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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tolliyunu Marraku

This is a melodious cradle song dedicated to Vishnu as Sri Ranga. An interesting fact is that Sri Rangapatnam is named after Lord Ranga. In this piece, Annamayya ends the last line of each stanza with Sri Ranga Shishuvu ( Sri Ranga baby). He refers to four episodes. The first is how Lord Vishnu himself came into existence on a Banyan leaf. In the second stanza, he refers to Sri-Ranga patnam and Kaveri's forming an island. He then refers to how Brahma created this universe by worshipping Lord Vishnu. Finally he refers how Shesha forms a cradle for the Lord. He ends this keerthana wishing that the Lord's fatigue is fulfilled when he emerged as Venkateswara.

I would like to add a disclaimer to my discussions that I am merely translating Annamayya's works and these translations do not reflect my ideas. I do not want to trigger scientific discussion on creation of the universe and existence of the trinity(Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara). But for that, enjoy this keerthana....

Here is a beautiful rendition of the keerthana by Priya sisters.

ప|| తొల్లియును మఱ్ఱాకు తొట్టెలనె యూగెగన | చెల్లుబడి నూగీని శ్రీరంగశిశువు ||
tolliyunu mararAku thoottelenE UgE ghana. cellupaDi nUginI shrIranga shishuvu

Word to word
తొల్లియును Tolliyunu= at the beginning, on set;మఱ్ఱాకు marraku= banyan leaf; tottalane తొట్టెలనె = cradle; nuooge యూగె = swang; గనgada=is it not?
chellubadi చెల్లుబడి= influence, authority;oogeni నూగీని= swing; శ్రీరంగ Sri Ranga= the place Shri Ranga patnam;శిశువుShishuvu= baby.
At the very beginning, on a banyan cradle did he swing
with great authority swang the Sri Ranga baby.
It is believed that Lord Vishnu emerged on a Banyan leaf at the beginning of the life formation. His navel rooted a Lotus on which Brahma came into existence and later Shiva also came into existence.So Annamayya refers to that episode of creation.

చ|| కలికి కావేరి తరగల బాహులతలనే | తలగ కిటు రంగ మధ్యపు తొట్టెలను |
పలుమారు దనునూచి పాడగా నూగీని | చిలుపాల సెలవితో శ్రీరంగశిశువు ||
Charanam1: kaliki kAvEri tarakala bahUla talanE. talakakiTu ranga matyapu toTTelana
palumAru tanu nucci pADegA nUgini. cilupAla celavitO shrIranga shishuvu
కలికి Kaliki= pretty,charm,graceful ;  కావేరిkaveri= River Kaveri ; తరగలtaragana= not reducing/mincing/cutting; బాహులతలనేbaahulatalane(baahula+yadane)= at arms distance;   | తలగ కిటుTagalakau= not touched;  itu= in this manner, in this place;  రంగ Ranga=The place Sriranga puram/patnam; also Vishnu's name;  మధ్యపుmadhyapu=of center/middle;  తొట్టెలను tottelan=cradle;
పలుమారు palumaru= many times; దనుthanu= she; నూచి nucci=performed; పాడగా padaga=when sang; నూగీని noogini= swang; | చిలుపాల chilupala=little  milk ;సెలవితో selavitho=at corner of the mouth; శ్రీరంగ= the place Shri Ranga;శిశువుShishuvu= baby.                 
The graceful Kaveri without mincing (her flow) and at arms distance (from Lord) did not touch this place"Ranga" in the centre cradle(for Lord Vishnu).
Many times as she performed cradling by singing, little milk (dropped) from the corner of the mouth of the Sri Ranga's baby.
Sri Rangapatnam is surrounded by Kaveri river. It is like an island. Annamayya refers to Kaveri making a cradle in the middle of Sri Ranga patnam, just for Lord Vishnu. Annamayya poetically describes the milk drrooling from infant's mouth. He says that as Kaveri swung the cradle and sang, the little Baby of Sri Ranga patnam drooled milk from the corner of the mouth.

చ|| అదివో కమలజుని తిరువారాధనం బనగ | అదన గమలభవాండమను తొట్టెలను |
ఉదధులు తరంగముల నూచగా నూగీని | చెదరని సిరులతోడ శ్రీరంగశిశువు ||
adivo kamalajuni tiruvarAdamabanaga adana gamalabhAvANTa manu toTTelan
udadhulu tarangamulu UcagA nUgIni cedarani sirulatODa shrIranga shishuvu
 అదివోadivo= there; కమలజునిkamalajuni=Brahma;  తిరువాtiruva=to roam; ఆరాధనంబనగ (arAdanam +anaga)=worshipped to tell; | అదన Adana=exceeding, limitless;  క మల kamala=lotus; భవాండమనుbhavandamunu= the universe; తొట్టెలనుtottalenu=the cradle |
ఉదధులుudadhulu=in the sea/well; తరంగములను tarangamulunu= waves; ఊచగాoochaga= to fall/esp hair to shed due to sickness; నూగీనిnUgIni= swung; చెదరనిchedarani=without scattering; సిరుల+తోడ sirula+tODa= with fortune;  శ్రీరంగ Sri Ranga= the place Shri Ranga's;శిశువుShishuvu= baby.
There Brahma circled and worshipped, as they tell, the Universe became a cradle (formed) of limitless lotus.
In the sea , as the waves fell down, swang  Sri Ranga's baby without scattering his fortunes/wealth.
Here Annamayya refers to the episode of the creation of the universe by Brahma and relates it(universe) to be a cradle for the Lord formed by a huge lotus. He poetically describes that the little infant swang with all his wealth intact in the cradle even as the waves rose and fell and made commotion. This also relates to the Lord being undisturbed by the ripples/chaos generated in this Universe.

చ|| వేదములే చేరులై వెలయంగ శెషుడే | పాదుకొను తొట్టెలై పరగగాను |
శ్రీదేవితో గూడి శ్రీవేంకటేశుడై | సేదదీరెడి వాడె శ్రీరంగశిశువు ||
vEdamulE cErulai velayanga shESuDE bAdukonu toTTelai paraga gAnu
shrI dEvitO gUDi shrI vEnkaTEshuDai sEta tEraDi vADE shrIranga shishuvu
వేదములేvEdamulE= the Vedas themselves; చేరులైcErulai=to come close; వెలయంగvelayanga= to come into existence; శెషుడేshESuDE= Shesha, the serpent himself; పాదుకొనుpAdukonu= to become fixed; తొట్టెలైtoTTelai= as cradle; పరగగానుparaga gAnu= become hood;
శ్రీదేవితోshrI dEvitO= Shridevi/Lakshmi; గూడిgUDi=in association with; శ్రీవేంకటేశుడైvEnkaTEshuDai= as Shri Venkatesha; సేదsEdha= fatigue/weariness; దీరెడిtEraDi= fulfilled/completed; వాడెvADE= He; శ్రీరంగ Sri Ranga= the place Shri Ranga's;శిశువుShishuvu= baby.
The Vedas themselves approached (Him) and hence sprout the Shesha who fixed himself as a cradle along with his hood.
Along with Sridevi/Lakshmi, as Venkateshwara He is the Sri Ranga's baby, whose fatigue is fulfilled/completed.
The Vedas in order to stay closer to the Lord, took the form of Shesha and Shesha became a cradle.  He became Venkateswara and along with Lakshmi is cradled. Annamayya finally wishes that the Lord's fatigue would finally be fulfilled.

[1] Paluri Shankaranarayana," Telugu to English dictionary"
[2] Lyrics from http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com

1 comment:

  1. I am Italian American student of Carnatic music. I’ve heard this song for many years not knowing the meaning . How beautiful
