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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Bhavayami gopalabalam....

This keerthana is one of Annamayya's sanskrit keerthanas, describing Krishna as the cowherdsman's child. The first stanza urges people to focus/meditate on His word and serve him in heart. The second describes the costume of Krishna, especially the waistband, anklets,etc. This is mostly self-explanatory keerthana with no difficult interpretations.

Here is the link to MS Subbalakshmi's redition of the song.

భావయామి గోపాలబాలం మన సేవితం తత్పదం చింతయేయం సదా
bhāvayāmi gōpālabālaṃ mana- ssēvitaṃ tatpadaṃ cintayēyaṃ sadā
భావయామిbhāvayāmi=let there be thoughts;  గోపాల Gopala= the cow herdsman;బాలంbālaṃ= baby,child; మనసేవితంmana-ssēvitaṃ(Mana:+sevitham)= in heart+serve తత్పదంtatpadaṃ (tat+padam)= that word; చింతయేయంcintayēyaṃ= to think; సదాsadā always
Think of the Cow-herdmen's child (Krishna), serve (HIM) in heart, and think His word always. 
The word "padam" means word while the word "paadam" means foot. Well in almost all the renditions, "padam" is sung and so I am going to take that as reference.  This line is self explanatory.

కటి ఘటిత మేఖలా ఖచిత మణిఘంటికా పటల నినదేన విభ్రాజమానం
కుటిల పద ఘటిత సంకుల శింజీతేనతం చటుల నటనా సముజ్జ్వల విలాసం

kaṭi-ghaṭita-mēkhalā khacita-maṇi-ghaṇṭikā  paṭala-ninadēna vibhrājamānam
kuṭila-pada-ghaṭita saṅkula-śiñjitēnatam  caṭula-naṭanā-samujvala-vilāsam

కటిkaṭi= waist/hip; ఘటితghaṭita= made; మేఖలాmēkhalā=girdle/belt; ఖచితkhacita= studded; మణి-maṇi= gems/precious stones; ఘంటికాghaṇṭikā= small bells; పటలpaṭala=forehead marked with sandal paste; నినదేనninadēna= echoed; విభ్రాజమానం vibhrājamānam= shining/splendid;
kuṭila= curved; పాదpada= foot; ఘటితghaṭita= made; సంకులsaṅkula= crowded with; శింజీతేన తంśiñjitēnatam=tinkling sound; చటులcaṭula= sweet,lovable; నటనాnaṭanā= acts/ dance; సముజ్జ్వలsamujvala=radiant; విలాసంvilāsam= amusement/pleasure;

His waist has a girdle/belt studded with gems and small tinkles. His forehead with the sandal paste mark echos the splendor.His curved feet has crowded tinkles. His loveable dance/acts radiate pleasure.

నిరత కర కలిత నవనీతం బ్రహ్మాది సుర నికర భావనా శోభిత పదం
తిరువేంకటాచల స్థితం అనుపమం హరిం పరమపురుషం గోపాలబాలం … భావయామి

niratakara-kalitanavanītaṃ brahmādi- suranikara-bhāvanā-śōbhita-padam
tiruvēṅkaṭācala-sthitamanupamaṃ harim paramapuruṣaṃ gōpālabālam

నిరతniratha= always; కరkara=hand; కలితkalitha= has; నవనీతంnavaneetham=butter; బ్రహ్మాదిbrahmadi(brahma+adi)= Brahma etc. సుర Sura= Dieties/Gods;నికరnikara= collection;  భావనాBhavana= expression,thoughts/meditation; శోభిత Shobhitha= adorned/embellished ,పదం Padam= word
తిరువేంకటాచల Thiru venkata Chala= Thiru vekata Hill; స్థితంsthitam= present/stays; అనుపమంAnupamam= matchless/unparalleled; హరిం harim=Hari, one who steals away sorrows; పరమ Parama= The supreme; పురుషంpurusham= man ; 
గోపాలబాలంgōpālabālam=Cow herdsman's child
(He) always has butter in his hands;His word/feet adornes the thoughts of the Brahma and other Gods collectively. Residing on Thiru Venkata Hill, the gopala bala(cowherdsman's child) is the unparalleled Hari, the Supreme Man.

[1]  Monier Williams & Apte sanskrit dicitonary: 
http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php? script=HK&beginning=0+&tinput=&trans=Translate&direction=AU
[2]Telugu lyrics from http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com


  1. Thanks for word to word translation. Thanks again Sir/ Madam.

  2. Thank you so much for translation

  3. Thank you so much for your word to word explanation 👏 sir. So great ful to know this astounding kirtan

  4. Great translation,thanks Krishna bhakth.

  5. As this is a Sanskrit composition, kindly provide the lyrics in devanaagari script and word-by-word meaning.

  6. Thanks for your wonderful work.

  7. Thank you for the translation. The translation to feed of padam makes most sense to me.

  8. Cant thank you enough for this word to word translation
