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Thursday, February 23, 2017

mariyendhu gathi ledu

This song is explicitly full of annotations and similes.The tone of the song is self realization, dejection and solicitation. Each stanza has two couplets, each describing the current state (self realization) with a dejected tone and ending it with a solution that Sri Venkatesa is the only refuge. A tricky poem and I hope I atleast conveyed the meaning.

Song by Priya sisters

మరియెందూ గతిలేదు మనుప నీవే దిక్కు
జరసి లక్ష్మీశ నీ శరణమే దిక్కు
మరియెందూmRIYENDU(Mari+indu)=(other+this/here) గతిgathi= destiny/alternative;లేదుledu= not there; మనుపmanupa=protection,maintenance; నీవేneeve= you; దిక్కుdikku= direction
సరసిsarasi=lotus; లక్ష్మీశlakshmeesha=(Lakshmi+eesha)=(Lakshmi's Lord; నీnee= your; శరణమేsaraname=shelter/refuge; దిక్కుdikku= direction, alternative
other alternative not there; for protection You are the direction
Lotus Lakshmi's Lord! your refuge is the only direction
Annamayya's dejection and desperation is emphasized by "gathi" and "dikku".

భవసాగరంబులోఁ బడి మునిగిననాకు
తివిరి నీనామమనుతేపయే దిక్కు
చివికి కర్మంబనెడి చిచ్చు చొచ్చిన నాకు
జవళి నాచార్యుకృపాజలధియే దిక్కు
భవసాగరంబులోఁ=In the wordly ocean; బడిpadi= fell; మునిగినmunigina= immersed/drowned; నాకుnaaku= to me;
తివిరిtiviri=having attempted, నీnee= your; నామమనుnamamunu= to your name;తేపయేtepaye= raft/float only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
చివికిchiviki= a branch; కర్మంkarmam=deed; బనెడిanedi= as said; చిచ్చుchicchu= flame; చొచ్చినchocchina= enter, undertake; నాకుnaaku= to me
జవళి నాచార్యుnacharyu(naa+acharya)=(my+teacher) కృపాkrupa= mercy;జలధియేjaladhiye=ocean only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
into the worldly ocean having fallen and drowning; to me
having attempted; your name called raft is the only alternative
For branch, deeds called flame having entered, to me
my teacher's mercy like "ocean" is the only alternative
Annamayya uses the popular term "bhava sagar" or "worldly ocean" and describes Venkateswara as the raft that would help him from drowning in this ocean. Similarly, being burned by the flames of "karma" or deeds , teacher's mercy like ocean is the best alternative.

ఘనమోహాపాశముల గాలిఁబొయ్యెడినాకు
కొనల నీపాదచింతకొమ్మయే దిక్కు
కనలి మనసనెడి యాకాసముననున్ననాకు
కనుగొనగ నీదాస్య గరుడడే దిక్కు
ఘనghana= big; మోహాmoha=infatuation;పాశములpashamulu=ties; గాలిఁgali= wind;బొయ్యెడిpoyyedi= to go;నాకుnaaku= to me;
కొనలkonalu=edges; నీnee= your;పాదpaada=feet;చింతchinta=thought;కొమ్మయేkommaye= branch only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
కనలిkanali= anger/burn మనసనెడిmanasu+anedi=perception and cognitive internal organ+so called; యాకాసమునaakasamuna= in the sky;నున్నunna= present;నాకుnaaku= to me;
కనుగొనగkanugonaga= as I found; నీnee= your;దాస్యdasyamu= service/slavery; గరుడడేgarudade(garuda+ade)= eagle+that+only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
Big infatuation-ties like wind having gone; to me
as edge your feet-thought called tree-brach only alternative
"anger/burn" so called cognitive-being in the sky present to me,
as I found, your service like eagle is the only direction.
Flown by the wind of "infatuation", thinking about Venkateswara's feet are like the tree branch, the sole alternative to Annamayya. The reference to feet culturally refers to humility and submission.Burning mind is like being in the sky. For such state, Venkateswara's service is like an eagle/vulture that helps in controlling the flight in the sky.

మరిగి సంసారమనెడి మంటికిందటి నాకు
ధరభక్తియను బిలద్వారమె దిక్కు
యిరవైన శ్రీవేంకటేశ యిన్నిటా నాకు -
నరుదైన నీవంతరాత్మవే దిక్కు
మరిగిmarigi= boiling; సంసారమనెడిsamsaramanedi=worldliness+as called; మంటిmanti= mud; కిందటిkindaTi=under/below; నాకుnaaku= to me;
ధరdhara= earth;భక్తియనుbhakti+anu=devotion+as said; బిలద్వారమెbiladwaramu=a deep hole in the earth; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
యిరవైనiravaina= firm/established; శ్రీవేంకటేశSri Venkatesa=Sri Venkata's Lord; యిన్నిటాinniTa= in all; నాకుnaaku= to me; -
నరుదైనarudaina(arudu+aina)=(rare+which is) which is rare; నీవంతరాత్మవేneevantaratmave(neevu+ antaratma+ve)=(you+inner soul+as)you as innerdweller/soul; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
Boiling worldliness so called, being under mire, to me
Earth devotion- like a crater in earth to me,
having established Sri Venkateswara in everything,
rare you as inner soul, the only alternative
Stuck beneath mud -like worldliness, to Annamayya, Earth's worship is like a crater (no-mud) in earththat would help him out of the mire.
Annamayya describes a rather complicated subject in the last line. He says that the problem he has is that he has established Venkateswara in everything (that he sees/knows), but the ultimate goal of having Venkateswara as the inner soul is still missing from his side and Annamayya points that this would be the only alternative to him.

[1] http://www.hithokthi.com/showthread.php/6725-Annamacharya-Keerthana-Lyrics-in-Telugu/page22
[2] Andhra bharathi Telugu to English dictionary.