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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

natanala bhramayaku

In this song Annamayya is talking to his own mind explaining the theatrics of this world and the worldliness. The tone is that of giving advice to his mind not to fall in the trap of this worldliness.
MS Subbulakshmi's rendition is really heart touching. You can find it here. The youtube video also has english subtitles to the song.

ప|| నటనల భ్రమయకు నా మనసా | ఘటియించు హరియే కలవాడు ||
pa|| naTanala Bramayaku nA manasA | GaTiyiMcu hariyE kalavADu ||
నటనలnatanala= of the dramas; భ్రమయకుbhramayaku= illusion; నాnaa= my; మనసాmanasa= mind | ఘటియించుghatinchu= the causer;  హరియేhariye= Lord HAri is only; కలవాడుkalavadu= the possessor, rich man ||
Of the dramas' illusion, my mind
the causer Lord Hari is the wealthy man.
Annamayya is talking to his mind and tells his mind that for all the illusions from the dramas/theatrics, the causer himself is the richest man. Annamayya is referring to two things: firstly that Hari is the cause for all the dramas and illusions(maya); secondly that Hari is also the possessor of these dramas, and would never be short of them.

చ|| ముంచిన జగమిది మోహినీ గజము | పొంచిన యాస పుట్టించేది |
వంచనల నిజమువలెనే వుండును | మంచులు మాయలె మరునాడు ||
ca|| muMcina jagamidi mOhinI gajamu | poMcina yAsa puTTiMcEdi |
vaMcanala nijamuvalenE vuMDunu | maMculu mAyale marunADu ||
ముంచినmunchina= drowned; జగమిదిjagamidi(jagamu+idi)=(world+this) this world; మోహినీmohini= Lord Vishnu's Lady incarnation as Mohini; గజముgajamu=the elephant  | పొంచిన ponchina= lurking,lie in waiting; ఆసaasa=desire; పుట్టించేదిputtinchedi=giving birth|
వంచనలvanchanala=deceits; నిజముnijamu=truth; వలెనేvalane=like, seems; వుండునుvundunu=be | మంచులు manchulu= fog, precipitation; మాయలెmayale= disappear; మరునాడుmaranadu= the next day ||
Drowned is this world, Mohini and Gaja(episodes); All the lurking desires are given birth by this(world);
Deceits appear like the truth; Fog disappears the next day.
Munchina(drowns) is used as a slang meaning something that destroys (by drowning). Annamayya here says that this world is deemed to drown. The examples of this character of the world are the episodes of Mohini and Gaja(elephant). I know these episodes separately but I am not clear about why Annamayya chose those two as examples for the "doomed world". It would be really helpful if anybody who better understands this poem can share their views about this.
In "mohini"Vishnu takes the form of a beautiful women to distract the asuras(demons) from fighting for the elixir and slyly gives all of the elixir to the Gods.
In the episode of the Gajendra mokshamu, an elephant prays and has Narayana come to its rescue when it is attacked by a crocodile in the river.
In the other part of the line, Annamayya talks about the world giving birth to all the underlying desires; thereby giving the reason for calling it a "drowning world". All deceits appear like truths, just as the fog. But the actual truth is that fog disappears the next day, i.e, all these deceits/ illusions eventually disappear.

చ|| సరి సంసారము సంతలకూటమి | సొరిది బజారము చూపేది |
గరిమ నెప్పుడు గలకల మనుచుండును | మరులగు విధమే మాపటికి ||
ca|| sari saMsAramu saMtalakUTami | soridi bajAramu cUpEdi |
garima neppuDu galakala manucuMDunu | marulagu vidhamE mApaTiki ||
సరిsari= right/apt/correct; సంసారముsansaramu= the worldliness; సంతలsanthala= of the fair/market; కూటమిkootami= collection | సొరిదిsoridi= arranged/in order; పజారముpacharamu=shop; చూపేదిchoopedi= which shows |
గరిమgarima=greatness/majesty (pride); నెప్పుడుeppudu= always; గలకలkalakala= used to describe glittering substances; మనుచుండునుmanuchundunu(manuchu+undunu)=(like+be there) similar to | మరులగుmarulagu(marulu+agu)= (again/desires+happen) happening again; విధమేvidhame= way; మాపటికిmaapatiki= in the evening(literally at the end of the day) ||
The right worldliness is a collection of fairs/markets; an arranged shop/business is shown by this(worldliness)
Greatness always glitters, just as desires happen again at the end of the day
Samsaramu refers to the physical world of family, relatives, society etc. Annamayya says that this worldliness is actually a fair/market, that clearly shows an orderly manner of the businesses. Annamayya is referring to the relations one has, which he calls businesses. He also stresses on the business being very orderly oriented.
Just a side note regarding the song rendition by MS Subbulakshmi. When you hear the song by MS Subbulakshmi, you'll notice that for this stanza( especially for the first line) ML Vasantha Kumari Radha Vishwanathan[4] who is providing vocal support to MS Subbulakshmi, sings it in a slightly different pitch, there by taking the song to a different level.
In the second line, Annamayya describes the essence of greatness that always appears to be shining. "marulagu" has two different meanings. One is that it is going to "happen again". The other meaning  "desires happen" from the word "marulu" meaning desires or mohamu. Thus, Annamayya says that even though greatness appears to be glittering, at the end of the day, it is just like desires that keep changing everyday.

చ|| కందువ దేహముగాని ముదియదిది | అందిన రూప మాడేదిది |
యెందును శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వరుండును | డిందు పడగనిదె తెరమరుగు ||
ca|| kaMduva dEhamugAni mudiyadidi | aMdina rUpa mADEdidi |
yeMdunu SrI vEMkaTESvaruMDunu | DiMdu paDaganide teramarugu ||
కందువkanduva= an upper garment/cloth; దేహముdehamu= body;గానిkani= but; ముదియదిదిmudiyadidi(mudiyu+adu+idi)=(grow old+not+this) this does not grow old | అందినandina= available; రూపమాడేదిదిroopamadedidi(roopamu+adedi+idi)= (shape+take+this) this takes the shape |
యెందునుyendunu=where ; శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వరుండునుSri Venkateshurundunu=Sri Venkatesha stays; | డిందు indu= this place; పడగనిదెpadakanide(padayu+kanire)= (bring forth/feel+ as seen by the eyes) felt by the eyes; తెరthera= curtain;మరుగుmarugu= conceal; ||
upper garment-like is this body, but this(soul) does not grow old; Available shape is taken by this (soul?)
Where Sri Venkatesha stays/resides; that place brings before the eyes the curtain that is concealed.
I am assuming that Annamayya describes the nature of the soul in the first line, since he does not mention soul at all in the first line, which is interesting as Annamayya always clearly mentions without raising any ambiguity.  He says that the body is like an upper garment for the soul, but the soul does not get old even though this garment(body) grows old. This is similar to what Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that the body is like a garment for the soul.When the garment/body grows old, the soul  takes another shape, whichever is available.
In the second line Annamayya describes the impact Venkatesha has on the dramas of this life, there by bring to end his first instance of this world being dramatic. Where ever Venkatesha resides, the concealed curtain of this theatre is brought before the eyes. Annamayya refers sublimely that if One makes his mind/heart an abode to Sri Venkatesha, that person's mind/heart understands the essence of life and also the theatrics.

Any comments or suggestions that help in better understanding are appreciated.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2007/07/265natanala-bramayaku-na-manasa.html
[3] Paluri Shankarnarayana, Telugu to English dictionary.
[4] http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chennai/Music-lovers-sing-praises-of-MS-Subbulakshmi-daughter-on-97th-birth-anniversary/articleshow/22642475.cms