. For venus it is diamond, heera in Hindi, and vajram in Telugu.
7. For saturn it is blue saphire, neelam in hindi, Neelamu in Telugu.
8. For rahu/uranus it is hassonite( garter), gomedha, Gomedhikamu in Telugu.
9. And finally for ketu/neptune it is cats eye, Lahsunia in Hindi[6] and Vaidooryamu in Telugu.[4]

The seven main planets rule the seven days of the week. Sun rules Sunday. Moon rules Monday. Mars rules Tuesday. Mercury rules Wednesday. Jupiter rules Thursday. Venus rules Friday. Saturn rules Saturday. Rahu and Ketu do not rule any day

ముద్దు గారే యశోద ముంగిట ముత్యము వీడు
దిద్దరాని మహిమల దేవకీ సుతుడు
Muddu gAre YashodA mungita muthyamu veedu
Diddaraani mahimala Devaki suthudu
Word-Word meaning:
ముద్దు Muddu= Kiss, lovely; గారే gAre= (kAre) to pour; యశోద Yashoda= Yashoda, Krishna's mother;
ముంగిట mungita= court yard's ; ముత్యము muthyamu= pearl ; వీడు veedu= He (is)
దిద్దరాని Diddaraani= cannot be altered; మహిమల mahimala=greatness; దేవకీ Devaki= Devaki సుతుడు suthudu= son
He is the pearl of the courtyard of Yashoda, who(Yashoda) showers/pours out love;
He is the son of Devaki, the one whose greatness/miracles cannot be altered
Here Annamayya describes the two mothers of Krishna. Yashoda is the foster mother and nurtures him until He kills Kansa and meets his birth mother Devaki. So Annamayya describes Yashoda as the one who showers/pours out Kisses/love, in other words, a benevolent woman. Another word Annamayya uses to hint us about her fostering him is "mungita", the courtyard. Since Krishna grew up in Yashoda's house, He bejewels the courtyard of her house like a pearl.
Devaki herself had to undergo many haardships and miracles to give birth to Kishna. So Annamayya describes how miraculous/great she was to give birth to Krishna. So he says, "He is the son of Devaki, the one whose greatness/miracles cannot be altered".
In this stanza, Annamayya adeptly praises Yashoda, Devaki and Krishna at the same time.

అంతనింత గొల్లెతల అరచేతి మాణిక్యము
పంతమాడే కంసుని పాలి వజ్రము
కాంతుల మూడు లోకాల గరుడపచ్చా పూస
చెంతల మాలోనున్న చిన్ని కృష్ణుడు
Anthanintha gollethala arachethi manikyamu
Panthamaade Kamsuni pali vajramu
Kaanthula moodu lokala Garudapachhaapoosa
Chenthala malonunna Chinni Krishnudu
Word-word meaning:
అంతనింతAnthanintha =(Antha+intha) that much and this much; గొల్లెతల gollethala =(Golletha+la) of the shepard-woman; అరచేతి arachethi= palm; మాణిక్యము manikyamu= Ruby
పంతమాడే Panthamaade= (Panthamu+ade= obstinate+play) one who acts stubbonly; కంసుని Kansuni= Kansa's;పాలి paali= one who reigns; వజ్రము Vajramu= Diamond
కాంతుల Kanthula= of spledour, lustre ; మూడు moodu= three; లోకాల lokala= worlds; గరుడ పచ్చా GarudaPachha= Emerald; పూస poosa= bead
చెంతలchenthala= within vicinity, neighborhood; మాలోనున్న maalonunna= one who is within us; చిన్ని chinni= little; కృష్ణుడు= Krishnudu;
He is the Ruby in every( small and big, this and that) shepard-woman's palm
He is the Diamond that reigns over the stubbornly acting Kansa
He is the Emerald bead of the splendid lustrous three worlds
He is the little Krishna within everyone's reach.
This stanza is self explanatory. I guess Annamayya stresses the little Krishna, (in his physical form)is adored by shepard-woman of all ages(young and old) when he says that he fits in their palms as ruby.

రతికేళి రుఖ్మినికి రంగుమోవి పగడము
మితి గోవర్ధనపు గోమేధికము
సతమై శంఖచక్రాల సందుల వైదూర్యము
గతియై మమ్ము గాచే కమలాక్షుడు
rathikeli rukhminiki rangumovi pagadamu
mithi govardhanapu Gomedhikamu
sathamai Shankhachakrala sandula vaidhooryamu
gathiyai mammu gAche Kamalakshudu
Word-word meaning
రతి Rathi= love; rathi, wife of CUpid;కేళి Keli= sport,play, dance rathikeli= (Rathi+keli) amorous sport; రుఖ్మినికి Rukminiki=To Rukmini; రంగు Rangu= elegant,colorful;మోవి moovi= (మోవిmovi=a lip);   moova=a bell or tinkiling ornament(derived from muvva);పగడము Pagadamu=coral
మితి mithi=bound,limit ;గోవర్ధనపు Govardhanapu= The Govardhana mountain's;గోమేధికము gomedhikamu = A precious stone of yellowish color, Hassonite.
సతమై sathamei=permanently, longlasting; శంఖ shanka= conch shell;చక్రాల chakrala= of the Chakra/(Krishna's weapon , the wheel/circular saw) సందులsandula= in the hole, in between; వైదూర్యము vaiduryamu= cat's eye
గతియై gathi+ayyi= Destiny/fortune+become; మమ్ము mammu= us, గాచే gaache=guard, watch, protect, కమలాక్షుడు Kamala+akshudu=The lotus eyed one
To amorous Rukmini, He is the coral of the her lip
He is the Hassonite (stone) of the limited Govardhana mountain
He is the cat's eye that is permanently situated in between Shanka and Chakra
He is the little Krishna who protects us as destiny/the only alternative.
Here, Annamayya describes Rukmini and the three things associated with Krishna and Vishnu. movi means lip while muva means bell. He says that Krishna is Rukmini's tinkling coral of her colourful lip. For the region with in mountain Govardhana, since he lifted the mountain, He is strong as the Hassonite, bearing the burden. The Shanka and Chakra are permanently situated on two sides of his face. So Annamayya refers to Vishnu as the "Vaiduryamu/cat's eye" jewel between the two objects(shanka and chakra). finally, Krishna is the one that protects us as destiny.

కాళింగుని తలలాపై గప్పిన పుష్యరాగము
యేలేటి శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రి ఇంద్రనీలము
పాలజలనిధిలోన బాయని దివ్య రత్నము
బాలునీవలె దిరిగే పద్మనాభుడు
kalinguni thalalapai gappina pushyaragamu
yeleti Sri Venkatadri Indraneelamu
paalajalanidhilona bayani Divya ratnamu
baaluneevale dirige Padmanabhudu
కాళింగుని Kalinguni= The serpent Kalinga's ;తలలాపై talapai= on head ,గప్పిన gappina= to spread;పుష్యరాగము pushyaragam= yellow Sapphire
యేలేటి Yeleti= to reign; శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రి Venkatadri= The Venkata Hill; ఇంద్రనీలము Indraneelam= Blue Sapphire
పాలజలనిధిలోన Pala+jala+nidhula+lona= the milky(Pala) ocean's(jala) treasure (nidhi) in(lona); బాయని=(separated??) దివ్య Divya= Divine; రత్నము Ratnam= precious gem.
బాలునీవలె baaluni vale= like a child/boy; దిరిగే dirige(thirige)= to roam around; పద్మనాభుడు padmanabhudu= The one whose navel is the root for lotus
He is the yellow Sapphire that spread over the Serpent Kalinga;
He is the Blue Sapphire,reigning over the Venkata Hills;
He is the Divine jewel/gem that was distinct(even) among the milky water's( Pala Samudra) treasure.
He is the Padmanabha(the origin for this world) who roams around like a boy.
I'm guessing that Annamayya is refering to the ksheerasamudra manthan,(churning of milky ocean) which resulted in many treasures, like the kalpataru(wish fulfilling tree), kamadhenu(wish-fulfillinf cow), Lakshmi( fortune), amruthamu(elixir) etc. Even when all the treasures were churned out, the foundation for churning was given by Kurma/tortoise (Vishnu's incarnation). Annamayya says that even among the most enviable treasures, he is distinct and more precious than all of them. Or, Annamayya could be referring to the point that among the various treasures the milky ocean holds, Vishnu who resides in it, is the most precious gem.

1) Paluri Shankaranarayana, "Telugu to English Dictionary",Google books.
2) http://www.lyricsintelugu.com/2010/04/muddugare-yashoda-keerthana-lyrics-in.html
5)Priya sisters rendition of the song, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M7mjcnJGds
6) http://www.gemstoneuniverse.com/cats-eye-gemstone.php