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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pala netrala prabala....

Here is a powerful keerthana, dedicated to NaraSimha swamy, by Annamayya that brings out the roudra rasa or anger essence. This piece is in Sanskrit and full of sobriquets attributed to NaraSimha.
While the Telugu movie on Annamayya has accounted this song to have been written when he(Annamayya) is imprisoned by the King, I am not too sure of it. I'll update as I find out more during my research.

|| పాలనేత్రానల ప్రబల విద్యుల్లతా | కేళీ విహార లక్ష్మీనారసింహా ||
PAlanEtrAnala prabala vidyullatA | kELI vihAra lakShmInArasiMhA ||

Word-Word meaning:
ఫాల నేత్రనాల Phalanetranala(Phala+netranala)=(Forehead+eyes+of)of the forehead eye; /పాలనేత్రానల PAlanEtrAnala = milky eyes; ప్రబలprabala= powerful; విద్యుల్లతా vidyullatA (Vidyth+ulata) =lighning creeper/; | కేళీkELI =sport/play;విహారvihAra = to roam; లక్ష్మీనారసింహాlakShmInArasiMhA= Lakshmi's NaraSimha( the man-Lion) ||
Of the forehead eye's powerful lightning creeper, roaming for sport, is Lakshmi NaraSimha!
Phala refers to forehead and in this stanza refers to the third eye on the forehead.
I'm guessing that Annamayya is referring to the third eye, its powerful red vein/arteries that resemble a lightning string.

|| ప్రళయమారుత ఘొర భస్త్రీకాపూత్కార | లలిత నిశ్వాసడోలా రచనయా |
కూలశైలకుంభినీ కుముదహిత రవిగగన- | చలన విధినిపుణ నిశ్చల నారసింహా ||
praLayamAruta Gora BastrIkApUtkAra | lalita niSvAsaDOlA racanayA |
kUlaSailakuMBinI kumudahita ravigagana- | calana vidhinipuNa niScala nArasiMhA ||

Word-Word meaning:
ప్రళయమారుతpraLayamAruta (Pralaya+amruthamarutha)= The destructive storm+ nectar wind; ఘొరGora = frightful; భస్త్రీకాBastrIkA= bellows/growls; పూత్కారpUtkAra = a heap or mass;లలిత lalita= lotus; నిశ్వాస niSvAsa =stay; డోలాDOlA=swing; రచనయా racanaya= the composer;
కూకులkUla = class,race; శైలSaila=hill/mountain; కుంభినీkuMBinI=Earth; కుముదkumuda=white water lily/red lotus; హితhita= welfare; రవిగగనravigagana=Sun filled sky; చలనcalana= movement;  విధిvidhi= fate,way; నిపుణnipuNa= talent/skill ; నిశ్చలniScala= steady/motionless;  నారసింహాnArasiMhA
The wind of the storm(destruction), with heaps of frightening bellows, one who stays on/with Lotus/Lakshmi, the composer;
The mountain in his Class, the caretaker of Lakshmi(Sridevi) and Earth(Bhoodevi), moving in the Sun filled sky, the skilled one at fate, is the steady Narasimha.
There are sobriquets that are contrasting in this line. First, let's look at the difficult ones. My apologies for having misread the word "marutha" as "amrutha"initially, a misplacement of letter "a" after and before "m". So He is the wind that carries the storm/tornado and causes destruction. Just an example on how the words can be easily misinterpreted!!!
A note that Lakshmi is also refered to as Lalitha/ Kamala or Lotus. Please refer to Sriman Narayana keerthana for discussion on it. The second challenging adjective is that He is the "composer".  The Lord must have composed many "Leelas" or (episodes) but not sure what Annamayya is referring to here.  KulaSaila means to be a mountain in His class or Kula, the strength of the race/class. The last adjective "Nischala" is the contrasting one. Nishchala means motionless and steady. However, Annamayya has refered to the movement of the Lord especially as Narasimha  a couple of times. Taking cue from the previous adjective of being the one who is "skilled with fate/destiny", the motionlessness that he refers to is that of being indifferent to the ups and downs of fate.

|| వివరఘనవదన దుర్విధహసన నిష్ఠ్యూత- | లవదివ్య పరుష లాలాఘటనయా |
వివిధ జంతు వ్రాతభువన మగ్నౌకరణ | నవనవప్రియ గుణార్ణవ నారసింహా ||
vivaraGanavadana durvidhahasana niShThyUta- | lavadivya paruSha lAlAGaTanayA |
vividha jaMtu vrAtaBuvana magnaukaraNa | navanavapriya guNArNava nArasiMhA ||
Word- Word meaning:
వివరvivara=detailed/(Vivarnam=pale); ఘనGhana=splendid,great; వదనvadana=face; దుర్విధdurvidha=  bad ways;  హసన hasana = laugh; నిష్ఠ్యూత niShThyUta( NIshtha+Utha) =devout+ joined/connection;  లవlava=loss,destruction; దివ్యdivya= Divine; పరుషparuSha = harsh and severe in deeds; లాలాlAlA= drool ;ఘటనయా GaTanayA= happening,bringing together |
వివిధvividha=various; జంతుjaMtu=animals; వ్రాతvrAta=assemblage (group); భువనBuvana= the world; మగ్నౌmagnau (m)u=immersed; కరణkaraNa= the cause;  నవనవ nava-nava= to be fresh and blooming;  ప్రియpriya= loving; గుణార్ణవ guNArNava= With new character; nArasiMhA ||
The detailed splendid faced one, that laughs off the bad ways, one who destructs the devout joining/connection, The Divine one who is harsh and severe in deeds, the one who drools, 
The cause for various animals groups to be immersed on this Earth;  the  one blooming with love  is the new characterized NAraSimha.
"Nishytha lava" word-word traslated to one who destructs devout joining. It refers to the devotion to worldly pleasures. "Lala Ghatanaya" is a confusing word to interpret. I assume Annamayya is referring to a characteristic of a Lion or means that the Lord attracts amusement.  I could be wrong and have a wrong spelt words. Any suggestions in this regard are welcome.

|| దారుణోజ్జ్వల ధగద్ధగిత దంష్ట్రానల వికార స్ఫులింగ సంగక్రీడయా |
 వైరిదానవ ఘోరవంశ భస్మీకరణ- | కారణ ప్రకట వేంకట నారసింహా ||
dAruNOjjvala dhagaddhagita daMShTrAnala vi- | kAra sPuliMga saMga krIDayA
vairidAnava GOravaMSa BasmIkaraNa| kAraNa prakaTa vEMkaTa nArasiMhA ||
Word- Word meaning 
దారుణోజ్జ్వలdAruNOjjvala (Daruna+Ujjvala)= the frightful bright/light ; ధగద్ధగితdhagaddhagita= Brilliancy,glittering; దంష్ట్రనల daMShTrAnala=a large tooth like. tusk ;వికారvikAra= unpleasant;  స్ఫులింగsPuliMga = a spark of fire ; సంగsaMga=union,association or heap; క్రీడయాkrIDayA= sport/play;  వైరిvairi=enemy; దానవdAnava= demon ; ఘోరవంశGOravaMSa= frightful lineage; భస్మీకరణBasmIkaraNa-=one who reduces to ashes;  కారణkAraNa= a reason; ప్రకటprakaTa = to appear; వేంకటvEMkaTa= one who destructs problems; నారసింహాnArasiMhA ||
With fierce brightness, with shining large unpleasant teeth ; the one who plays with the heaps  spark of fire , 
The killer of enemy and demons, with a frightful lineage, one who reduces to ashes, the one who appeared for a reason, is the Venkata Narasimha.

As always, any suggestions and/or comments to improve the translation and understanding of the keerthana are welcome.

[1] Paluri ShankarNarayana, Telugu to English dictionary


  1. It is not "PAlanEtrAnala" but it is"PHlaNetAnala" which means the eye of destruction (similar to the third eye of Lord Shiva)

    1. Thank you for your comment. I have seen "Palanetranala" and "phalanetranala" as differnt versions of the lyrics but did not know the meaning of "Phala". I have now updated based on your suggestion.

    2. Phalam is forehead, Telugu word only. The actual version is " phala netranala prabhala vidhyullatha Kaelii vihaara Lakshmi Narasimha" meaning is - the one who has on his forehead the 3 rd eye, which is like immensely lightening bolt of brightness, and the one who is of such peaceful existence ..... The whole poem or chant, expresses 2 sides including a fierce expression and that accompanied along with subtle, gentle, stable peaceful blessing nature of God even through his intense expressions. Though he is powerful and intense towards getting rid of darkness , Sri Lakshmi Narasimha is kind, peaceful, stable and very quick to bless his devoutees, seekers.

    3. Thank you for your comment! I appreciate your description of gist of the poem here.


  2. Hi, 2nd line in 1st charanam it is given as కూల , i have no idea whether it carries the meaning mentioned. general word used for the meaning is కుల.
    good efforts are put to give the meaning for his highly energetic song - Many thanks for it.

  3. Hi Manasalekhini,
    Thank you for taking time to comment. That is a good catch! Well, the song versions sing it as kula కుల. SO the meaning I have applies. Koola కూల means to destroy. But I feel that kula కుల fits the bill. If you think otherwise, please do explain in detail.

    In order to save time and effort, I usually get the lyrics of Annamayya songs from another blogs, could have been a typo :). Thanks for bringing that to my notice.

    1. Hi

      This verse, "Kula saila kumbhini kumudha hitha ravi gagana , chalana vidhi nipuna nischala Naarasimha" - here it means, ' Just like the greatest white mountain of earth moves up, up and up towards the sky in which Lord Surya is, for the want of such Great Mother Earth ( Bhoodevi) reaching out to none other than the Narayana ( Vishnu described as in - Shanthakaaram sthuthi, Lord Narayana is the blue vast sky , he sleeps on his Adhisheshuvu, breathing in and out the whole universe , and in him , always teaching him is the Bhoodevi') , so is the Lord Nrusimha swamy resting stable through this ever moving and seeking universe and Bhoomatha.

    2. Hello Prasanna,
      Interesting play of words! But I doubt if it is "white" mountain as you describe, because of its position between kumbini and hitha. If Annamayya had intended to say hwite mountain, he would have said "Kumuda kula saila". So I don't completely agree with you.

      But thank you for descibing your understanding here, that might help others to see your point of view.


    3. Kumuda hitha can be like kumuda sahita meaning along with earth

    4. Hello Rohit,
      Thanks for your comment. I hope you meant that I have the wrong lyrics. If that is the case, I should check the lyrics.
      But if you did mean that" kumuda hitha"="kumuda sahitha", I think there is a wide disparity between the two meanings and don't think Annamayya woul dhave said "kumuda hitha" with an intention of "kumuda sahitha".
      Annamayya has used "kamala hitha" in another keerthanam, "Sreeman narayana" and so "kumuda hitha" also makes sense.

    5. Kumudahita means Chandra, Moon. Kumuda means white lotus, which blooms in the night when Moon is in the sky. So, Moon is the friend of white lotus, so kumuda hita. You see in the present stotram, Sri Annamayya is addressing Mountain (saila), Earth (kumbhini), Moon (kumuda hita), Sun (ravi) etc. Kumudahita also appears in the famous Tyagaraja pancharatna kriti "jagadananda karaka" It comes like...amara-tAraka-nichaya kumudahita. This means "O Moon in the (star) constellation of gods." Please check this link http://sahityam.net/wiki/Jagadanandakaraka

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very good attemp for explaining the meaning. Thaq.

  5. durvida hanana means burning the bad ways

    1. Hello Rohit,
      Thank you for your comment.
      I guess I have the wrong lyrics. I usually get the lyrics from other sites, assuming that they have the right ones. "Durvida hanana" makes more sense than "durvida hasana" but have to check before I make the change.

      Thanks again.


  6. Thank you for the translation.
    It's a song I really like.

    "Kulasaila"may refer to Kulaparvata - both terms mean the same.
    I have heard this term wrt Surya satakam by Sri Mayura Bhatta.

    Kula parvatas are the mountains that (symbolically?) support Bhumi.

    Surya satakam talks about that. I will refer some more for extra info
