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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

kondalalo nelakonna

This popular piece describes how the Lord Venkateshwara blessed various devotees from different castes/occupations with his Darshan/visit. Annamayya's main theme for this keerthana is to bring forth Lord's impartiality when it came to worship and devotion.

కొండలలో నెలకొన్న కోనేటి రాయడు వాడు
కొండలంత వరములు గుప్పెడు వాడు
koMDalalO nelakonna kOnaeTi raayaDu vaaDu
koMDalaMta varamulu guppeDu vaaDu

Word-Word meaning:
కొండలలో Komdalalo= in the Hills,(Konda=hill); నెలకొన్నNelakonna=to become fixed/firm; కోనేటిKoneti=a square tank with steps into it; రాయడు rayadu=Lord/King; వాడుVadu=He
కొండలంతKondalantha= as big as the hill/mountain; వరములు varamulu= boons; గుప్పెడుguppedu=fistful/ sprinkle; వాడు vaadu=one(masculine)/ he

He is the Lord of the Konerui(the pond); who became fixed on the Hills.Boons as big as the mountains but (He is only fistful/) sprinkling one.

According to Sahityakantakoddharana by T. Venkatachary, Koneru was a named used for the pond Swamypushkarini near the Tirumala Temple. Later on, the area itself was called Koneru. another important detail in this line is "Nelakonna" which means to become fixed. It is believed that Lord Venkateshwara due to some grievance(different versions of the story!!) turned into stone.So Annamayya picks his verb cleverly and says,"He is the one that became fixed on Hills". Annamayya also brings forth the magnanimity of the Lord when it comes to giving boons to his devotees.

కుమ్మర దాసుడైన కురువరతినంబి, యిమ్మన్న వరములెల్ల నిచ్చిన వాడు
దొమ్ములు సేసిన యట్టి తొండ మాం చక్కుర వర్తి, రమ్మన్న చోటికి వచ్చి నమ్మిన వాడు
kummara daasuDaina kuruvaratinaMbi, yimmanna varamulella nichchina vaaDu
dommulu saesina yaTTi toMDa maaM chakkura varti, rammanna chOTiki vachchi nammina vaaDu

Word-Word meaning:
కుమ్మర Kummara= Potter; దాసుడైన Dasudaina= who is the slave; కురువరతి నంబి Kuruvati nambi;యిమ్మన్నImmanna= whatever asked for ;వరములెల్ల varamulella= all the boons; నిచ్చినNichina= who gave;vadu వాడు= He
దొమ్ములు Dommulu=squabble; సేసిన Chesina=has done; యట్టి yatti= that/who; తొండమాం Tondaman= చక్కురవర్తి chakravarthi= King;రమ్మన్నrammanna= where ever asked to come; చోటికి chotiki= place; వచ్చిvacchi= by coming; నమ్మినnammina= believed/trusted; వాడు vadu=He;

He is the one who gave The potter slave/servant Kuruvati Nambi all the boons he asked for.
He is the one who trusted The Tondaman, the King, who always fought wars, by coming whereever he asked Him to come.

This is what I found on a website[7]. Kuruvanambi was a potter who made clay pots to cook food for the Lord. He however, never visited the temple because of being busy. So he makes a statue of the Lord with clay and offered clay flowers to the idol everyday. At the same time, the King Thondaman used to offer golden flowers to the Lord at the temple. One day, the King is surprised to see clay flowers at Lord's feet in the temple while his flowers were moved aside. It is unconditional and pure devotion that made Lord to accept the potter's clay flowers and ignore the King's golden flowers!Annamacharya also composed "kuruvanambi tirumala kuruvanambi", a song on the devotion of Kuruvanambi.

A couple of versions about King Thondaman. The one mentioned above. That he is the one who actually built the temple at Tirumala and the second verse refers to that the Lord appeared as idol wherever Thondaman built the temple.The other is that he is the brother of Padmavathi devi and fought battles vehemently and Lord Srinivasa protected him from a squabble.In anycase, the line refers that Thondaman built the Tirupathi Temple and the Lord appeared in that temple.

అచ్చపు వేడుకతోడ ననంతాళు వారికి, ముచ్చిలి వెట్టికి మన్ను మోచిన వాడు
మచ్చిక దొలక దిరుమలనంబి తోడుత,నిచ్చనిచ్చ మాటలాడి నొచ్చిన వాడు
achchapu vaeDukatODa nanaMtaaLu vaariki
muchchili veTTiki mannu mOchina Vaduz
machchika dolaka dirumalanaMbi tODuta
nichchanichcha maaTalaaDi nochchina vaaDu

Word-Word meaning:
అచ్చపుacchapu=with pure/transparent; వేడుకతోడnuVedukathodanu=with grandeur; అనంతాళువారికిananthaluvariki= to Annanthaluvar;
ముచ్చిలిmucchili=back of the neck; వెట్టికిvettiki= for unpaid labor;మన్నుmannu=mud; మోచిన mochina=who bore/carried; వాడుVaadu=He
మచ్చికmacchika= love; తోలకdolaka= without hiding/driving away;దిరుమలనంబిThirimala Nambi; తోడుతThodutha= immediately,forthrightly;
నిచ్చనిచ్చNityaa nitya=day after day/ everyday; మాటలాడి mataladi=by speaking;; నొచ్చిన nochina=perform a religious act; వాడు vaadu=he

With pure grandeur for Annantha Alvar,He carried mud on the back of his neck with unpaid labor.
Without hiding his love for Thirumala Nambi, He is the religious one, who fortrightly spoke day after day!

So the Lord
Anantha Alwar:[4]
Anantha Alwar was a disciple of Ramanujan and settled down in Tirumala to serve Lord Venkateswara as ordered by his Guru. He took utmost care in serving the Lord himself. In one instance, he saw a boy helping his wife by carrying mud for planting in the garden meant for Lord's service. Ananthalwar immediately forbid the boy from helping and hit him with a crowbar. The boy ran into the temple and Anantha Alwar chased the boy and found blood oozing from Lord Venkateswara's chin. Anantha Alwar then knew that the boy was the Lord himself in disguise. He applied camphor to Lord's bleeding chin and prayed for forgiveness.
"The crowbar can even today be seen at the entrance of the temple as a memento to the dedicated devotion of Anantharya. The camphor is distributed as Prasad {Sri padarenu}."

Thirumala Nambi:[5]
"Thirumalai nambi was called Srisaila-Purna who dedicated himself to the service of Lord Srinivasa. He used to bring water from Papavinasam situated five miles from Tirumalai for the puja. One day, a fowler approached him and asked for water addressing him as ``Tata''.
Srisaila-purna refused to use the water intended for the Abhishekam of the Lord in any other manner lest it should become contaminated. By the time he reached the shrine he saw the fowler behind him, drinking the water that poured out through a small hole caused by the shot of an arrow. When he was approached next day, Srisaila-purna discharged an arrow at a hillock nearby and water came gushing forth from there.
The fowler commanded that water for the Aradhanam of the Lord should thenceforth be brought from the new fountain and then disappeared. This new fountain is Akasa Ganga. Srisaila-purna was convinced that the fowler who addressed him as ``Tata'' was none other than Lord Srinivasa." Annamayya refers to this incident where the Lord in the form of a fowler/deer spoke with Thirumala Nambi for a few days, firstly asking for water and secondly, telling him about the fountain to be used for Lord's service.

కంచిలోనుండ తిరుకచ్చినంబి మీద, కరుణించి తనయెడకు రప్పించిన వాడు
ఎంచి యెక్కుడైన వేంకటేశుడు మనలకు, మంచివాడై కరుణ బాలించినవాడు
kaMchilOnuMDa tirukachchinaMbi meeda; karuNiMchi tanayeDaku rappiMchina vaaDu
eMchi yekkuDaina vaeMkaTaeSuDu manalaku; maMchivaaDai karuNa baaliMchinavaaDu

Word-Word meaning:
కంచిలో Kanchilo= In Kanchi; నుండnunda= who was there; తిరుకచ్చినంబిThirukachi nambi; మీద Meeda= on;
కరుణించి Karuninchi=by having compassion;తనthana= himself;యెడకుyedaku= in front of; రప్పించినrappinchi= made to come; వాడు vaadu= He
ఎంచి Yenchi=by measuring/discretion;  యెక్కుడైనYekkadaina=whereever; వేంకటేశుడు Venkateshudu (Venkata+eeshudu)= Venkata's Diety; మనలకు manalaku= to us;
మంచివాడై manchivadai= by becoming good person; కరుణ karuna= mercy; పాలించిన paalinchina= to rule; వాడు Vaadu
He is the one who made Thirukachi nambi who was in Kanchi come to Him out of compassion.
By discretion, anytime Venkateshudu is the one to guard us as He is the good person with mercy.

Thirukachi nambi: [6]
Thirukachi nambi, a Vaishya by birth, did the Alavatta Kanikaryam ( Fanning service ) to Lord Varadharajar and he had a Parama Bhagayam of Having a dialogue with Lord Vardhan.
He did initially did the fanning services to Lord Perarulalan. He wanted to do the service to Sri Ranganathar of Srirangam, but lord Ranganathar told that he is surrounded by Cauvery river and it is cool, so he instructed him to serve the Lord of Seven hills Sri Srinivasan. Then Thirukachi Nambhi went to Thirumalai and told the Niyamanam of Lord Ranganathar. Lord Srinivasan told He is surrounded by Hills, Clouds and Cool breeze, so visit Kanchi do Alavatta sevai to Lord Varadharajar as he has come out from Agni Jawalai from the Yagya done by Brahma and Lord Perarulalan needs the Kanikaryam more. Then he came to Kanchi back and did the sevai to Perarulalan.
The important thing is that the Thirukachi nambi, the Vaishya, had the privilege of having a dialogue/conversation with all the Lords of different temples.
As always, please feel free to comment or suggest anything that you think might make the understanding of this keerthana better.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2006/10/23kondalalo-nelakonna.html
[2]Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana
[3] http://venkateswara.freeservers.com/srisaila.html
[7] http://www.sohamtimes.org/2011/03/darshan-of-the-lord/