This is a very sweet keerthanam by Ananmacharya that oozes out with his love for the Lord Krishna and his knowledge about the jewels(gems). In this work, Annamayya compares Krishna during his various acts(leelas) to precious gems or nava ratna(9 gems) and at the same time also describes the people related to Him in each verse. The comparison and the adjectives Annamayya uses are simply enthralling, as seen always in his other works.
Apparently, each planet (graha) has a gem stone associated and hence the famous navaratna for 9 planets. The nine gem stones for the nine planets are as follows in english, hindi, and telugu:
1. For the Sun it is ruby, called manik in Hindi, and maanikyam in Telugu.
2. For the moon it is pearl, called moti in HIndi and muthyam in Telugu.
3. For the mars it is red coral, moonga in Hindi, and pagadam in telugu.
4. For mercury it is emerald, panna in Hindi, and Garudapachcha in telugu.
5. For jupiter it is yellow saphire, called pukhraj in Hindi and pushyaraagam in Telugu.
6. For venus it is diamond, heera in Hindi, and vajram in Telugu.
7. For saturn it is blue saphire, neelam in hindi, Neelamu in Telugu.
8. For rahu/uranus it is hassonite( garter), gomedha, Gomedhikamu in Telugu.
9. And finally for ketu/neptune it is cats eye, Lahsunia in Hindi[6] and Vaidooryamu in Telugu.[4]
The seven main planets rule the seven days of the week. Sun rules Sunday. Moon rules Monday. Mars rules Tuesday. Mercury rules Wednesday. Jupiter rules Thursday. Venus rules Friday. Saturn rules Saturday. Rahu and Ketu do not rule any day
ముద్దు గారే యశోద ముంగిట ముత్యము వీడు
దిద్దరాని మహిమల దేవకీ సుతుడు
Muddu gAre YashodA mungita muthyamu veedu
Diddaraani mahimala Devaki suthudu
Word-Word meaning:
ముద్దు Muddu= Kiss, lovely; గారే gAre= (kAre) to pour; యశోద Yashoda= Yashoda, Krishna's mother;
ముంగిట mungita= court yard's ; ముత్యము muthyamu= pearl ; వీడు veedu= He (is)
దిద్దరాని Diddaraani= cannot be altered; మహిమల mahimala=greatness; దేవకీ Devaki= Devaki సుతుడు suthudu= son
He is the pearl of the courtyard of Yashoda, who(Yashoda) showers/pours out love;
He is the son of Devaki, the one whose greatness/miracles cannot be altered
Here Annamayya describes the two mothers of Krishna. Yashoda is the foster mother and nurtures him until He kills Kansa and meets his birth mother Devaki. So Annamayya describes Yashoda as the one who showers/pours out Kisses/love, in other words, a benevolent woman. Another word Annamayya uses to hint us about her fostering him is "mungita", the courtyard. Since Krishna grew up in Yashoda's house, He bejewels the courtyard of her house like a pearl.
Devaki herself had to undergo many haardships and miracles to give birth to Kishna. So Annamayya describes how miraculous/great she was to give birth to Krishna. So he says, "He is the son of Devaki, the one whose greatness/miracles cannot be altered".
In this stanza, Annamayya adeptly praises Yashoda, Devaki and Krishna at the same time.
అంతనింత గొల్లెతల అరచేతి మాణిక్యము
పంతమాడే కంసుని పాలి వజ్రము
కాంతుల మూడు లోకాల గరుడపచ్చా పూస
చెంతల మాలోనున్న చిన్ని కృష్ణుడు
Anthanintha gollethala arachethi manikyamu
Panthamaade Kamsuni pali vajramu
Kaanthula moodu lokala Garudapachhaapoosa
Chenthala malonunna Chinni Krishnudu
Word-word meaning:
అంతనింతAnthanintha =(Antha+intha) that much and this much; గొల్లెతల gollethala =(Golletha+la) of the shepard-woman; అరచేతి arachethi= palm; మాణిక్యము manikyamu= Ruby
పంతమాడే Panthamaade= (Panthamu+ade= obstinate+play) one who acts stubbonly; కంసుని Kansuni= Kansa's;పాలి paali= one who reigns; వజ్రము Vajramu= Diamond
కాంతుల Kanthula= of spledour, lustre ; మూడు moodu= three; లోకాల lokala= worlds; గరుడ పచ్చా GarudaPachha= Emerald; పూస poosa= bead
చెంతలchenthala= within vicinity, neighborhood; మాలోనున్న maalonunna= one who is within us; చిన్ని chinni= little; కృష్ణుడు= Krishnudu;
He is the Ruby in every( small and big, this and that) shepard-woman's palm
He is the Diamond that reigns over the stubbornly acting Kansa
He is the Emerald bead of the splendid lustrous three worlds
He is the little Krishna within everyone's reach.
This stanza is self explanatory. I guess Annamayya stresses the little Krishna, (in his physical form)is adored by shepard-woman of all ages(young and old) when he says that he fits in their palms as ruby.
రతికేళి రుఖ్మినికి రంగుమోవి పగడము
మితి గోవర్ధనపు గోమేధికము
సతమై శంఖచక్రాల సందుల వైదూర్యము
గతియై మమ్ము గాచే కమలాక్షుడు
rathikeli rukhminiki rangumovi pagadamu
mithi govardhanapu Gomedhikamu
sathamai Shankhachakrala sandula vaidhooryamu
gathiyai mammu gAche Kamalakshudu
Word-word meaning
రతి Rathi= love; rathi, wife of CUpid;కేళి Keli= sport,play, dance rathikeli= (Rathi+keli) amorous sport; రుఖ్మినికి Rukminiki=To Rukmini; రంగు Rangu= elegant,colorful;మోవి moovi= (మోవిmovi=a lip); moova=a bell or tinkiling ornament(derived from muvva);పగడము Pagadamu=coral
మితి mithi=bound,limit ;గోవర్ధనపు Govardhanapu= The Govardhana mountain's;గోమేధికము gomedhikamu = A precious stone of yellowish color, Hassonite.
సతమై sathamei=permanently, longlasting; శంఖ shanka= conch shell;చక్రాల chakrala= of the Chakra/(Krishna's weapon , the wheel/circular saw) సందులsandula= in the hole, in between; వైదూర్యము vaiduryamu= cat's eye
గతియై gathi+ayyi= Destiny/fortune+become; మమ్ము mammu= us, గాచే gaache=guard, watch, protect, కమలాక్షుడు Kamala+akshudu=The lotus eyed one
To amorous Rukmini, He is the coral of the her lip
He is the Hassonite (stone) of the limited Govardhana mountain
He is the cat's eye that is permanently situated in between Shanka and Chakra
He is the little Krishna who protects us as destiny/the only alternative.
Here, Annamayya describes Rukmini and the three things associated with Krishna and Vishnu. movi means lip while muva means bell. He says that Krishna is Rukmini's tinkling coral of her colourful lip. For the region with in mountain Govardhana, since he lifted the mountain, He is strong as the Hassonite, bearing the burden. The Shanka and Chakra are permanently situated on two sides of his face. So Annamayya refers to Vishnu as the "Vaiduryamu/cat's eye" jewel between the two objects(shanka and chakra). finally, Krishna is the one that protects us as destiny.
కాళింగుని తలలాపై గప్పిన పుష్యరాగము
యేలేటి శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రి ఇంద్రనీలము
పాలజలనిధిలోన బాయని దివ్య రత్నము
బాలునీవలె దిరిగే పద్మనాభుడు
kalinguni thalalapai gappina pushyaragamu
yeleti Sri Venkatadri Indraneelamu
paalajalanidhilona bayani Divya ratnamu
baaluneevale dirige Padmanabhudu
కాళింగుని Kalinguni= The serpent Kalinga's ;తలలాపై talapai= on head ,గప్పిన gappina= to spread;పుష్యరాగము pushyaragam= yellow Sapphire
యేలేటి Yeleti= to reign; శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రి Venkatadri= The Venkata Hill; ఇంద్రనీలము Indraneelam= Blue Sapphire
పాలజలనిధిలోన Pala+jala+nidhula+lona= the milky(Pala) ocean's(jala) treasure (nidhi) in(lona); బాయని=(separated??) దివ్య Divya= Divine; రత్నము Ratnam= precious gem.
బాలునీవలె baaluni vale= like a child/boy; దిరిగే dirige(thirige)= to roam around; పద్మనాభుడు padmanabhudu= The one whose navel is the root for lotus
He is the yellow Sapphire that spread over the Serpent Kalinga;
He is the Blue Sapphire,reigning over the Venkata Hills;
He is the Divine jewel/gem that was distinct(even) among the milky water's( Pala Samudra) treasure.
He is the Padmanabha(the origin for this world) who roams around like a boy.
I'm guessing that Annamayya is refering to the ksheerasamudra manthan,(churning of milky ocean) which resulted in many treasures, like the kalpataru(wish fulfilling tree), kamadhenu(wish-fulfillinf cow), Lakshmi( fortune), amruthamu(elixir) etc. Even when all the treasures were churned out, the foundation for churning was given by Kurma/tortoise (Vishnu's incarnation). Annamayya says that even among the most enviable treasures, he is distinct and more precious than all of them. Or, Annamayya could be referring to the point that among the various treasures the milky ocean holds, Vishnu who resides in it, is the most precious gem.
1) Paluri Shankaranarayana, "Telugu to English Dictionary",Google books.
5)Priya sisters rendition of the song,
great work! very well explained! pls continue the good work. Will be of great help to people like me who dont know telugu :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment, Srinivas. I took up this task for rather a selfish thought of personal understanding of Annamayya's kritis and in the process hope that my research would be helpful to a few others. I'm happy that this blog is serving its purpose :).
DeleteFantastic explanation ! I really starved to know the meaning of the words. ...chenthala malolunna chinni krishnudu... melted me.
DeleteThank you for your comment. I am happy that you found this explanation helpful.
DeleteI agree that some poetic lines have a transcendental effect on us, but with Annamayya's work, we'll find that in most of his kritis.
Such a wonderful song. Thank you very much for the translation. Such a great work indeed.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sugandhi. I'm glad you found this helpful.
DeleteThank you very much! My daughter is learning to dance this song in Kuchipudi style and I was looking for the meaning of this song to explain to her. This is the best translation I have come across:)
ReplyDeleteHello Padmini, I'm super happy that you found this useful.I am myself a Bharatanatyam dancer. I should confess that this blog is actually a dancer's attempt to understand the meaning of these keerthanas to emote/express the idea perfectly and happy that it is serving its purpose by helping others too. I wish your daughter good luck with her dance performance!
DeleteGreat effort sir. Really enjoyed the meaning.
DeleteLoved it. Lord krishna's bhakti can make us do wonders.
Deleteచాలా బాగా అర్థాలు వివరించారండీ, ధన్యవాదములు.
ReplyDeleteమీకు నా వివరణ నచ్చినందుకు సంతోషిస్తున్నాను. మా ప్రయత్నాన్ని గుర్తించినందుకు మీకు ధన్యవాదాలు, షణ్ముఖన్ గారు.
DeleteVery nice work ! Appreciate it !
ReplyDeleteThanks Naresh! I'm glad you found it helpful.
Deletevery excellent . hats off to you for doing this work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment Swarna!
Deleteపదాల అర్థాలు వివరంగా తెలిపినందుకు కృతజ్ఞ్యతలు. మీ లాంటి వారి వల్లే మన సాహిత్యము భావితరాల వారికి అందుతుంది.
ReplyDeleteచాల సంతోషం అండి ।నా ప్రయత్నాన్ని గుర్తించినందుకు మీకు నా కృతజ్ఞతలు.
Deletesir i want to know the meaning of hari hara sutha ye ayyapa
ReplyDeleteplzzz help mee
Could you please attach a link to the song/lyrics?That way we can make sure I translate the right one.Just wanted to let you know that I cannot promise you the time by which I can post it.I need atleast a week.
DeleteThank you so , much for your detailed info
ReplyDeleteI am really glad that you found this helpful. :)
DeleteThanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you found this helpful.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for sharing this with us.
ReplyDeleteసతమై శంఖచక్రాల సందుల వైదూర్యము
Can you explain the meaning of this line in detail?
I added "Discusison" section to that stanza, based on your comment. Annamayya is referring Vishnu to the jewel Vaiduryam (Cat's eye in English). Vishnu has shanka(Conch) amd chakra(the disc) on either side of his face, which according to Annamayya are permanently fixed. Annamayya adeptly describes Vishnu as jewel between shanka and chakra.
ReplyDeleteI hope I was able to answer your question. Please feel free to be specific if you think otherwise.
Thank you,
Thank you for this thorough translation. Enjoyed reading.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking time to comment. I'm glad that you enjoyed the translation
DeleteAll the jewels in the world were used to describe chinna Krishna
ReplyDeleteI'm sure great benefits would accrue id one would meditate upon this song.
Another guess id hazard is you get the same benefit from this song as from the 10 th Skanda of bagavata Puranam
If you want to drink the amrudh of this song, I strongly recommend to listen the version of RaGa(Ranjai Gayathri) sisters.
ReplyDeleteI did not find their song online. Would appreciate if you can provide the link where we can find the song.
Deletethank you for the way you have presented the meaning for us in easy words that kids can even understand.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment, Sunayana. I think all poetry, especially by our great poets are purely simple, realistic and blissful. It is with times that we forgot to savor, and I am very glad that this blog is serving its purpose.
DeleteBest wishes,
Hi, thanks a lot for taking this effort. This is really helpful. Just a question - Can 'bayani' in charanam 3 be a form if 'bayati' meaning outside, implying that Krishna is that precious jewel found outside the palajalanidhi which issupposed to bethe source of all the precious jewels?
ReplyDeleteHi Shyama,
DeleteThank you for your comment. I am glad that you like this blog.
I have a strong feeling that "bayani" as a word exists(existed during Annamayya times atleast) in Telugu because Annamayya has used this word in more than one keerthana. I am still searching for the meaning that can be authenticated with a strong reference.
I do not think it is "bayati" because it is slightly out of place in the poem. It is "baayani" with a deergha while "bayati" is without the deergha, and does not flow well. I hope you understand what I mean :).
Thanks anyways, I have stumbled upon right words/meaning through suggestions from people like you and really appreciate it.
Can I use your website and the other links that you have mentioned as a reference to translate these keerthanalu to Marathi?
ReplyDeleteHey Shyama,
DeleteI would first of all commend you on thinking of translating these keerthanas into Marathi! Kudos and I wish best of everything for you to take up this task.
It is really nice of you to have asked permission! You can definitely use my website. I have a strong request though that you mention it as a reference in your work/translation. I am not asking it for credit but I feel that many a times, it lets the readers explore more on their own if we can provide references that lead to a translation. It also gives inspiration to others(I am sure you agree) on how to do similar work/translation, as in your case :).
I cannot vouch for others though :). I know for sure that as long as you reference their work, there should not be any problem with copyrights, if you were thinking of that.
Cheers and do feel free to let me know if I can help you in anyway.
Best wishes,
Hi Igopired, I started the blog, so thought should send you the first translation. It is a lot of work, and I can appreciate how much work you and others who have to translate have put in. :)
DeleteP.S. I do not know if you know Marathi, but if you do, feedback is always welcome :).
Hey Shyama!
DeleteI must first congratulate you for taking up this task and for successful first post! Secondly, I thank you for making my day today :). I completely agree with your intention that it is easy to translate without losing the emotions/bhava Indian poems/kirthans in one Indian language to another Indian language.
I also posted a comment on your blog with a request.
Cheers and keep up the good work.
Thank you for writing this. The word by word meaning, and the overall meaning, are so helpful to people who don't know Telugu, but still want accurate knowledge of the lyrics.
ReplyDeleteOne addition / suggestion: Yellow Sapphire (Pushyaraagam) is called Pukhraaj in Hindi. Pearl is Moti in Hindi. Ruby is Maanik in Hindi. You can see the similarities. You may consider adding these to your list in the text. (I have heard that Cats Eye is called Lehsunia in Hindi, but I am not sure of this).
Thanks for writing this very valuable blog!
Thanks a lot for your comment and glad that you found this blog helpful. I have updated the blog with Hindi words for the nine gems, as per your suggestion. :) I really appreciate your comment for sharing your suggestion with me :).
DeleteBest regards,
Namaste! What a wonderful service! I had recently learnt to read and write Telugu to learn Sri Annamayyaa and Sri Thyagaraja kritis. I am able to appreciate this blog very well. Dhanyosmi Sir. Your work is radiant!!
ReplyDeleteNamaste! Thanks a ton for this wonderful post! Helped me learn the great lyrics very quickly! Happily singing now, thanks to you!! :-)
ReplyDeleteNamaste, Dhouhitri! i am so glad that this post was helpful to you.Good luck and happy singing :).
Thank u so much for giving such wonderful explanation. Ur translations r answers to my many questns related to annamayya kirtanas. Annamayya pleased lord with his glorious kirtans. Though we r not even equal to 1/100th of his toe nail, at least we can try to read and sing at our ability to please lord to some extent. Great satisfaction for our souls singing those glories for Krishna which he got impressed with, from his great devotee Shri Annamacharya. Once again glories to u for this attempt of translating.
ReplyDeleteIt's such a lovely feeling to understand the real meaning of the song to sing out to my baby. For every mother their child is their little Krishna... Wonderful work, truly appreciate your work!!
ReplyDeleteReally great work. Keep going.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I appreciate it.
DeleteHi....wonderful translation of the song. I really felt awed reading this as I got to know how Annammayya put in such small words this intense and rich meaning. You have done a wonderful job at explaining this to commoners like me allowing us to appreciate the beauty of telugu and understand the rich literature background we possess.
ReplyDeleteThank you
Gayathri Palla
Thank you, Gayatri for the kind words. I am a commoner myself, and I guess that reflects in this blog.
DeleteI am happy that this post was able to make a difference for you, and elated that this blog is serving its purpose of creation.
ReplyDeleteYou've done such a wonderful job with translating the keerthanam. I am a bharatnatyam dancer and I want to use this keerthanam... Can you recommend an traditional rendering of this piece that I could use? Thanks so much. - Mathangi
Excellent explanation.. really needed this from long time
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I must say that I reference lyrics from your site sometimes. Good to hear from you.
Great effort sir. Really enjoyed the meaning.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Shankar for taking time to comment. I'm glad you enjoyed reading the post.
DeleteI got confused when other internet source quoted mungita as "doused" may be referring to as munigina
ReplyDeleteGreat Translation. There is one correction that is needed. The keertana is about Krishna. In the first stanza 'Diddarani mahimala devaki suthudu' should be attributed to Krishna not Devaki. The 'mahima' that cannot be altered is of Krishna's. The poet is conveying a meaning that Krishna is incorrigible. Its about "incorrigible bala krishna, who cannot be easily reformed." It would be good if you can correct it. Technically your first stanza translation makes sense but poetically it doesn't . Mudugaare Yashoda Mungita mutyam... The word Muddugaare qualifies Yashoda's court not Yashoda. Similarly 'Diddarani mahima' qualifies the son of Devaki ... not Devaki.
ReplyDeleteHello Sudheer,
DeleteThank you for taking time to comment. Well, my first thought when I began translating this poem, was exactly as you said. But as you said its technicality and the flow of the poem itself, which I believe Annamayya might have followed while writing a poem that have been the basis of the translation.
I thank you for your comment, and I leave it to the discretion of the readers to decide whichever best fits the context.
I am from Kerala., you explained it to the most beautiful way sir
ReplyDeleteHello Ajay, Thanks for taking time to comment. I am glad that you found this post helpful.
DeleteWonderfully explained. Before I liked this song because of the tune and style of singing. Now, after learning the meaning, the liking for the song doubled. Now, I can try to imagine Krishna as per the details mentioned here when I hear the song.
ReplyDeleteWhen Annamayya says 'Diddarani mahimala Devaki suthudu', I think the meaning for 'Diddarani' is that it's 'Indescribable' (or beyond one's imagination to write) than altering.
What an explanation🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏you are truly blessed by shrikrishna..🙏🙏🙏🙏truly mind blowing...please keep working and keep posting these kinds of things for people like me so that we can improve spiritual knowledge..🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteThank you so much sir. Was searching for meaning to dance on this. thankyou
ReplyDeleteThe explnation to each word is very nice. But in the last stanza..."payani" means "dorakani"....Sri Krishna is that treasure that can't be find so easily (even if you do ksheera Sagara madanam) and yet he was roaming like a kid.
ReplyDeleteNamaste Praveen,
DeleteThank you for taking time to comment and sharing your interests and appreciation.
Thanks a lot for the translation and explanation. Hare Krishna!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your efforts in translation.Even though I got fascinated with this song due to to its musical composition, I was not able to completely understand it, being a Non Telugu person. I can enjoy a song very well only if I understand the word by word meaning and imbibe the essence. Your translations and descriptions have made me realise how beautiful the composition is. Hats off to Sri Annamayya and many thanks to you for sharing this and providing me an opportunity to experience the essence of Pure Bhakti and affection to Lord Krishna in this kriti which is also a reflection of the rich ancient Hindu literary culture we once had. . . This has also inspired me to explore more of his kritis.
ReplyDeleteChintalaa (చింత లా) or chentala చెంత లా???
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for translation. Hare Krishna 🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Thank you !
ReplyDeleteIt is really great that you have explained this gem of a jewel by Annamacharya so well that someone like me who only understands the Sanskrit portions of Telugu can truly savor the exquisite beauty of the sentiments of this krithi as Tamil is my mother tongue. I am grateful to you as some of the Telugu words phonetically can mean different in Tamil and I was puzzled with that. This song and the instrumental accompaniment with the mridangam and gathum version that I have sung by Sowmya I listen to and enjoy so much. The album I have has Akhilandaeaswari as well and that is also a gem - Carnatic music by the triumvirate Thyagaraja, Shyma Shastri and Dikshithar is also a treasure that the world outside of India probably cannot and will not grasp - it is too rooted in Indian culture and values that you have to be an Indian to drown in that type of intellectual and auditory ambrosia...
ReplyDeleteyou have given very good information | Thanks for sharing check post I Need You Meaning In Hindi
ReplyDeleteI am learning this song to sing for my 6 month old as a bed time lullaby. Thank you for putting in the effort to translate it for all our sake. I am not very knowledgeable about Telugu literature so please take this with a grain of salt.
ReplyDeleteపాలజలనిధిలోన బాయని దివ్య రత్నము
బాలునీవలె దిరిగే పద్మనాభుడు
For some reason I always thought of this line as roughly translating to
A divine gem that cannot be found in the treasures of the milky way is walking around as a kid.
Thoughts ??
wonderful explanation of each and every stanza🙏🙏Im learning to sing this song recently, this blog helped me to understand the meaning of each and every word and connect to the song.Thanks a lot for all ur efforts and spreading it out.Its really really helpful🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeletethank you so vey vey much for your sincere efforts
ReplyDeleteBeautifully explained. I am listening to Uthara Unnikrishnan singing this, on Amazon music and its amazing.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely great explanation. I have been enjoying this melodious keertana all my life without knowing it's meaning. I am 70. I am very grateful.
ReplyDeleteBeautifully explained... Feels like a literary marvel...Cannot help but wonder about Annamayya's contribution to our culture...Keep up the good work!!