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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Kattedura Vaikunttamu...

In this sankeerthana, Annamayya describes the sanctity and the importance of the Tirupathi hills(Konda). Apparently, each of the seven Hills has a story behind it and a reason as to how each got its name. A detailed explanation is given in the blog called "goopuram" by Neelima [2]. These hills are supposed to be deposits of medicinal herbs, water streams and hence miracles for harmful diseases. Also, as goes the popular belief, the Seven hills are supposed to be giver of boons. In one stanza Annamayya describes the hill being the passing ground for many water streams, in another he explains how all the beings have sprung as trees on this Hill to be closer to the Lord.

This song as rendered by Priya sisters can be found here.

కట్టెదుర వైకుంఠము కాణాచయిన కొండ
తెట్టలాయ మహిమలే తిరుమల కొండ
kaTTedura vaikuMThamu kaaNaachayina koMDa
teTTalaaya mahimalae tirumala koMDa
Word- word meaning:
కట్టెదురkaTTedura = build; వైకుంఠముvaikuMThamu= Vaikuntam, abode of Vishnu; కాణా kaaNaa= forest; చయిన chayina(చయము+అయిన  chayamu+ayina)=collection; కొండkoMDa= Hill
తెట్టలాయteTTalaaya= become heaps/hives; మహిమలేmahimalae= miracles; తిరుమలtirumala= Tirumala; కొండ koMDa=Hill
He built "Vaikuntam" on the forest-filled Hill and the miracles heaped on Tirumala Hill.

వేదములే శిలలై వెలసినది కొండ
యేదెస బుణ్యరాసులేయేరులైనది కొండ
కాదిలి బ్రహ్మాదిలోకములకొనల కొండ
శ్రీదేవుదుండేటి శేషాద్రి కొండ
vaedamulae Silalai velasinadi koMDa
yaedesa buNyaraasulaeyaerulainadi
koMDakaadili brahmaadilOkamulakonala koMDa
SreedaevuduMDaeTi Saeshaadri koMDa
వేదములేVedamule=Vedas only; శిలలై Shilalai= rocks; వెలసినదిvelasinadi= came into existence; కొండ
యేYe= which; దెస=direction; పుణ్య=auspicious; రాసులే= collection, heap;  యేరులైనది (yerulu+ainadi) =have become roots; కొండ
కాదిలిkadili=The sea; బ్రహ్మాది= Brahma and other;లోకములlokamula= worlds;కొనలKonala= corners; కొండ
శ్రీదేవుదుండేటిSridevudu+undetanti)=where Sri's Lord stays; శేషాద్రి= Sesha Hills; కొండ
With the Vedas becoming the rocks this Hill sprang up.
In all directions and for good deeds has this Hill (become roots) laid the foundation.
The seas along with Brahma and other lokas are the corners of this mountain
This is Seshadri Hills, the abode of Sri's(Lakshmi's) Lord (Venkateswara)
The reference to the Brahma and other lokas being on the four  corners actually means that all the Devas and lokas always look upon this Hill as Venkateswara's abode.

సర్వదేవతలు మృగజాతులై చరించేకొండ
నిర్వహించి జలధులే నిట్టచరులైన కొండ
వుర్విదపసులే తరువులై నిలచిన కొండ
పూర్వటంజనాద్రి యీ పొడవాటి కొండ
sarvadaevatalu mRgajaatulai chariMchaekoMDa
nirvahiMchi jaladhulae niTTacharulaina commode
vurvidapasulae taruvulai nilachina koMDa
poorvaTaMjanaadri yee poDavaaTi koMDa
సర్వ sarva= all;దేవతలు devathalu= dieties; మృగజాతులైmruga jaathulai= as animals/living forms; చరించే charinche=to wander/roam;కొండ konda=Hill;
నిర్వహించిnirvahinchi=flowing; జలధులేjaladhule= water streams; నిట్టnitta = erected;చరులైనCHerulu+aina= have become ponds; కొండKonda=hill;
వుర్విదUrvida= Earth's; పసులేpasule= animals; తరువులైtaruvulai=trees; నిలచినnilichina=stood up; కొండ konda=hill;
పూర్వ purva= east/past/first;పు ట= a side/page of a leaf; అంజనాద్రిAnjanadri= The hill of Anjana; యీ Eee=this; పొడవాటి podavati= long; కొండkonda=Hill
All the deities roam around as living forms on this Hill;
All the flowing water streams have become the ponds on this hill;
All the Earth's animals  stood up like trees on this Hill;
an east side Anjanadri is this long hill
The last line of this stanza is vague to me as I did not get the word meaning of " purva+putam+janadri" . I could be missing the story behind its formation.  I must thank one of the commentators, who has directed to a more reasonable meaning for "purvaputamjanadri". I also now have one more reference[4] that actually refers to the word "poorvaputa". In this reference[4] which describes the pooja vidhanam for siddi vinayaka vrata, there is a mention of poorvaputa of a leaf, meaning the first side/page of the leaf. But in this context, I can only allude that Annamayya is referring to a side of the hill Anjanadri.  Any help  in better explaining this word is highly appreciated.
Anjanadri is supposed to have got its name due to the penance Anajana devi, Hanuman's mother does on this hill.

వరములు కొటారుగా వక్కాణించి పెంచేకొండ
పరుగు లక్ష్మీకాంతుసోబనపు గొండ
కురిసి సంపదలెల్ల గుహల నిండిన కొండ
విరివైన దదివో శ్రీవేంకటపు గొండ
varamulu koTaarugaa vakkaaNiMchi peMchaekoMDa
parugu lakshmeekaaMtusObanapu goMDa
kurisi saMpadalella guhala niMDina koMDa
virivaina dadivO SreevaeMkaTapu goMDa
వరములుvaramulu= boons/blessings; కొటారుగాkotaruga= depository; వక్కాణించిVakkaninchi= to explain; పెంచేpenche= which increases;కొండKonda=Hill;
పరుగుparugu=to run;  లక్ష్మీకాంతుLakshmi Kanthi= Lakshmi's Lord; శోభనపుShobanapu=auspicious, brilliant;   గొండ Konda= Hill
కురిసిKurisi=shower; సంపదsampada= wealth;లెల్లlella=all; గుహలguhala=cave; నిండినnindina=filled with; కొండKonda=Hill
విరివైనదదివో(విరివైనది+అదివో)=wide,extensive+there;  శ్రీవేంకటపు= Sri Venkata's; గొండKonda=Hill.
The heaps of boons requested are increased by explaining/elucidating by this Hill;
The auspicious Hill of Lakshmi's Lord;
This hill is filled with wealth-showering caves;
There is the widely spread Sri Venkata's Hill.

References :
[1] telugu to English dictionary by Paluri ShankarNarayana
[2] http://goopuram.blogspot.com/2011/11/seven-hills-of-tirumala-tirupati.html
[3] Lyrics from http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2006/11/79katteduraa-vaikuntamu.html
[4] http://www.scribd.com/doc/160400723/Varasiddhi-Vinayaka-Vrata-FAQ-2013


  1. Telugu lo PURVAPUTANJANADRI ani untundi...English lo PURVA TANJANADRI ani rasaru. As you know, Anjanadri is one of the seven hills. everyone knows the meaning of PURVAPU. But not sure in this context.

  2. Wonderful meaning to Annamayya keerthanas. Those who are interested can understand meaning of keerthana. Very useful. Thanks a lot for this great service.

    1. Thank you Veerabhadriah Budhi for your comment. I am glad you find this blog helpful.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very nice to see the word by by meaning of great kirtanalu

  5. Very nice to see the word by by meaning of great kirtanalu

    1. Thank you for your comment, Sastry Veluri. I am glad that you find this blog helpful.

      Best ,

  6. I am not the one to correct but appreciate you divine service. But one small thing... Kattedura vaikuntamu means, Tirumala is like Vaikuntam which we can see with our physical body. :) Physical body is refered as "Katte".

    Keep up the good service :) Thank you

    1. Hello,
      Thanks for your comment. That is an interesting perspective. But this raises a few other questions as to what"kattedura" as a whole means. I hope that readers will find these comments helpful in making their own discretion.


    2. Kattedura is referring as katte+edura. Meaning vaikuntamu is in front of us as tirumala. We can't visit vaikuntam with our mortal body but can visit tirumala making it kaliyuga vaikuntam.

      Many places in our puranas written in Telugu,our physical body is referred as katte. Because, our body will be cremated like/with wood..

    3. kattedura means = you can build vaikuntamu but you cannot build thirumala konda

    4. I want meaning for all annamacharya kirthanalu and stotras.my number 7013123118

  7. Murali Krishna BhuvanagiriJune 5, 2018 at 2:21 AM

    From Murali Krishna Bhuvanagiri:
    I appreciate your good work!
    It is useful to one and all!!!
    In my limited knowledge:
    (a) Katte + edura = In front of our physical body
    (b) vurvidapasulae taruvulai nilachina koMDa
    Urvi = Earth
    Tapasule = Munulu / Rushulu
    Munulu / Rushulu were transformed into Taruvulu (trees) on this Konda.
    (Remember: Vedas were transformed into Silalu (stones) on this Konda.)


  8. spoken language is differs from dictionary language one has to understand the slang sri annamayya used to wrote it is semi-folk type of song

    1. Thank you for your comment, Shankargopal. I agree with your comment to some extent. Language, in general has some meaning. You must be referring to contextual meaning and slangs. But they also have a meaning or rather another way of explanation that others can understand/relate to.

  9. Wonderful.....Great job.....You're doing an awesome job... May Lord Venkateswara bless you..🙏 Om Namo Venkatesaya 🙏

  10. Devatalu means demigods. They roam around as animals on Tirumala hills.

    Lord Venkateshwara is Devadeva , the Supreme Lord. Demigods are mortals, but they are very dear to Lord Venkateshwara. They are great devotees of the Lord.

  11. Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge to us

  12. Excellent blog! Just in case you are not aware, you may like this as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgii7E_i7P8&list=PLhFZrcu-dWgk5LFJe5EtYUKTu54bLxYvC&index=194&t=16s

  13. Very good effort.

  14. Excellent meaning I felt very happy while reading.
    Kattedura = Kadu + Edura(dwirukta takara Sandhi) means (exactly infront of me)

  15. poorvapu + anjanadri = Poorvaputanjandri. This is known as Tugagama sandhi in Telugu. (పూర్వపు+ అంజనాద్రి= పూర్వపుటంజనాద్రి - టుగాగమ సంధి) Poorvapu means old/ that comes first / front. My view here is that Annamayya is referring to Tirumala hills' Anjanadri and describing it as old (పూర్వపు) and long / tall one (పొడవాటి)

    Some examples of Tugagama sandhi are here:
    పెంకు+ ఇల్లు= పెంకుటిల్లు
    చిగురు+ ఆకు= చిగురుటాకు etc
