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Sunday, February 9, 2020

emani pogadudame

This song is Annamayya's description of what Alamelmanga's beauty means to Venkateswara. S. Janaki's rendition of this song can be found here.

|| ఏమని పొగదుడుమే యికనిను | ఆమని సొబగుల అలమేల్మంగ ||
pa|| Emani pogaDudumE yikaninu | Amani sobagula alamelmaMga ||
ఏమనిemani= as what?; పొగదుడుమేpogadudume= we praise?; యికika= now;నినుninnu= you | ఆమని aamani= plenty/satiating; సొబగులsobagula=beauty/prettiness; అలమేల్మంగ
As what shall we praise you now,
with plenty of beauty, Alamelmanga
Annamayya is in awe with Alamelmanga's beauty and says, that there are no words to describe her. Annamayya's conversation with Alamelmanga is in first person.

చ|| తెలికన్నుల నీ తేటలే కదవే | వెలయగ విభునికి వెన్నెలలు |
పులకల మొలకల పొదులివి గదవే | పలుమరు పువ్వుల పానుపులు ||
ca|| telikannula nI tETalE kadavE | velayaga viBuniki vennelalu |
pulakala molakala pAdulivi gadavE | palumaru buvvula pAnupulu ||
తెలిteli= white; కన్నులkannula= of eyes, నీnee= your; తేటలేtaeTale= purity/simplicity; కదవేkadave= isn't it, dear? | వెలయగvelayaga= become popular; విభునికిvibhuniki=to the Lord; వెన్నెలలుvennelalu= moonlight |
పులకలpulakala=tingling- goosebumpy; మొలకలmolakala= sprouts; పొదులివిpodulivi(podalu+ivi)= flourishing/increasing+this;గదవేkadave= isn't it? | పలుమరుpalumaru=many times; పువ్వులpuvvula=of flower; పానుపులుpaanupulu= cot/bed
with White eyes is your purity/simplicity, isnt it
for the popular Lord moonlight?
tingling sprouts that flourish aren't they , many times, the flower bed
"Your White eyed simplicity  is the moonlight to the popular Lord"
Annamayya starts describing what Alamelmanga means to her husband. Even though Annamayya is directly describing ALamelmanga's purity to be the moonlight of her husband,  the similie of whiteness being epitome of purity is indirectly indicated by white eyes and moonlight.

చ|| తియ్యపు నీమోవి తేనెలే కదవే | వియ్యపు రమణుని విందులివి |
ముయ్యక మూసిన మొలక నవ్వు గదె | నెయ్యపు గప్పురపు నెరి బాగాలు ||
ca|| tiyyapu nImOvi tEnelE kadavE | viyyapu ramaNuni viMdulivi |
muyyaka mUsina molaka navvu gade | neyyapu gappurapu neri bAgAlu ||
తియ్యపుtiyyapu= of sweet; నీnee= your;మోవిmovi= lips/mouth; తేనెలేtaenele= honey only; కదవే kadave=isn't it?| వియ్యపుviyyapu= of marriage alliance; రమణునిramaNuni= to husband; విందులివిvindulivi(vindulu+ivi)=(feasts+these)feasts are these |
ముయ్యకmoyyaka= not closed; మూసినmaosina= closed; మొలకmolaka= sprout; నవ్వుnavvu= smile; గదెkade= is it? | నెయ్యపుnoyyapu= of affection/love; గప్పురపుgappurapu= camphor; నెరి neri= apt, బాగాలుbaagaalu(baaga+alu)=(good+wife)
of sweet your lips are just honey, aren't they
to your marriage allied husband, feasts are these
not wishing to close/stop, but closing(stopping) that spring-like smile, isn't it
of affection and of camphor apt (for) perfect wife
 Alamelmanga's honey-like lips are the feast to her husband, and her spring-like smile  full of affection is apt for the perfect wife.

చ|| కైవసమగు నీ కౌగిలే కదవే | శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వరు సిరి నగరు |
తావు కొన్న మీ తమకములే కదే | కావించిన మీ కల్యాణములు ||
ca|| kaivasamagu nI kaugilE kadavE | SrI vEMkaTESvaruni siri nagaru |
tAvu konna mI tamakamulE kadE | kAviMcina kalyANamulu ||
కైkai= hand;వసమగుvasamagu(vasamu+agu)=(in control+that is) that which is in control; నీnee=your; కౌగిలేkaugili= embrace/hug; కదవే kadave= isn't it| శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వరుSri Venkateswaru= of Venkateswara's; సిరిsiri= treasure; నగరు(నగదు ??=spot-money/cash) |
తావుtavu= way; కొన్నkonna= that took place; మీmee= yours(both venkateswara & Alamelmanga) తమకములే= eagerness/love desperation from separation; కదేkade= isn't it | కావించినkaavinchina= that made it happen; మీmee= (both) your ; కల్యాణములుkalyanamulu= weddings?
hand's reach is your embrace, isn't it Sr Venkateswara's treasureful cash
made way to yours, isn't the eagerness of seperation that made your wedding happen?
 Alamel manga's embrace is Venkateswara's treasure. The separation anxiety made way to the wedding, :).

As always, any suggestions/ comments that help in better understanding of this song are highly appreciated.


1) https://annamayya-u.blogspot.in/2010/08/emani-pogadudume.html
2) https://templesinindiainfo.com/annamayya-keerthana-emani-pogadudume-in-telugu-and-english-with-meaning/
3) http://www.sangeetasudha.org/annamacharya/vol2/e.html