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Monday, November 11, 2013

jo achytananda jo jo mukunda

This is the most popular lullaby for the Lord describing his childhood leelas during Krishna avatar. I can bet that every Telugu-speaking family must have heard atleast a few stanzas from this song. Lullabies are usually sung to infants and young children, serving as the soothing songs telling bedtime stories so that they sleep with good thoughts. This particular one is different because, Annamayya is telling the story of Lord Krishna to the Lord himself as Lord Venkateswara! Another interesting aspect is that Annamayya describes the episodes/leelas, sometimes from first person perspective, as a Gopika. Following are two different variations of the song in different raagas.
Priya sisters rendition of the song in Neelambari(?) raga , click here
MS Subbalakshmi's rendition of the same song in Kapi(?) raga , click here

జో అచ్యుతానంద జోజో ముకుందా రావె పరమానంనద , రామ గోవిందా జోజో జోజో
P: jO achyutAnanda jO jO mukundA rAvE paramAnanda rAma gOvinda
జో jo=sleep, a syllable that is used for lullabys; అచ్యుతానంద Achyutha+ananda=eternal+happiness/bliss;  జోజో= sleep sleep; ముకుందాMukunda=a precious stone/name of Vishnu; రావెraave= come dear; పరమానంనదParamaananda= the supreme bliss; రామ raama=pleasant / Rama, king of Ayodhya; గోవిందాGovinda=Govinda; జోజో జోజో
Sleep (dear) Eternally blissful one!Sleep (dear) Vishnu!O, Supreme bliss come to pleasant Govinda!! Sleep ....
The word "Rama' when used as an adjective, actually means pleasant. while the noun is for the King of Ayodhya. I guess Rama was named so because he was pleasant/pleasing in appearance and behavior!
Annamayya refers to sleep as supreme bliss here.

... నందునింటనుజేరి నయముమీరంగా
చంద్రవదనలు నీకు సేవచేయంగా
అందముగ వారిండ్ల ఆడుచుండంగా
మందలకు దొంగ మా ముద్దురంగా జోజో జోజో...
C1. nanduninTanucEri nayamu mIranga candravadanalu nIku sEva cEyanga
andamuga vArinDla aaDucunDangA mandalaku donga mA muddu ranga
 నందునిNanduni=Nanda's; ఇంటనుintanu=house; జేరిcheri= to have come; నయముnayamu= benefit, morality,justice;మీరంగాmeeranga= having surpassed; చంద్రChandra= Moon;వదనలుvadanalu= faced; నీకుneeku= to you; సేవseva=service; చేయంగాcheyanga= having done; అందముగandamuga= beautifully; వారిండ్లvaarindla= in their houses; ఆడుచుండంగా aaduchundanga= while playing;మందలకుmandalaku=herd ; దొంగdonga= thief; మాmaa= our; ముద్దుmuddu= lovely/ kiss-able; రంగా ranga=Colored man, Krishna;
Having come to Nanda's house, (you) even having surpassed the morality/dignity;  as the moon-faced ones  served you, beautifully played in their houses; the thief in the herd is our lovable Colored Krishna!
The line "mandalaku donga" means the thief among the herd. As we know, a herd is used with cows(animals). Annamayya refers to the cow herd and says He is the thief of the cow-herd!

పాలవారాశిలో పవళించినావు,
బాలుగా మునులుకు అభయమిచ్చినావు,
మేలుగా వసుదేవుకుదయించినావు,
బాలుడై ఉండి గోపాలుడైనావూ జోజో జోజో...
pAla vArASi lO pavvaLincinAvu bAlugA munulaka bhayamiccinAvu
mElugA vasudEvukudayincinAvu bAluDai yunDi gOpAluDainAvu
పాలpaala= milk;వారాశిలోvarasilo=ocean; పవళించినావు=you slept; బాలుగాbaaluga= as a boy; మునులకుmunulaku= to sages; అభయముabhayamu=protection from fear; ఇచ్చినావు= you gave;మేలుగా meluga= for safety; వసుదేవుకుvasudevuku=to Vasudeva;ఉదయించినావుudayinchiavu= you dawned; బాలుడై baaludai=as boy; ఉండిundi=being/ present; గోపాలుడైనావూgopladudainavu= gopaludu+ainavu= cow-herdsman+you became; జోజో జోజో
In the milk ocean (you) slept;
as a boy you gave protection from fear to sages;
 for safety, you dawned to Vasudeva;
being a boy, you became the protector of cows.
The first reference is to Vishnu sleeping in the ksheerasagar or milky ocean.

అట్టుగట్టిన మీగడట్టె తిన్నాడే
పట్టి కోడలు మూతిపై రాసినాడే
అట్టే తినెనని యత్త యడుగ విన్నాడే
గట్టిగా నిధి దొంగ కొట్టుమన్నాడే
aTTugaTTina mIgaDaTTe tinnADE paTTi kODalu mUtipai rAsinADE
aTTe tinenavi yaTTa yaDugavinnADE gaTTigA nidi donga koTTumannADE
అట్టుక attuka=a loft under the roof; కట్టినkattina=tied/ formed; మీగడట్టెmeegada+atte= cream+like that; తిన్నాడేthinnade= ate;పట్టిpatti= holding; కోడలుkodalu= daughter-in-law; మూతిపైmoothipai= on the mouth; రాసినాడేrasinade= to spread;అట్టేate= like this only; తినెననిthinenai= ate; యత్తatta= mother-in-law; యడుగaduga= when asked; విన్నాడే vinnade= heard;గట్టిగాgattiga= strongly; నిధి nidhi=treasure; దొంగdonga=thief; కొట్టుమన్నాడేkottumannade=asked to hit/beat;
He ate the cream tied to the roof loft just like that!
He held and rubbed (it)on the daughter-in-law's mouth just like that!
When the mother-in-law asked, he just heard/listened;
The treasure thief asked her(mother-in-law) to hit (daughter-in-law) strongly.
There is a shift in narration tone. Annamayya describes the scene as if he is present at the scene. Here Annamayya describes how Krishna implicates the daughter-in-law of the house in the theft  of cream that he committed actually. He urges the mother-in law to hit her as a punishment. An example that the mischievous Krishna derived pleasure by instigating anger and fights between the women.

గొల్లవారిండ్లకు గొబ్బునకు బోయి
కొల్లలుగా త్రావి కుండలను నేయి
చెల్లునా మగనాండ్ర జెలిగి యీశాయీ
చిల్లతనములు సేయ జెల్లునటవోయి
gOllavArinDlakunu gobbunaku bOyi kollalugA trAvi kunDalanu nEyi
cEllunAmaganAnDra jelagi ee Sayi cillitanamulu sEya jellunaTa vOyi
గొల్లgolla=cow-herdsmen; వారిండ్లకుvari+indlaku= their+to houses; గొబ్బునకుgobbunaku= quickly; బోయిpoyi =gone; కొల్లలుగాkollaluga=as plunder/pillage; త్రావిthravi=having drunk; కుండలనుkundalanu= pots; నేయిneeyi=ghee;చెల్లునాchelluna=prevail,having accomplished as desire; మగనాండ్ర maganandra =married women; జెలిగిcheligi=to be pleasant or agreeable; యీశా యీ= (???) చిల్లతనములుchillathanamulu= trivial things;futilities; సేయseya= do;  జెల్లునటవోయిchellu+ata+voyi= prevail+ is that so +sir/man;
He goes to the cow-herdsmen houses quickly and plunders the ghee/butter in the pots by drinking;
He prevails over the married women and makes them pleasant/agreeable(instead of angry)
He makes them do silly things; As if this will prevail/work!

రేపల్లె సతులెల్ల గోపంబుతోను
గోపమ్మ మీకొడుకు మాయిండ్లలోను
మాపుగానే వచ్చి మా మానములను
నీ పాపడే చెరిచె నేమందుమమ్మ
repalle satulella gopambutOnu gopamma mI koDuku mA inDlalOnu
mApu gAnE vacci mA mAnamulanu nI pApaDE cer''ace - nEmandumamma!
రేపల్లెrepalle= village; సతులెల్లsathulella= women+all; కోపంబుతోనుkopambuthoni= wit anger; గోపమ్మgopamma= the cow-herd-woman; మీmee= your;కొడుకుkoduku= son; మాmaa=our; యిండ్లలోను indlalonu= in houses;మాపుగానేmaapugane= in the evening only; వచ్చిvacchi= comes; మా maa= our; మానములనుmaanamulanuni=honor/self-respect/pride;నీnee=your;పాపడేpaapade= boy/infant only; చెరిచెcherachi= to violate/spoil; నేమందుమమ్మeemi+andumu+amma=what+ say+mother/lady;
All the village women,  in a fit of anger (said) " Cowherdswoman(Yashoda), your son comes to our houses in the evening itself . Your infant spoils our pride/respect. What do we say lady?"
There are a couple of interpretations to this. One is that Krishna spoils their honor/respect by making love to them. The other that he actually crushes/spoils their pride/ego.

ఒకనియాలిని దెచ్చి నొకని కడబెట్టి
జగడములు కలిపించి సతిపతుల బట్టి
పగలు నలుజాములును బాలుడై నట్టి
మగనాండ్ర చేపట్టి మదనుడై నట్టి...
oka yAlini decci - nokani kaDabeTTi jagaDamula galipinci satipatula baTTi
pagalu nalu jAmulunu bAluDai naTTi maganAnDra jEpaTTi madanuDainaTTi !
ఒకనిokani= one's;యాలినిaalini= wife; దెచ్చిthechi= brought; నొకనిokani=one's; కడkada=place;బెట్టిbetti= put;జగడములుjagadamulu= quarrels/fights; కలిపించిkalipinchi=to bring forth; సతిపతులsathi+pathula= women's husbands; బట్టిbatti=to cause;పగలుpagalu= day; నలుజాములునుnalu+jamulunu= four+quarterof 12 hours(3 hours), 12 hours ;  బాలుడైbaludai= as boy; నట్టిyatti= that; మగనాండ్రmaganandra= married woman; చేపట్టిchepatti= to take into hands; మదనుడైmadanudai= as Cupid;నట్టి natti=this;
"He brought someone's wife and put in someone else's place; started fights/quarells between the husbands of those wives. At bright noon in daylight, that little boy (of yours) held hands of a married woman as Cupid."

గోవర్థనంబెల్ల గొడుగుగాగ పట్టి
కావరమ్మున నున్న కంసు పడకొట్టి
నీవుమధురాపురము నేల చేబట్టి
 ఠీవితో నేలిన దేవకీ పట్టి...
gOvadhanambella goDugugA baTTi kAvaramuna nunna kamsubaDagoTTi
nIvu madhurApuramu nElajEpaTTi ThIvitO nElina dEvakI paTTi
గోవర్థనంGovardhanambu= the mountain named Govardhana;బెల్లella= all; గొడుగుగాgoduguga= as umbrella; పట్టిpatti= hold; కావరమ్మునkavaramuna=pride/arrogant; ఉన్నunna=there; కంసుkamsu=the demon Kamsa; పడకొట్టిpadakotti= to defeat/;నీవుneevu= you;మధురాMadhura= name of city Madhura;పురముpuramu= city; నేలela= reign; చేబట్టిchebatti= to take over; ఠీవితోtheevitho= with grandeur ; నేలినelina= reigned; దేవకీDevaki= Devaki's; పట్టిpatti=child;
Having held the whole of govardhana as umbrella; having defeated the arrogance filled Kamsa;
You took over the reigns of Madhura city into your hands and ruled it with grandeur, O Devaki's child!

అంగజునిగన్న మాయన్నయిటు రారా
బంగారుగిన్నెలో పాలుపోసేరా
దొంగనీవని సతులు పొంగుచున్నరా
ముంగిటానాడరా మొహనాకారా జోజో జోజో...
angajuniganna mAyanna iTurAra bangAruginnelO pAluposErA
donganIvani satulu bonducunnArA mungiTanADarA mOhanAkArA
అంగజునిangajuni=Cupid; కన్న=given birth; మాయన్నmaayanna= my elder brother;యిటు itu= this way;రారాrara= come come;బంగారుbangaru= golden;గిన్నెలోginnelo=in the bowl; పాలుpaalu= milk; పోసేరాposera= poured;దొంగdonga= thief;నీవనిneevani= you as; సతులుsathulu= women; పొంగు= to boil/to overflow;  చున్నరాchunnara=are they?ముంగిటmungita= front threshold; ఆడరాaadara= play; మొహనాకారా mohana+akara=bewitching+shaped one;
My elder brother who gave birth to Cupid come this way;
In golden bowl, (I) poured milk;
calling you as the thief, are the women boiling (with anger)?
Play in the front yard; O bewitching shaped one!
Calling someone as "anna" or big brother is colloquial way of showing affection.Krishna's son is considered to be an incarnation of Cupid.

అంగుగా తాళ్ళాపాకనయ్య చాలా
శృంగార రచనగా చెప్పెనీ జోల
సంగతిగ సకల సంపదలు నీవేలా
మంగళము తిరుపట్ల మదనగోపాలా జోజో జోజో
angugA tALLapAkannayya cAla shngAra racanagA ceppE nIjOla
sangatigA sakala sampadala nIvELa mangaLamu tirupaTla madanagOpAla
అంగుగాanguga= beautifully,gracefully; తాళ్ళాపాకనయ్యTallapaka+annaya = Tallapaka's brother; చాలాchala= great deal; శృంగారshrungara=  ;రచనగాrachanaga=writing; చెప్పెcheppe= told;నీ nee=your;జోలjola= matter/lullaby; సంగతిగsangathiga=as a matter of fact; సకలsakala= all; సంపదలుsampadulu= wealths; నీవేలాneevu+ela= you+reign;మంగళముmangalamu= good omen; తిరుపట్లthiru patla= at Thiru (Hill); మదనmadana=Cupid/lovely; గోపాలాgopala= cow herdsman;
Beautifully has Tallapakka brother with lovely writing told your lullby;
As a matter, all the treasure you rule;
Good omen to the lovely cow-herdsman at the Thiru Hill.

[1]Paluri Shankarnarayana" Telugu to English dictionary"