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Friday, January 19, 2018

kolani dopariki gobillo

This song is anther folk song by Annamayya referring to the Sankaranthi festival where gobbemma(cow dung cones) are made and put in front courtyards. This song falls into the category of a nirajanam/mangalam song. Anammayya cleverly describes Krishna's story. Krishna's character attributes, specifically valor, anger, and strength in killing the bad people, are described in each couplet by offering salutations/blessings to that virtue of Krishna.


Gobbi has a culturally significant relevance to a Telugu festival celebrated during pushya month. Young girls make small conical dumps of cow dung, called gobbemma (Gobi+amma= cowdung+lady/mother) and put them at the center of rangoli in front of the house and dance around it. GObbillu must have derived from gobbi( Gobar in Hindi is cow-dung) and plural form of gobbi as gobbillu.  
Culturally, particularly telugu songs sung circling around a sacred thing, be it gobemma or batakamma(flower cone/pyramids), end each line with the sacred thing being circling, with an intent of adressing the song to it(sacred thing) . It is as if song-tales are being told to them (gobemma/batakamma). 
Gobillu songs, however fall into the category of "mangalam/ nirajanam" songs with an intent of abeing a "blessing/remove bad omen".  

Bala Krishna Prasad's rendition of the song can be found here. 

కొలని దోపరికి గొబ్బిళ్ళో యదు |
కుల స్వామికిని గొబ్బిళ్ళో ||
Kolani dopariki gobbillo
Yadukula swamy ki gobbilo
కొలనిKolani= lake; దోపరికిdopariki=thief; గొబ్బిళ్ళోgobbillo=salutations,respects/ dancing in honor of a God
యదుకులYadukula = the race of yadu; స్వామికిని swamy=lord; ki=to; గొబ్బిళ్ళోgobbilo
to the lake thief, salutations ; Yadu
race's Lord, salutations
Krishna is referred to as the 'Lake Thief', as he used to steal women's clothes at the lake.

కొండ గొడుగుగా గోవుల గాచిన | 
కొండొక శిశువునకు గొబ్బిళ్ళో |
దండగంపు దైత్యుల కెల్లను తల | 
గుండు గండనికి గొబ్బిళ్ళో ||
Konda godugaa govulu gaachina
Konduka Sisuvuku gobbilo
Dundagampu daityula kellanu tala
Gundu gandaniki gobbillo
కొండKonda= mountain; గొడుగుగాgodugaa=as umbrella; గోవులgovulu =cows; గాచిన gaachina=reared;
కొండొకKonduka= little; శిశువునకుSisuvuku=boy; గొబ్బిళ్ళోgobbilo
దండగంపుDundagampu=wicked; దైత్యులdaityula=demons; కెల్లనుkellanu=to all; తలtala=head
గుండుGundu=stone/ strong; గండనికిgandaniki=trouble to; గొబ్బిళ్ళో gobbillo
Mountain as umbrella, cows whom protected;
to that little boy blessings
Wicked demons' all heads
stone-like trouble; to him. blessings...
The first two lines refer to Govardhan mountain episode where Krishna lifts a whole mountain to protect the herds and village from a severe thunder storm. He is known to have turned into- a "stone-on-head " , an idiom, trouble for all the wicked demons.

పాప విధుల శిశుపాలుని తిట్టుల | 
కోపగానికిని గొబ్బిళ్ళో |
యేపున కంసుని యిడుమల బెట్టిన | 
గోప బాలునికి గొబ్బిళ్ళో ||
Papa vidhula sisupaaluni thittula
Kopagaanikini gobbillo
Yepuna Kamsuni yidumala bettina
Gopa baluniki gobbillo
పాపPapa=sinful; విధులvidhula= ways; శిశుపాలునిsisupaaluni = to Sisupala; తిట్టులthittula=abuses;
కోపగానికినిKopagaanikini=to anger; గొబ్బిళ్ళోgobbillo
యేపునYepuna= tormenting; కంసునిKamsuni= of Kamsa; యిడుమలyidumala=trouble; బెట్టినbettina= put;
గోపGopa=cow- herdmen; బాలునికిbaluniki=child; గొబ్బిళ్ళో gobbillo
towards the sinful ways of sisupala's abuses,
to (your) anger Gobillu
tormenting-Kamsa put to trouble,
to the cow-herdsmen child, let there be blessings
Sisupala, Krishna's cousin is granted a boon of forgiving for his first hundred mistakes by Krishna to his paternal aunt, (sisupala's mother). When Sisupala does exceed his 100 abuses/mistake limit, Krishna slays him with his sudarshana chakra.
Kansa, Krishna's maternal uncle, is known for tormenting his subjects. Krishna troubles Kansa with his deeds as a cow-herdsmen. To that cowherds-boy, let there be good blessings.

దండివైరులను తరిమిన దనుజుల | 
గుండె దిగులునకు గొబ్బిళ్ళో |
వెండిపైడి యగు వేంకట గిరిపై | 
కొండలయ్యకును గొబ్బిళ్ళో ||
Dandivailulanu tharimina dhanujula
Gunde digulunaku gobbillo
Vendi paidi yagu Venkata giripai
Kondalayyakunu gobbillo
దండిDandi= strong/valiant;వైరులనుvairulanu=enemies; తరిమినtharimina= drive away; దనుజులdhanujula=demon;
గుండెGunde= heart; దిగులునకుdigulunaku=to fear; గొబ్బిళ్ళోgobbillo
వెండిVendi=silver; పైడిpaidi=gold; యగుyagu=who is; Venkataవేంకట  గిరిపైgiripai= on the hill
కొండలయ్యకునుKondalayyakunu(kondala+ayya+ku+nu)=(hills+lord+to+also) gobbillo
Valiant enemies who drove away ; who to demon-
hearts is fear - (to him) 
Silver, gold which is Venkata, on that Hill 
to the mountain-lord, let there be blessings
Strong enemies were driven away by the heart-scare of demons (Krishna). To him blessings.
The venkata hill is similar to gold and silver.  He who has become lord of that hill, let there be blessings.

As always, please feel free to comment and suggest to make this explanation more clear.

[1] http://www.annamayyakeerthanalu.in/2015/03/kolani-dopariki-gobbillo-annamacharya-keerthana.html
[3] http://www.hinduliterature.org/telugu/stotrams/annamayya_keerthanas_kolani_dopariki.php
[4] http://www.sangeetasudha.org/annamacharya/vol5/anna46.html