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Monday, June 26, 2017

antaryami alisithi

This a self-realization song as a dialogue with Antaryami or inner soul. Antaryami is one who resides in inner self (of everybody). Usually the Trinity(Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha) are referred to as antaryamis. It is unclear if Annamayya is referring to someone(from Trinity) as Antaryami or just his innersoul.

Annamayya puts forth his state adressing it to innersoul, and seeks help. He is of the strong opinion that nothing is under our control. All the things that lead to salvation cannot be obtained/met unless the inner soul wishes those things for a person. As the first line of this poem says, Annamayya is dejected how he has tried and failed and therefore attributes it to be the soul's mercy to bestow him with salvation and in the process describes the ways or various things involved in getting to salvation.

అంతర్యామి అలసితి సొలసితి |
ఇంతట నీ శరణిదె జొచ్చితిని ||
antaryami alasiti solasiti
inthata nee sharanide jochhitini
అంతర్యామిantaryami(antah+ami)=(inner+dwell) inner dweller, the soul; అలసితిalasithi= tired;సొలసితిsolasithi=fathigued |
ఇంతటinthaTa= by this time; నీnee= your; శరణిదెsaranide(saranu+ide)=(shelter+this) జొచ్చితినిjocchuthini= sought/obtained;
Inner dweller!I'm tired and fatigued,
at this time your shelter (like) this sought
Annamayya says that he is fatigued and tired. Under these circumstances, he has sought the shelter of the inner soul dweller.

కోరిన కోర్కులు కోయని కట్లు |
తీరవు నీవవి తెంచక |
భారపు బగ్గాలు పాప పుణ్యములు |
నేరుపుల బోనీవు నీవు వద్దనక ||
korina korkulu koyani katlu
teeravau neevavi tenchaka
bharapu baggalu paapa punyamulu
nerupula boneevu neevu vaddanaka
కోరినkOrina= wished; కోర్కులుkOrkalu= wishes/wants; కోయనిkOyani=uncut; కట్లుkatlu=bounds/ties |
తీరవుteeravu= won't fulfil; నీవవిneevavi(neevu+avi)=(you+that/them); తెంచకtemchaka= without breaking; |
భారపుbhaarapu=of weight; బగ్గాలుpaggalu=reins; పాపpaapa=sins;పుణ్యములుpunyamulu=good deeds; |
నేరుపులnerpula= by teaching; బోనీవుponeevu=wont go; నీవుneevu= you; వద్దనకvaddanaka= by saying "no" ||
Wished/wanted wishes, uncut ties
won't fulfill if You don't break them
gravity reins, sins and deeds
by teaching wont go, (unless) You say "no"
Breaking away from wishes/wants and getting away from the cycle of sins and good deeds

జనుల సంగముల జక్క రోగములు | విను విడువవు నీవు విడిపించక |
వినయపు దైన్యము విడువని కర్మము | చనదది నీవిటు శాంతపరచక ||
జనులjanula= of people; సంగములsangamula= attitude/pride;జక్క రోగములుrOgamulu=diseases |
వినుvinu=hear; విడువవుviDuvavu= wont leave; నీవుneevu= you; విడిపించకvidipinchaka= without breaking lose |
వినయపుvinayapu= of humbleness/modest; దైన్యముdainyamu=humility; విడువని viDuvani= not leaving;కర్మముkarmamu= deeds; |
చనదది=that will come; నీవిటుneevitu= you here; శాంతshanta= peace/tranquil; పరచకparachaka= without doing; ||
Of people's pride, and lots of diseases
heard, wont leave,(unless) You dont break loose
of modest humility and the never-leaving deeds
that will come if here You dont tranquilize them

మదిలో చింతలు మైలలు మణుగులు |
వదలవు నీవవి వద్దనక |
ఎదుటనె శ్రీ వెంకటేశ్వర నీవదె |
అదన గాచితివి అట్టిట్టనక ||
madilo chintalu millu manugulu
vadalavu neevavi vaddanaka
edutane shree venkateswara neevade
adana gachithivi attittanaka
మదిలోmadilo= in mind/heart; చింతలుchintalu=worries, మైలలుmailalu= dirt; మణుగులుmanugulu=mud; |
వదలవుvadalavu= wont leave; నీవవిneevavi= you those; వద్దనకvaddanaka= wihtout saying "no" |
ఎదుటనెaeduTane= in front; శ్రీ వెంకటేశ్వరSri venkateswara నీవదెneevade= you, that |
అదనadana= excess; గాచితివిgachitivi= seek; అట్టిట్టనక attitanaka (atta+itta+anaka)=(that+this+without saying) a cultural way of saying, without consultation/thinking properly ||
In mind worries, dirt and mud
wont leave if You dont say no
in front Sri Venkateswara, you like that have sought excess without saying this and tha
With Venkateswara right in front, Annamayya thinks that his inner soul is seeking too much, without proper consultation, i.e, if one seeks shelter with Venkateswara, then they dont have to depend on anything for salvation.

3) Andhra bharathi- Online Telugu dictionary: http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/

itti mudduladi

This is a beautiful song describing the mischief of Krishna and how the gopikas are frightened by his menace, :). The context of this song is that of a woman suggesting other women on how to pacify the little boy who seems adorable but is difficult to control because of his tantrums and mischief. The tone is set to a complaining tone. The background is set to a child being taken care by other women, while the mother is away.

A gopika who seems to have been given the responsibility to take care of Krishna in his mother's absence is looking for him. She asks others "where is the boy who played cutely?Get hold of him and give him stomach full of milk."

While the first stanza seems to show concern and love for the boy, in later stanza, we will find that it is actually with fear that the Gopika is reacting.

The rendition of this song by BalaMurali Krishna can be found below.

ఇట్టి ముద్దులాడి బాలు డేడవాడు వాని
బట్టి తెచ్చి పొట్టనిండ బాలు వోయరే ||
Itti mudduladi baaludedavaadu vaani
patti techchi pottaninda paalu boyare
ఇట్టిitti= this; ముద్దులాడిmudduladi(muddulu+aadi)=(kisses/love+play); బాలు డేడవాడుbaaluDEDAvaDu(baaludu+eda+vadu)=(boy+where+he) వాని vani= him;
బట్టిbatti=catch; తెచ్చిteCChi=brought; పొట్టpotta= stomach;నిండninDa=full; బాలుpaalu= milk; వోయరేpoyare= pour/give ||
Thus who lovely played, that boy where? Him
catch and bring; stomachfull milk give/pour
The gopika is asking her friend, "where is the boy who played cutely?Get hold of him and give him stomach full of milk".

గామిడై పారితెంచి కాగెడి వెన్నెలలోన 
చేమ పూవు కడియాల చేయి పెట్టి |
చీమ గుట్టెనని తన చెక్కిట గన్నీరు జార 
వేమరు వాపోయే వాని వెడ్డు వెట్టరే ||
Charanam 1:
Gamidai paaridhenchi kaagedi vennalalona
chema poovu kadiyaala cheyipetti
cheema guttenani thana chekkita kanneeru jaara
vemaru vaapovuvaani veddu vettare ||Itti mudduladi||
గామిడైgaamiDi+ayyi=cruel+became; పారిpaari= pail;తెంచిthenchi= break; కాగెడి kaageDi= boiling; వెన్నలvennela=butter; లోనlona= in; 
చేమchaema=a flowering plant; పూవుpoovu= flower; కడియాలkaDIyala=anklet; చేయిcheyyi=hand; పెట్టిpetti=put |
చీమcheema= ant; గుట్టెననిguTTEnani(kuttenu+ani)=(bit+ said); తనtana= his; చెక్కిటchekkiTa=cheek; గన్నీరుkanneru(kanti+neeru)= tears; జారjaara=slipped; 
వేమరుvemara(veyyi+maru)=(thousand+times); వాపోయేvaapoye=wailing; వాని vani=him;వెడ్డు veddu= deceipt;వెట్టరేpettare=keep ||
Mischievious became and pail broke and in boiling butter
chrysanthamam flower braceleted hand put
ant bit said, and on cheek tears rolled
thousand times wailing- him, deceipt keep(cajole)
The Gopika continues, "That boy became mischievous and broke a pail and put his hand which was decorated with a bracelet of chrysantamum flowers, into boiling butter. But he cries saying that an ant bit his hand. If his mother or anybody else hears his version, they are going to believe that the gopika was negligent and let an ant bit his hand. Further, nobody is going to ask her about the loss of her pail of butter that this mischieveious kid broke. He is wailing at the top of his voice." The gopika is requesting her friend(s) to tell/show the child something to deceive him to stop wailing.

ముచ్చువలె వచ్చి తన ముంగ మురువుల చేయి 
తచ్చెడి పెరుగులోన దగబెట్టి |
నొచ్చెనని చేయిదీసి నోర నెల్ల జొల్లుగార 
వొచ్చెలి వాపోవువాని నూరడించరే ||
Charanam 2:
Muchchu vale vachchi tana mungamuruvula cheyi
tachchedi perugulona tagabetti
nochchenani chaeyideesi noranella jollugaara
vochcheli vaapovuvaani nooradinchare ||Itti mudduladi||
ముచ్చుmucchu= thief;వలెvale=as; వచ్చిvacchi=come; తనthana= his; ముంగ munga=dumb/silent;మురువులmuruvula= of pride; చేయి cheyi= hand;
తచ్చెడిtachedi=; పెరుగుperugu= curd/yogurt;లోనloana=in; దగdaga= thirst;బెట్టి petti|
నొచ్చెననిnochchenani=painful+as said; చేయిcheyyi= hand;దీసిteesi= take out; నోర noora= mouth;నెల్లnella= all; జొల్లుjollu= salaiva/drool;గార kaara= drool down;
వొచ్చెలిvoccheli=alas! వాపోవుvaapoevu=wail;వానిvani=him; నూరడించరే ooraDinchare= console, dear!||

as thief came, his silent proud hand 
into churned yogurt
pained said hand took out and mouthfull of drool flowing
Alas! wailing one/him console dear
"As a thief he came and put his hand into churned yogurt. His hand is sort of stuck in the thick yogurt and he cries that his hand is paining now.He cries so much that his mouth is drooling". The gopika requests her friends to console this wailing child (before his mother comes). Yet again, the gopika is sort of complaining that nobody will know what this child did steathily. All they would hear is the child's complaint that his hand is paining, and guess that the Gopika is responsible for that.

ఎప్పుడు వచ్చెనో మా యిల్లు చొచ్చి పెట్టెలోని
చెప్పరాని వుంగరాల చేయి పెట్టి |
అప్పడైన వేంకటాద్రి అసవాలకుడు గాన
తప్పకుండ బెట్టె (బట్టి) వాని తలకెత్తరే ||
Charanam 3:
Eppudu vachcheno maa illu jochchi pettaeloni
chepparaani ungaraala cheyibetti
appadaina venkatadri asabaalakudu gaana
tappakunda bettevaani talaketthare ||Itti mudduladi||
Word- Word:
ఎప్పుడుeppuDu= when; వచ్చెనో vachcheno= came, dont know;మాmaa=our; యిల్లుillu= house; చొచ్చిchocci=found his way/enter; పెట్టెpetti= case/box;లోనిlona= inside;
చెప్పరానిchepparani=can't say; వుంగరాలvungaraala=ring; చేయిcheyyi= hand; పెట్టిpeTTi= put;
అప్పడైనappaDaina(appaDU+ayina)=(father/lord+who is) వేంకటాద్రిvenkatadri= venkata hill; అసవాలకుడు asavaalakuDu(Dasa???+vaalakudu)గానkaana=sight/see
తప్పకుండtappakunda= without fail; బెట్టె (బట్టి)bette= who keeps; వానిvaani= him; తలకెత్తరే talakettare(talaku+ettare)=(to head+lift)||
when came, dont know, our house found a way and inside box
can't say ring hand put
Lord who is of Venkatadri, who is the protector of his servants,sees
without fail, keep him on head lift
Gopika says that don't know when he came to her house, he put his fingers into all the rings in the box. The Lord of Venkata hill who is the protector of his servants, without fail who keeps in sight/grace.She urges the other gopika to lift him to head!

Andhrabharathi- Online Telugu dictionary: http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/

Friday, March 24, 2017

siruta navvula vADu Sinneka

This is a folk song by Annamayya describing the Dasavatar (10 incarnations) of Vishnu. The song is a monologue to "sinneka" or little elder sister, as each couplet ends with "sinnekka".
Each stanza ends with "soodave sinnekka" menaing "look sister". Culturally, the tone is common to gossiping/(describing other's activities) where the company is referred to as sister, and to see how things are "soodave sinneka".  Annamayya uses that cultural tone to describe or tell the story of dasa-avatara.
For detailed reference to the dasaavatara, please refer to an earlier post "brahma kadigina paadamu"

The link to Balakrishna Prasad's rendition of the song is below.

సిరుత నవ్వుల వాడు సిన్నెక్కా వీడు
వెరపెరుగడు సూడవే సిన్నెక్కా
siruta navvula vADu Sinneka veeDu
veraperagaDu sooDave SinnekA ||
సిరుతsiruta=child-like,young; నవ్వులవాడుnavvulavadu= one with laughter; సిన్నెక్కా sinneka (chinna+akka)=(younger+older sister); వీడు veedu= he;
వెరపెరుగడుveraperugadu(verapu+eragadu)=(fear+ignorant) సూడవేsoodave= see, O(for females) సిన్నెక్కాsinnekka=younger(older) sister;
one with Child-like laughter , little older sister, is he
does not know fear, look, dear sister
While it is difficult to say who Annamayya is describing in this stanza, I would contend that he is referring to Venkateswara with child-like laughter and fearless one.

పొలసు మేనివాడు బోరవీపు వాడు
సెలసు మోరవాడు సిన్నెక్కా
కొలుసుల వంకల కోరలతోబూమి 
వెలసినాడు సూడవే సిన్నెక్కా
polasu mEnivADu bOra veepu vADu
selasu mOra vADu Sinneka
golasula vankala kOralatO boomi
velasi nADu sooDave SinnekA ||
పొలసుpolasu= scale of fish; మేనిmeni= body hue; వాడుvaadu= he; బోరboera=chest, wide; వీపుveepu=back; వాడుvaadu=he;
సెలసుselasu= a tree with high elasticity used in making bows; మోరmora= long face of an animal; వాడుvaaDu=he; సిన్నెక్కా;
కొలుసులkolasu (???)(kola=murdering); వంకలvankalu= curves; కోరలతోkoralu= sharp teeth, భూమిbhumi= earth;
వెలసినాడుvelasinadu=to be known; సూడవే soodave= look;సిన్నెక్కాsinnekka= younger older sister
Fish-scale skinned one; rounded back one;
highly elastic long animal faced one;
With murderous curvy sharp teeth, on earth
became known, look, sister
Annamayya starts off with the 10 incarnatons as fish, turtle(rounded back); boar( long elastic face) and then Narsimha or man-lion with sharp teeth.

మేటి కురుచవాడు మెడమీది గొడ్డలి 
సీటకాలవాడు సిన్నెక్కా
ఆటదానిబాసి ఆడవిలో రాకాశి 
వేటలాడీ జూడవే సిన్నెక్కా
mETi kuracha vADu meDa meedi goDDali
seeTakAla vADu SinnakA
ADadAni bAsi aDavilO rAkAsi
vETalADee sOODavE SinnakA ||
మేటిmeti=step; కురుచkurucha= dwarf; వాడుvaaDu=he; మెడmeda= neck; మీదిmeedi= on top; గొడ్డలిgoddali= axe ;
సీటకాలseetakalu( cheetakalu)= leela, sport; వాడుvaaDu=he; సిన్నెక్కా;
ఆటదానిaaTadani= women; బాసిbaasi= (baasaTa=help) ; ఆడవిలోadavilo= in forest; రాకాశి raakasi=(rakshasi= demoness)Tataki;
వేటలాడీvetaladu(vetalu+adu)= hunt+play; జూడవేjoodave= see; సిన్నెక్కా;
Step dwarf one; neck-top axe
sportful one, dear sister
for women help, in forest a demoness
he hunt, see dear sister
Vamana, Parushu rama, Rama are described in this stanza. The reference to Rama is interesting as it describes Rama as the one who came to help a woman(Ahilya) and also hunt down the demoness(Tataki).

బింకపు మోతల పిల్లగోవి వాడు 
సింక సూపులవాడు సిన్నెక్కా
కొంకక కలికియై కొసరి కూడె నన్ను 
వేంకటేశుడు సూడవే సిన్నెక్కా
binkapu mOtala pillagOvivADu
sinka soopula vADu SinnekA
konkaka kalikiai kosari gooDe nannu
venkaTESuDu sooDavE SinnakA ||
బింకపుbimkapu= proud; మోతలmoetala= of load/burden; పిల్లగోవి pillagovi= flute;వాడు vaaDu=he;
సింకsinka(jinka???)=deer??? ; సూపులsoopula= of gaze;వాడుvaaDu=he; సిన్నెక్కా;
కొంకకkonkaka(konka+ka)=(curvy+not)straight; కలికియైkaliki yai= as kaliki(the final incarnation) కొసరిkosari= hesitation; కూడెkoode= with (included) ;నన్ను nannu= me;
వేంకటేశుడుvenkatesuDu= Venkatesa; సూడవేsoodave= see; సిన్నెక్కా;
of Pride burden  the fluted one, is he
Deer like gazeful one; dear sister;
with no hesitation(straight) as Kaliki
with hesitation-included-me;
Venkatesa, see, dear sister
Krishna and Kalki are described in this stanza. The second line refers to "sinka choopula vadu" which logically should refer to Buddha but meaning/word wise, it is difficult to say.Finally, Annamayya decribes Venaktesa as one who is with in Annamayya, but with hesitation. This indicates the realisation state of Annaayya where in, he sees Venkatesa within himself but not often. This is sort of paradoxical description (satirical) where Ananmayya is actually referrign to Venkatesa being present in his devotees, and at the same time sort of complaining with his feeling that Venaktesa is not fully within him. This is an interesetign take, according to me.

As always any help in better understanding this song is appreciated.


[1] http://www.hithokthi.com/showthread.php/6725-Annamacharya-Keerthana-Lyrics-in-Telugu/page70
[3] Andhra bharathi- Telugu to English online dictionary

Thursday, February 23, 2017

mariyendhu gathi ledu

This song is explicitly full of annotations and similes.The tone of the song is self realization, dejection and solicitation. Each stanza has two couplets, each describing the current state (self realization) with a dejected tone and ending it with a solution that Sri Venkatesa is the only refuge. A tricky poem and I hope I atleast conveyed the meaning.

Song by Priya sisters

మరియెందూ గతిలేదు మనుప నీవే దిక్కు
జరసి లక్ష్మీశ నీ శరణమే దిక్కు
మరియెందూmRIYENDU(Mari+indu)=(other+this/here) గతిgathi= destiny/alternative;లేదుledu= not there; మనుపmanupa=protection,maintenance; నీవేneeve= you; దిక్కుdikku= direction
సరసిsarasi=lotus; లక్ష్మీశlakshmeesha=(Lakshmi+eesha)=(Lakshmi's Lord; నీnee= your; శరణమేsaraname=shelter/refuge; దిక్కుdikku= direction, alternative
other alternative not there; for protection You are the direction
Lotus Lakshmi's Lord! your refuge is the only direction
Annamayya's dejection and desperation is emphasized by "gathi" and "dikku".

భవసాగరంబులోఁ బడి మునిగిననాకు
తివిరి నీనామమనుతేపయే దిక్కు
చివికి కర్మంబనెడి చిచ్చు చొచ్చిన నాకు
జవళి నాచార్యుకృపాజలధియే దిక్కు
భవసాగరంబులోఁ=In the wordly ocean; బడిpadi= fell; మునిగినmunigina= immersed/drowned; నాకుnaaku= to me;
తివిరిtiviri=having attempted, నీnee= your; నామమనుnamamunu= to your name;తేపయేtepaye= raft/float only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
చివికిchiviki= a branch; కర్మంkarmam=deed; బనెడిanedi= as said; చిచ్చుchicchu= flame; చొచ్చినchocchina= enter, undertake; నాకుnaaku= to me
జవళి నాచార్యుnacharyu(naa+acharya)=(my+teacher) కృపాkrupa= mercy;జలధియేjaladhiye=ocean only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
into the worldly ocean having fallen and drowning; to me
having attempted; your name called raft is the only alternative
For branch, deeds called flame having entered, to me
my teacher's mercy like "ocean" is the only alternative
Annamayya uses the popular term "bhava sagar" or "worldly ocean" and describes Venkateswara as the raft that would help him from drowning in this ocean. Similarly, being burned by the flames of "karma" or deeds , teacher's mercy like ocean is the best alternative.

ఘనమోహాపాశముల గాలిఁబొయ్యెడినాకు
కొనల నీపాదచింతకొమ్మయే దిక్కు
కనలి మనసనెడి యాకాసముననున్ననాకు
కనుగొనగ నీదాస్య గరుడడే దిక్కు
ఘనghana= big; మోహాmoha=infatuation;పాశములpashamulu=ties; గాలిఁgali= wind;బొయ్యెడిpoyyedi= to go;నాకుnaaku= to me;
కొనలkonalu=edges; నీnee= your;పాదpaada=feet;చింతchinta=thought;కొమ్మయేkommaye= branch only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
కనలిkanali= anger/burn మనసనెడిmanasu+anedi=perception and cognitive internal organ+so called; యాకాసమునaakasamuna= in the sky;నున్నunna= present;నాకుnaaku= to me;
కనుగొనగkanugonaga= as I found; నీnee= your;దాస్యdasyamu= service/slavery; గరుడడేgarudade(garuda+ade)= eagle+that+only; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
Big infatuation-ties like wind having gone; to me
as edge your feet-thought called tree-brach only alternative
"anger/burn" so called cognitive-being in the sky present to me,
as I found, your service like eagle is the only direction.
Flown by the wind of "infatuation", thinking about Venkateswara's feet are like the tree branch, the sole alternative to Annamayya. The reference to feet culturally refers to humility and submission.Burning mind is like being in the sky. For such state, Venkateswara's service is like an eagle/vulture that helps in controlling the flight in the sky.

మరిగి సంసారమనెడి మంటికిందటి నాకు
ధరభక్తియను బిలద్వారమె దిక్కు
యిరవైన శ్రీవేంకటేశ యిన్నిటా నాకు -
నరుదైన నీవంతరాత్మవే దిక్కు
మరిగిmarigi= boiling; సంసారమనెడిsamsaramanedi=worldliness+as called; మంటిmanti= mud; కిందటిkindaTi=under/below; నాకుnaaku= to me;
ధరdhara= earth;భక్తియనుbhakti+anu=devotion+as said; బిలద్వారమెbiladwaramu=a deep hole in the earth; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
యిరవైనiravaina= firm/established; శ్రీవేంకటేశSri Venkatesa=Sri Venkata's Lord; యిన్నిటాinniTa= in all; నాకుnaaku= to me; -
నరుదైనarudaina(arudu+aina)=(rare+which is) which is rare; నీవంతరాత్మవేneevantaratmave(neevu+ antaratma+ve)=(you+inner soul+as)you as innerdweller/soul; దిక్కుdikku= direction/alternative;
Boiling worldliness so called, being under mire, to me
Earth devotion- like a crater in earth to me,
having established Sri Venkateswara in everything,
rare you as inner soul, the only alternative
Stuck beneath mud -like worldliness, to Annamayya, Earth's worship is like a crater (no-mud) in earththat would help him out of the mire.
Annamayya describes a rather complicated subject in the last line. He says that the problem he has is that he has established Venkateswara in everything (that he sees/knows), but the ultimate goal of having Venkateswara as the inner soul is still missing from his side and Annamayya points that this would be the only alternative to him.

[1] http://www.hithokthi.com/showthread.php/6725-Annamacharya-Keerthana-Lyrics-in-Telugu/page22
[2] Andhra bharathi Telugu to English dictionary.