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Friday, March 6, 2020

rama daya para seema

This song is very popular in last few decades as I remember it being played in temples early in the mornings, specifically by P. Susheela.
Annaamayya in this song is seeking Rama's mercy on mistakes of others, and goes on to take example of Vibhishana and says that if Rama was merciful to Vibhishana, the traitor, Venkateswara/ Rama can easily overlook his mistakes. Also, as Venkateswara, he grants boons to all, but Ananmayya still pleads to overlook his mistakes.
There is a slight tone of questioning Rama out of frustration, on why Rama is not overlooking Annamayya's mistakes.

Song by P. Susheela:

రామా దయాపరసీమా అయోధ్యపుర
ధామా మావంటివారితప్పులు లోగొనవే
రామాRama= Rama; దయాపరసీమాdayaaparaseema=(daya+para+seema)mercy+highest+limit, greatest limit for mercy; అయోధ్యAyodhya= Ayodhya; పురpura= city;
ధామాdhama= dweller; మావంటిmaa vanti= like us; వారిvari= of those;తప్పులుtappulu= mistakes; లోగొనవేloogonave(lokonu+ae)=(take in/away+why);
Rama, of mercy who is the limit of limitless, Ayodhya city's
dweller; of people like us mistakes,
take away why?
Annamayya is asking Rama, who is the highest limit of mercy and Ayodhya's dweller, why he doesn't take in the mistakes of people like Annamayya(us). The last "ae" can be interpreted as "why" and also as a request.

కృపజూపితివి నీవు కింకలు మాని
తపియించి యమ్ము మొన దారకుజిక్కినవాని
నెపాన గాచి నిడిచి నీవాదరించితివి
అపరాధిaparadhi= offender; యైనట్టిainatti=who is;యాతనిaatani= his;తమ్మునినేtammunine= his brother only;
కృపkrupa=compassion;జూపితివిjoopithivi=you showed; నీవుneevu= you; కింకలుkinkalu= (Kinka=anger) anger; మానిmaani=leaving;
తపియించిtapinchi= with anguish; యమ్ము మొనyammumona(yamm+una)= (ocean+near) near ocean; దారకుdaaraku=breaking; జిక్కినవానిchikkinavaani= one who was caught
నెపానnepaana=for his offense; గాచిgaachi=protect; నిడిచిniDichi= by leaving; నీవాదరించితివిneevaadarinchitivi=(neevu+aadarinchitivi)you welcomed/treat kindly/ took care;
offender who is, his brother only
compassion showed you, leaving anger
with anguish, near ocean breaking, the one who was caught
for his offense(you) protected, left free,
you kindly treated
To the offender's (Ravana's) brother (Vibhishana), Rama showed compassion instead of being angry.
Vibhishana, who was anguished,  near the ocean, was caught. But Rama, for his offense, protected, gave freedom and kindly treated Vibhishana.
It is interesting that Annamayya thinks that Vibhishana's offense was overlooked by Rama. Vibhishana's intent to help Rama was to get Lanka/ become king of Lanka.

సేయరాని ద్రోహము సేసినపక్షికి నీవి
పాయక అప్పటి నభయమిచ్చితి
చాయసేసుకొని వుండి స్వామి ద్రోహి జెప్పనట్టి
తోయపుటేటెని మంచితోవనే పెట్టితివి
సేయరానిseyarani= not to be done; ద్రోహముDrohamu= offense; సేసినchesina=who did; పక్షికిpakshiki= to that bird/ helpless lone person; నీవిneevi= zone/prison;
పాయకpaayaka= constantly; అప్పటిappati= then, at that time; నభయమిచ్చితిabhayamichitivi= you gave assurance of security;
చాయchaaya= nearness;సేసుకొనిchesukoni= doing so; వుండిundi= stay; స్వామిswamy= master; ద్రోహి drohi= traitor;జెప్పనట్టిcheppanatti=(tell+that which)
తోయపుటేటెని toyapuTaeni=??????; మంచిmanchi= good;తోవనేtoevane=path only; పెట్టితివిpeTTithivi=put
undoable offense who did, that helpless-person bird, in zone/prison
constantly, at that instant you gave assurance of security
nearness doing so stayed the master-traitor, not-to be told
??? (offense) good path only (you) put
My first thought were if Annamayya is talking about the Jatayu. But he actually is talking about someone who stayed close by Rama. Hence, I believe, Ananmayya is continuing to talk about Vibhishana. (Any suggestions would be appreciated). A comment from a reader has helped me know the "Kakasura" episode of Ramayana.
When Rama and Sita are in the forest, during their time alone, they are surrounded by crows. The gods to understand what actually triggers the anger of Rama, sent Kakasura, son of Indra to torture Sita, and see Rama's reaction. So in the forest, with all other bird, Kakasura is hovering around. But when Rama is rating on Sita's lap and sleeping, Kakasura pecks off flesh from Sita's bosom, an undoable offense.
Rama wakes up and knowing that the bird had tortured Sita, aims a Brahmastra, the supreme weapon that is capable of finding its victim/aim wherever they are. Kakasura goes to all the Gods and seeks shelter. But knowing the powers of Brahmastra, the Gods suggest Kakasura to seek Rama's shelter. As soon as Kakasura seeks Rama's shelter, Rama is compassionate and tells Kakasura that since Brahmastra cannot go futile, he should let the astra/weapon destroy a part of his body, as a sacrifice. So Kakasura willingly offers his eye as a sacrifice to the Brahmastra.
Vibhishina abandoned his own brother. He is a traitor for his country, as he was willing to join forces with the enemy. The first thought of any normal person would be to treat Vibhishana with caution, but Rama instead goes ahead and gives him assurance of security and allowed him to stay close by. Annamayya credits Rama that by doing so(letting vibhishana stay close), Rama had put Vibhishana on right path.

నేరము లెంచవు నీవు నీదయే చూపుదుగాని
బీరపు శరణాగరబిరుద నీవు
చేరి నేడు నిలుచుండి శ్రీవేంకటాద్రిమీద
గోరినవరములెల్లా కొల్ల లొసగితివి
నేరముnaeramu= mistakes/offenses; లెంచవుaenchavu= won't count; నీవుneevu=you; నీnee= your;దయేdaye= mercy only; చూపుదుగానిchupudukani= let you show it;
బీరపుbeerapu= of bravery;శరణాగta(sharana+agata)=(shelter+who comes) one who comes to your shelter; బిరుదbirudu= titled; నీవుneevu=You
చేరి chaeri= by joining;నేడుnaeDu= today; నిలుచుండిniLuchunDi=standing; శ్రీవేంకటాద్రిమీదSri Venkatadri  meeda= on VenkataDri
గోరినkorina= wished; వరముvaramulu= boons;లెల్లాella= all; కొల్లkolla=plenty; లొసగితివిosagitivi=gave you;
Mistakes won't count you, your mercy only, let you show
Bravery -one who seeks your shelter, such titled you;
by joining today standing on Vekatadri;
wished boons all plentiful give you;
Without counting mistakes, Rama who is standing on Venkadri (as Venkateswara), shows only compassion/mercy and grants all the wishes for those who seek his shelter;who is titled as the brave for all who seek his shelter;

As always, any comments that help in better understanding this song, are appreciated.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2006/11/56rama-dayaparasima.html
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQf-_2hAGSU
[3] http://www.in.com/videos/watchvideo-annamayya-keertana-rama-dayaparasima-with-english-and-telugu-lyrics-100235479.html