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Saturday, November 7, 2015

rara chinnanna

Another popular poem describing the little Krishna. The main topic of this song is to describe young Krishna and his relationship with the gopikas or cowherdesses. Ananmayya describes how the little Krishna mesmerises the women inspite of his paradoxity. The first stanza is Annamayya's call to little Krishna to come to him.

MS subbulakshmi sings this song with a motherly love especially singing the first stanza of calling Krishna. MS Subbalakshmi's rendition of this song can be found here

రారా చిన్నన్నా రారోరి చిన్నవాడ
రారా ముద్దులాడ రారోరి బాలకృష్ణ 
rArA cinnanna rArOri cinnavADa rArA muddu lADa 
rArOri bAlakrSNa rArA (krSNa rArA)
రారాrara= come-come; చిన్నన్నాchinnanna= little big brother; రారోరిrarori= come dear; చిన్నవాడchinnavada= little one;
రారాrara= come-come; ముద్దులాడmuddulada(muddulu+aada)= (kiss+play)to caress;  రారోరిrarori= come dear; బాలకృష్ణbaalakrishna= Child krishna;
Come-come little big brother; come dear little one
Come to kiss; come dear little Krishna
The first  two lines are self explanatory. It is Annamayya's signature style to address the Lord as "anna", which means big brother.

కిందిచూపుల గిలిగించి ఆలమందగొల్లెతల మరిగించి
సందడి వలపించి జవరాండ్ల ఊరవిందవైనయట్టి వేడుక కాడ 
kindi cUpula giligilinci Alamanda golletala mariginci 
sandadi valapinci javarAla Ura vindavainayaTTi vEDuka kAdA rArA
కిందిkindi=lower  చూపులchoopula= sights/stares; గిలిగించిgiliginchi= tickle; ఆలమందalamanda= cow-herd; గొల్లెతలgolletala= heardess; మరిగించిmariginchi=boil/make to fall in love;
సందడిsandaDi= commotion; వలపించిvalapinchi=to enamor/ to desire; జవరాండ్లjavarandla=young women; ఊరoora= the village; విందవైనయట్టిvindavainatti= pleasing/feast+become+that/; వేడుకకాడ(veDuka+kADu)= (festival/pleasure+one who is) one who is given to pleasures, an adulterer
lower sights having tickled, the cow-herdesses having fallen in love
commotion having wished, for young women became the village-feast, O indulger in pleasures!
This stanza is very subtle to understand. Annamayya says that the little BalaKrishna tickled the low sights of the cow-herdesses, i.e, even the shy women stares are tickled by him and enamored. There are two annotations of significance in the first line here. The first one is "kindi choopulu" literally meaning lower stares but actually referring to shy stares. Apparently, according to the cultural behaviour patterns, women and little children, when are shy, do not make eye contact and lower their eyes. The other annotation  is "mariginchi" which literally translates to boil but refers to stirring and bubbling and also to fall in love. Behavioral pattern wise, boiling is referred to anger/agitation etc. Of course, with all the women in love with one Balakrishna, it is obvious that commotion is created. But Annamayya says that Krishna wished for commotion and hence it was created :).  All this said, BalaKrishna had become the "oora-vindu" meaning "village feast", i.e, something that can be enjoyed by the whole village. But Annamayya doesnot hesitate in calling Krishna the indulgent in pleasures :). Again since Annamayya is referring to "bala krishna" or the child Krishna.

కొదలు మాటలనె గొణకుచు
భూమి సుదతుల శిగ్గులుచూరాడి
చిదుకు చేష్టలనె చెణకుచూ
ముద్దు పెదవిచవులు చూపిన జాణకాడ 
podalu mATalane goNagucu bhUmi sudatula cikkulu cUrADi
ciduku cetalalane ceNakucu muddu pedavi cavulu cUpina jaNakadA rArA
కొదలుkodalu= little; మాటలనెmatalane= words only; గొణకుచుgoNakuchu= to mutter;భూమిbhoomi= earth/attitude; సుదతులsudatula= women with beautiful teeth; శిగ్గులుsiggulu= shyness; చూరాడిchooraDi= to sack;
చిదుకుchiduku=to be smashed; చేష్టలనెcheShtalu=activities; చెణకుచూcheNakuchu= to stir up; ముద్దుmuddu= lovely;పెదవిpedavi= lips;చవులుchavulu= pearl lustre; చూపినchoopina= one who showed; జాణకాడjaaNakaaDa=expert/adept;
with little words muttering, poised women's shyness (he) sacked;
mischevious activities (he) stirring up; on lovely lips pearl-like-lustre showed, this adept
In this stanza, Annamayya describes the irony/paradox and the charm of Krishna. Krishna's charm was so intense that even if he spoke tersely, he was able to remove the shyness of the women. Similarly, He stirs up all mischeivious acts but then, offered kisses to the victims by showing his lips with pearl lustre. Annamayya lovingly calls him  the "expert" who could do that.

కలికితనమునె కరగించి కాచి చెలులకాగిటనె చెలగి
లలనామణి యైన లక్కిమమ్మ గలసుక శ్రీవేంకటనాథు డైనవాడ
kaliki tanamunane karaginci kATSi celula kagiTanE celagi
lalanA maNiyaina lakki mamma galasuka shrI vEnkaTa nAthuDaina vADa
కలికితనమునెkalikitanamune(kaliki+thanmu+ne)=(grace/prettiness+the character+only) కరగించిkaraginchi= melt; కాచిkaachi=boil/simmer; చెలులchelula= girlfriends;కాగిటనెkagiTane= as they simmer; చెలగిchelagi= to cause/nullify;
లలనాlalanaa= women;మణిmaNi=gem/jewel; యైనaina= one who is; లక్కిమమ్మ lakkimamma= lakshmi amma;గలసుకgalasuga= to meet; శ్రీవేంకటనాథుడైనవాడSri VenkatanadhuDainavaadu=Sri Venkata's Lord who has become;
prettiness melted, simmered (by Krishna), as the girlfriends simmer, (he) nullifies
Women-gem who is (Lakshmi)Lakkimamba, just to meet (her) SriVenkata's Lord who has come
An interesting characteristic of Krishna is that after melting the grace/prettiness and simmering/agitating all the women, Krishna nullifies it. i.e, Krishna the paradox is uninterested. While this single line has lot of psychological reference to Krishna's personality itself, which is a whole subject in itself, I will leave it to the discretion of the readers to explore/understand it. Annamayya continues the paradoxity of Krishna and says that the uninterested Krishna had taken form as Venkateswara to meet the gem among women- Lakshmi. As the story goes, Lakshmi leaves Vishnu after her disappointment that He forgives the sage Brighu who kicks him on his chest, supposedly her abode, for ignoring him. Dejected, Venkateswara roams on Earth in search of Lakshmi and finds Padmavathi and marries her.

As always, any suggestions or comments that help in better understanding of this poem are appreciated.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2006/11/77rara-chinnanna.html
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16I0GDixM_w
[3] http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/