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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Antayu neeve

This keerthana is another of Annamaayya's tribute to the various names of Vishnu/Venkatesha. However, the main theme depicts how Annamayya perceives his Lord Venkatesha. Unlike most of his other keerthanas where Annamayya usually describes a scene of Lord and/or his consorts, and a transcedental perspective to mundane things,  this keerthana brings forth Annamayya's personal feelings.  While most of the poem is self-explanatory and so no discussion is added, it is interesting to understand the choice of epithets Ananamayya uses for each aspect of his being.
I have this keerthana in a different format but hope that it does not make much difference to the overall concept of understanding the meaning better.

అంతయు నీవే హరి పుండరీకాక్ష - చెంతనాకు నీవే శ్రీరఘురామ
aMtayu neevae hari puMDareekaaksha - cheMtanaaku neevae Sreeraghuraama
అంతయుantayu= entireity; నీవేneeve= you only; హరిhari= Hari, the one who steals ; పుండరీకాక్ష pundareekaksha(pundarikamu+akshudu)=(white lotus+eyed one) the lotus eyed one; చెంతchentha= near-by; నాకుnaaku= for me; నీవేneeve= you only; శ్రీరఘురామsri raghuraama= The Rama of Raghu dynasty;
Entireity is you, Hari, the lotus eyed one; near for me is you Raghu's rama

కులమును నీవే గోవిందుడా నా - కలిమియు నీవే కరుణానిధి
kulamunu neevae gOviMduDaa naa - kalimiyu neevae karuNaanidhi
కులమునుkulamunu= caste/race; నీవేneeve= you only; గోవిందుడాgovinduda(Go+ Vinda)=(Cows+entertainer) The entertainer of the cows; నాnaa= my; కలిమియుkalimiyu=also my possesions/wealth; నీవేneeve= you only; కరుణానిధిkarunanidhi(karuna+nidhi)=(mercy+treasure) the one who is a treasure of mercy;
My race is you Govinda; my wealth is you Merciful one;

తలపును నీవే ధరణీధర నా - నెలవును నీవే నీరజనాభ
talapunu neevae dharaNeedhara  naa - nelavunu neevae neerajanaabha
తలపునుtalapunu= in thought; నీవేneeve= you only; ధరణీధరDharinidhara(Dharini+dhara)=(Earth+bearer/holder/possessor) the one who bore the earth; నాnaa= my; - నెలవునుnelavunu=also abode; నీవేneeve=you only; నీరజనాభneerajanabha(neeraja+nabha)=(Lotus+naveled one) the one whose navel has the lotus.
In thought you only, O bearer of the earth; my abode is you the lotus-naveled one;

తనువును నీవే దామోదర నా - మనికియు నీవే మధుసూదన
tanuvunu neevae daamOdara naa - manikiyu neevae madhusoodana
తనువునుtanuvunu= even the body; నీవేneeve= you only; దామోదరdaamodara(daamu+udara)=(Cord/ rope+waist) the one who was roped at his waist; నాnaa= my; - మనికియుmanikiyu(maniki+yu)=existence/life also; నీవేneeve= you only; మధుసూదనmadhusudana(Madhu+sudana)=(Demon Madhu+killer) the destroyer of demon Madhu
My body is you Damodhara; my existence is you Madhusudhana;

వినికియు నీవే విఠ్ఠలుడా నా - వెనకముందు నీవే విష్ణు దేవుడా
vinikiyu neevae viThThaluDaa naa - venakamuMdu neevae vishNu daevuDaa
వినికియుVinikiyu=hearing/audience also; నీవేneeve= you only; విఠ్ఠలుడాVitthaluda(Vit+tala)=(In Marathi, Brick+stand) the one who stands on the brick; నాnaa= my; - వెనకvenaka= back; ముందుmundu= in front; నీవేneeve= you only; విష్ణుVishnu=omni-present; దేవుడాdevuda= God;
My audience is you Vithala;my back and front is you Vishnu;

పుట్టుగు నీవే పురుషోత్త మ - కొన నట్టనడుము నీవే నారాయణ
puTTugu neevae purushOtta ma - kona naTTanaDumu neevae naaraayaNaiTTae
పుట్టుగుputtugu=origin/birth; నీవేneeve= you only; పురుషోత్త మpurushottama(Purusha+Uttama)=(Men+supreme) the supreme among men; - కొనkona= end; నట్టనడుముnattanaduma = the very middle; నీవేneeve= you only; నారాయణnarayana(naramu+ayana)= (water+reside)one who resides in water;
My origin is you the supreme one;my end and mid is you narayana;

ఇట్టే శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరుడా నాకు - నెట్టన గతి ఇంక నీవే నీవే
 SreevaeMkaTaeSvaruDaa naaku - neTTana gati iMka neevae
ఇట్టేitte= just like this; శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరుడాSrivenkateshuda(Sri  Venkata+eeshuda)=(Sri Venkata mountain+lord); నాకుnaaku= to me; - నెట్టనnettana= inevitable; గతిgathi= shelter/refuge; ఇంకinka= from now on; నీవే neeve= you only;నీవేneeve= you only
Just like this Sri Venkatesa to me as the inevitable refuge from now you, you only...

Any suggestions/comments to help in better understanding of this keerthana are appreciated.

[1] Telugu to english dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana
[2] Lyrics from


  1. Thanks a lot !
    Fantastic translation.
    Thanks once again

  2. Thanks a lot. Now I,a tamilian, am able to understand and appreciate this kirtan very well. Please keep up this wonderful service
