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Sunday, December 25, 2016

pattinadella brahmamu

In this song, Annamayya brings forth his view on the various ideas about supreme truth/Brahmam. The overall tone is slightly critical. This song kind of lets us peek at the concept of brahmam as perceived by Annamayya, which could be dependent/influenced by then prevalent times and ideologies.
 In each stanza, he describes what Brahmam is for different people and ends with a higher concept, according to him, of Brahmam with a question that disparages the previous mentioned ideas.

For some reason, I did not find an audio of this song online. I request that if anyone can direct me to the right link, that would be helpful.

ప|| పట్టినదెల్లా బ్రహ్మము | దట్టపుజడునికి దైవంబేలా ||
paTTinadellA brahmamu | daTTapujaDuniki daivaMbElA ||
పట్టినదెల్లాpattinadella(pattinadi+ella)=(held+all) whatever held; బ్రహ్మముbrahmamu= the supreme brahman/truth | దట్టపుdaTTapu=strong,ardent; జడునికిjaDuniki=ignorant/fool; దైవంబేలా daivambela (daivambu+ela)=(God+how) ||
Held whatever is Brahmam; for an ignorant what is God?
For an ignorant man, whatever comes his way is the supreme truth. God does not make any sense to him.
Annamayya indirectly is suggesting that he does not believe in "all is brahmam" and rather believes the path to Brahmam through GOD.

చ|| ఘనయాచకునకు కనకమే బ్రహ్మము | తనువే బ్రహ్మము తరువలికి |
యెనయు గాముకున కింతులే బ్రహ్మము | తనలోవెలిగేటితత్త్వం బేలా ||
GanaYAcakunaku kanakamE brahmamu | tanuvE brahmamu taruvaliki |
yenayu gAmukuna kiMtulE brahmamu | tanalOveligETitattvaM bElA ||
ఘనghana= big/strong; యాచకునకుyachakunaku= to a seeker/mendicant; కనకమేkanakame= gold only; బ్రహ్మముbrahmamu=the supreme truth; | తనువేtanuve= body only; బ్రహ్మముbrahmamu= తరువలికిtaruvaliki=one who persistantly asks for money/payment |
యెనయుenayu= one associated with; గాముకునkaamukuna=lustful person; కింతులే kimtulu= women; బ్రహ్మము | తనలోtanalo= within oneself; వెలిగేటిveligeti= burning/kindling; తత్త్వం బేలా tatvambela (tatvambu+ ela)=truth/axiom+what? ||
For a strong mendicant, gold is Brahmam; Body is Brahmam for one who asks money for everything persistantly
For Associated lustful man, women are the brahmam;with-in-oneself-glowing truth, what(use)?
In this stanza, Annamayya trivializes the concept of Brahmam being the forbidden material pursuits- gold, the human body, women(lust), by  comparing it to the concept of Brahmam glowing within oneself.

చ|| ఆకటివానికి నన్నమే బ్రహ్మము | లోకమే బ్రహ్మము లోలునికి |
కైకొని కర్మికి కాలమే బ్రహ్మము | శ్రీకాంతునిపై జింతది యేలా ||
AkaTivAniki nannamE brahmamu | lOkamE brahmamu lOluniki |
kaikoni karmiki kAlamE brahmamu | SrIkAMtunipai jiMtadi yElA ||
ఆకటివానికిaakativaniki=hungry man; నన్నమేanname= food/rice; బ్రహ్మము | లోకమేlokame= world only, బ్రహ్మముBrahmamu= the supreme knowledge; లోలునికిloluniki= one who is enamored |
కైకొనిkaikonu= to receive/take by hand; కర్మికిkarmiki= one who does karma; కాలమేkaalame= time only; బ్రహ్మము | శ్రీకాంతునిపైsrkanthuni pai= on Srikanth; జింతదిchinthadi(chinta+adi)=(thought/reflection+that); యేలాyela= how? ||
For a hungry man food is brahmam; World is supreme for worldly man
for hand-work-men, time is supreme; On Sri's husband thought what(use?)?
In this stanza, Annamayya refers to more common material pursuits( Food, world/society, time).It is in this stanza that he specifically refers to the higher concept of Bramam from thinking about Srikantha(husband of Sri/Lakshmi).

చ|| భువి సంసారికి పుత్రులె బ్రహ్మము | నవ మిందరి కిది నడచేది |
యివలను శ్రీవేంకటేశుదాసులకు | భవ మతనికృపే బ్రహ్మము ||
Buvi saMsAriki putrule brahmamu | nava miMdari kidi naDacEdi |
yivalanu SrIvEMkaTESudAsulaku | Bava matanikRupE brahmamu ||
భువిbhuvi=earthly/worldly; సంసారికి samsariki= mundane state;పుత్రులెputrule= sons only; బ్రహ్మముbrahmamu | నవ navi=మిందరిindariki= to many; కిదిidi= this; నడచేదిnadachedi= moving; |
యివలనుivalanu= this side; శ్రీవేంకటేశుSri venkatesa=దాసులకుdaasulaku= servants/ people serving; | భవ మతని bhavamatani(bhavamu+atani)=existence+his;కృపేkrupae= mercy only; బ్రహ్మము ||
For wordly mundane man, sons are supreme truth; to many others, it(supreme truth) is moving
on the other side, for Sri Venkatesa servants, existence of his mercy is the supreme truth
In this last stanza, Annamayya concludes by stating that Venkatesa's existence and mercy is Brahmam to Sri Venkatesa's servants.

Any comments or suggestions to better understand this song are highly appreciated.

[1]Andhra bharathi- dictionary:   http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/
[2] http://www.sangeetasudha.org/annamacharya/vol2/p.html
[3] https://pedia.desibantu.com/pattinadella/

[1] http://annamayya-u.blogspot.com/2010/09/pattinadella-brahmamu.html