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Friday, May 23, 2014

Chudaramma sathulara...

This is a bridal song, usually sung during the wedding ceremony of Andal with Venkatesha, basically describing the qualities of Lakshmi. Annamayya in the first stanza itself, makes it clear that he is urging all the friends(girlfriends) to sing bridal songs as the Lady who offered her garland (to Venkatesha) is going to get married. He later starts off the next stanza by saying that"She is Lakshmi herself" and then describes all the qualities of Lakshmi indirectly, by referring to a person/thing related to Lakshmi who/that is popularly known for that quality. This particular poetic style, is noteworthy. This style is commonly used in colloquial references/speech in current times but with a negative/jealous tinge.

ప:- చూడరమ్మ సతులారా సోబాన పాడరమ్మ
కూడున్నది పతి చూడి కుడుత నాంచారి
cUDaramma satulArA sObAna pADaramma
kUDunnadi pati cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri
చూడరమ్మcUDaramma=(chudara+amma) see, o mother/lady!lady;సతులారాsatulArA= all ladies, [Variation సతులాలాsathulala, should be సతులెల్ల sathulella(సతులు+ఎల్లా )= (ladies+all)all the ladies; ]సోబానsObAna= a marriage song ;పాడరమ్మpaadaramma= sing
కూడున్నదిkudunnadi= going to join; పతిpati= husband; చూడి కుడుత నాంచారిchudi kudutha nanchari= Lady (nanchari)whose ornaments(soodi), she offered(kudutha)(tamil)
 see O dear ladies,sing a marriage song
As (she is ) going to join her husband(in marriage), the Lady who offered her ornaments, (to the Lord)
Annamayya usually describes the topic of the poem/song he writes in the first stanza itself. So the first line indicates that this is a marriage song, that is being sung in praise of the bride,who offered her garland to Lord. Andal, with the intention of marrying Venkateshwara,  used to offer the Lord the garland she wore, everyday for puja. Annamayya calls upon all the ladies to sing the marriage song.
 Andal was a poetess herself and wrote two books, one being the famous Vaarnam Aiyram.

చ:- శ్రీమహాలక్ష్మియట సింగారాలకే మరుదు
కాముని తల్లియట చక్కదనాలకే మరుదు
సోముని తోబుట్టువట సొంపుకళలకేమరుదు
కోమలాంగి ఈ చూడి కుడుత నాంచారి
SrImahAlakShmiyaTa siMgArAlakE marudu kAmuni talliyaTa cakkadanAlakE marudu
sOmuni tObuTTuvaTa soMpukaLalakEmarudu kOmalAMgi I cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri
శ్రీమహాలక్ష్మిSrImahAlakShmi= sri maha Lakshmi ;యటata=they say; సింగారాలకేమరుదు siMgArAlakE marudu (Singaralaku+emi+arudu)=ornaments/embellishments+what+scarcity; కామునిkAmuni = Cupid; తల్లిtalli= mother; యటyaTa=they say; చక్కదనాలకేమరుదు cakkadanAlakEmarudu (cakkadanamulu +emi+arudu)=elegancy+what+scarcity; సోమునిsOmuni = Moon; తోబుట్టువట tObuTTuvaTa(thobutthuvu+ata)= sibling+they say; సొంపుకళలకేమరుదు soMpukaLalakEmarudu (sompu+kalalu+emi+arudu)=Grace+arts+what+ scarcity; కోమలాంగిkOmalAMgi = (tender+made of parts)tenderful;ఈee=this; చూడి కుడుత నాంచారిcUDi kuDuta nAMcAri= Lady who wore (garlands) before offering(tamil)
She is Sri Maha Lakshmi, they say, for ornaments/embellishment, what scarcity would there be?
Cupid's mother, they say, for elegancy, what scarcity?
Moon's sibling, they say,for grace and arts, what scarcity?
tenderful, is this Lady who offered her flowers.
Annamayya starts of with the first presumption/analogy he makes. People call Andal to be Sri Maha lakshmi herself. And Lakshmi is known for fortune. Hence he says that since people say that she is Lakshmi, then there is no scarcity of embellishments for her. With the first analogy, Lakshmi is supposed to be Cupid's(Kamadeva)  mother, during the Dwaparayuga, as Krishna's wife. Cupid is known for elegancy.
Lakshmi is supposed to have been born from the ksheersagar manthan(churning of the milky ocean) along with the moon. Hence, Moon is a sibling of Lakshmi. Moon is known for grace, with the curves in the cresent.
Andal decided in adolescence that she wanted to marry Venkateshwara. So Annamayya calls her tender.

చ:- కలశాబ్ధి కూతురట గంభీరలకే మరుదు
తలపలోక మాతయట దయ మరి ఏమరుదు
జలజనివాసినియట చల్లదనమేమరుదు
కొలదిమీర ఈ చూడి కుడుత నాంచారి
kalaSAbdhi kUturaTa gaMBIralakE marudu talapalOka mAtayaTa daya mari Emarudu
jalajanivAsiniyaTa calladanamEmarudu koladimIra I cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri
కలశాబ్ధిkalaSAbdhi = the milky ocean;కూతురటkUturaTa =daughter, they say;గంభీరలకేమరుదు gaMBIralakEmarudu (gambheeralaku+emi+arudu)=gravity/profound/deep+what+scarcity; తలపలోక talapalOka = thought/imaginary/illusionary+world;మాతయటmAta+yaTa= mother+they say,దయdaya = mercy; మరిmari =then; ఏమరుదుEmarudu=what scarcity?
జలజjalaja= Lotus; నివాసినియటnivAsini+yaTa = residing/living+they say;చల్లదనమేమరుదు calladanamEmarudu(calladanamu+emi+arudu)=coolness+what+scarcity?
కొలదిమీర koladimIra(koladi+meera)= limit/excellence+exceed; ఈee= this; చూడి కుడుత నాంచారి
The milky ocean's daughter (she is), they say, for gravity, what scarcity?
Of the thought/illusionary world,(she is) mother , they say, for mercy,then what scarcity?
Lotus residence, they say, for coolness, what scarcity?
(She is) limit/excellence exceeded (in everything), this lady who offered her embellishments.
An ocean, is supposed to be deep, with great gravity and profoundness. So Annamayya refers to the point that  since Maha Lakshmi was born from the milky ocean's(Ksheerasagar) churning, her father is the Ocean, so she must have the characteristic of gravity of the ocean.
Maya is a word usually used with the desires and illusionary world. Often Vishnu is refereed to be the creator of all maya(the father). Hence, Lakshmi would then be the mother of the illusionary world. Since she is the mother, she would be forgiving and mercyful.
Annamayya refers to her saying that she is always cool in temper, as she resides on the Lotus. Finally, with all these characteristics, she has nobody on the par of excellence. She surpassed excellence :).

చ:- అమరవందితయట అట్టీ మహిమ ఏమరుదు
అమౄతము చుట్టమట ఆనందాలకేమరుదు
తమితో శ్రీవేంకటేశు తానె వచ్చి పెండ్లాడె
కౌమెర వయస్సు ఈ చూడి కుడుత నాంచారి
ca:- amaravaMditayaTa aTTI mahima Emarudu amRutamu cuTTamaTa AnaMdAlakEmarudu
tamitO SrIvEMkaTESu thAne vacci peMDlADe kaumera vayassu I cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri
అమరamamra= immortals; వందితvandita= saluted,prayed; యటaTa= they say; అట్టీaTTI=such;మహిమmahima= miracle;ఏమరుదుEmarudu(emi+arudu)=what+scarcity?
అమౄతముamRutamu= elixir; చుట్టమటcuTTamaTa (chuttamu+ata)= relative+they say; ఆనందాలకేమరుదుAnaMdAlakEmarudu(Anandalaku+emi+arudu)=Happiness+what+scarcity
తమితోtamitO(thami+tho)=with love; శ్రీవేంకటేశుSrIvEMkaTESu =Lord Venkatesa; తానెthAne= himself;  వచ్చిvacci=came; పెండ్లాడెpeMDlADe= wed;
కౌమరkoumara= youth;వయస్సుvayassu= age; ఈ చూడి కుడుత నాంచారి
(she is) Immortals prayed one, they say,for such miracles what scarcity?
Elixir is a relative, they say, for happiness, what scarcity?
With love, Venkatesha, himself came and wedded;
this youth- aged, lady who offered her embellishment(garland)
The immortals or devatas salute her always. That would imply that she is miraculous.
Amrutha came out of the same Ksheersagar manthan(churning) from which Lakshmi herself appeared. That makes elixir/amrutham a relative. In actual sense it(elixir) would be a sibling, but Annamayya terms it as a "relative" probablybecause he has already said that the moon is the sibling of Lakshmi. elixir is supposed to remove all pain(physical) and hence the source of happiness.Lakshmi hence would possess the quality of her distant relative and cause happiness.
Finally, since this is a bridal song, Annamayya ends the poem with reference to her husband, Venkatesha, and the lore of their happiness. So Venkatesha himself came down to marry this young lady who offered her embellishment(garland).

[2]Lyrics from