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Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Annamayya presents a poignant keerthana. The depressed and dejected tone set in this keerthana  and also his reference to "kalakalamu" which means forever makes me assume that he must have written this keerthana in his old age. He sounds as if he has lost all hope as his patience/endurance have reached their limit and not favoring him.He ends each stanza with the line " I dont see even a little bit of agreement(chance/favour) for me ...."

Click Here for a beautiful rendition of the song by Priya sisters. The second charanam is missing though in their song.

ప|| గాలినై  పోయ లకాలము | తాలిమికి కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు ||

pa|| gAlinai pOya kalakAlamu | tAlimiki koMtayu pottulEdu ||
గాలిgAli= air/breeze/spirit;ఐపోయaipOya= I have become;  క లకాలము kalakAlamu= all the time;| తాలిమికిtAlimiki= to patience/enduance;  కొంతయుkoMtayu=even little; పొత్తులేదు pottulEdu=(Pottu+ledu=agreement +not there) no agreement/partnership, not favorable; 
I have become weak-spirited for ever. My Patience is not agreeing even a little bit.
In this line, Annamayya doesnot give the reason for his impatience or sorrow. He introduces his state of mind.

చ|| అడుసు చొరనే పట్టె అటునిటు  కాళ్ళు | కడగుకొననే పట్టె కలకాలము |

ఒడలికి జీవుని ఒడయడైనహరి | డవగా కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు||
ca|| aDusu coranE paTTe aTuniTu kALLu | kaDugukonanE paTTe kalakAlamu |
oDaliki jIvuni koDayaDainahari | daDavagA koMtayu pottulEdu ||
అడుసుAdusu= mud/mire;  చొరనేcoranE= the entrance only;  పట్టెpaTTe= to hold; అటునిటు aTuniTu= atu+itu= there and here; కా ళ్ళుKALLu=legs; కడగుkadagu= wash; కొననేkonanE= to start; పట్టెpaTTe=took ;  లకాలముkalakAlamu= for ever;
ఒడలికిoDaliki=to body; జీవునికిjIvuniki=life;  ఒ డయడైనoDayaDaina= the master he is;హరిhari ; తడవగాdaDavagA= thought;  కొంతయుkoMtayu=even little; పొత్తులేదుpottulEdu(Pottu+ ledu) (great deal +not there)= no agreement/partnership/ not in favor.
I held to the entrance of the mud/mire. As I started to wash my legs here and there(this side and that side), (I realised) it took me forever.
Hari, who is the master of the body and life, Himself has thought (of this for me), I dont see even a little bit of agreement.
He says as if regretting that his first mistake was to choose to enter the mire( of wordliness).To wash the dirt, from the mire,( Desires from the worldliness) off the legs on all sides, it took him forever. Annamayya says that the Lord has this destined for Annamayya and so he does not see even a little chance in his favor. Notice that Annamayya doesnot give away yet what his final goal is. We will have to wait until the last stanza to know what he is seeking and impatient about...
 I enjoy the verb usage of Annamayya, especially, in this stanza he talks of washing ( his feet)  the dirt off and he uses the word "thadavaga" which has two meanings, one is to get wet and the other is thought.

చ|| కలచు  చిందనే పట్టె కడవగ నించగ బట్టె | కలుషదేహపుబాధ కలకాలము |

తలపోసి తనపాలి దైవమైన హరి | తలచగా కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు |
ca|| kalacu ciMdanE paTTe kaDavaga niMcaga baTTe | kaluShadEhapubAdha kalakAlamu |
talapOsi tanapAli daivamaina hari | dalacagA koMtayu pottulEdu |
కలచు kalacu=the agitation; చిందనేciMdanE=spilled;  పట్టెpaTTe=started; కడవగgaDavaga= as pot; నించగniMcaga=as filled;  బట్టెbaTTe= took | కలుష kaluSha= impured;దేహపు dEhapu =of body; బాధbAdha= pains/sorrows;  కలకాలము kalakAlamu= forever;
తలపోసిtalapOsi= in thought ; తనపాలిtanapAli=to oneself;  దైవమైనdaivamaina= God that he became/is; హరి Hari; దలచగాdalacagA= as think/remembered/intended; కొంతయుkoMtayu =even little; పొత్తులేదుpottulEdu=(Pottu+ledu) (great deal +not there)=no agreement/ partnership, not favorable 
The agitation started to spill. Like the pot the impure body filled  with pain and sorrows, it took me forever. 
 Hari who is the God to oneself if one thinks of HIM, himself has intended (this), there is not even a little bit of agreement.....
He regrets for having wasted his life in filling the body with pain and sorrows which started to spill out. Hari, the God who resides in one's thoughts, Himself has intended this(pain) for him and so he doesnot have even a little bit of chance/ agreement.( for what?? answer lies in last stanza).

చ|| శిరము ముడువబట్టె చిక్కుదియ్యగ బట్టె | గరిమల కపటాల కలకాలము |

తిరువేంకటగిరి దేవుడైనహరి | దరిచేరా కొంతయు పొత్తులేదు ||
ca|| Siramu muDuvabaTTe cikkudiyyaga baTTe | garimala kapaTAla kalakAlamu |
tiruvEMkaTagiri dEvuDainahari | daricErA koMtayu pottuulEdu ||
శిరముSiramu=head; ముడువmuDuva= curl/droop;  బట్టెbaTTe= started; చిక్కుదియ్యగ cikkudiyyaga = tangles+open;  బట్టెbaTTe= started | గరిమలgarimala= dignity/ greatness;  కపటాల kapaTAla=crooked/shrewed; కలకాలముkalakAlamu = forever;
తిరువేంకటగిరి tiruvEMkaTagiri=Thiru Venkata Hill's;  దేవుడైనdEvuDaina= who is the God; హరిhari | దరిచేరా daricErA= (dari+chera)shore+ to reach; కొంతయుkoMtayu=even little; పొత్తులేదుpottulEdu=(Pottu+ledu) (great deal +not there)= no agreement/partnership, not in favor.
My head started to droop. As I started to open the tangles of greatness(pride) and cunningness, it took me forever.
To reach ashore ThiruVenkata Hill's Diety, Hari, there is not even a little bit in favor....
 He says, his head started to droop,( may be refering to his old age ???)and also to all the wickedness he  accumulated. And as he started to free his head from the tangles of greatness/pride and crookedness, he realised it took him forever.
He now doesnot see even a little chance to reach ashore to Lord Hari, Thiru Venkata's God.It is in this stanza that he presents what his whole dejection is about. He thinks that he doesnot have a chance now to reach Lord Hari.


[1] Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana.
[2] Lyrics from http://annamayya-u.blogspot.com/2009/05/gaaline-poya-gala.html


  1. It is not pottu Pottu means friendship. It is PODDU means time. The entire construction is basically misplaced

    1. Hello Srinivas Rao Konakanchi,
      Thank you for taking time to comment and bringing the possible error. I will make changes after further clarification.
      Thanks again,

  2. total meaning changed sir..due to replacement of poddu with potthu...we in rayalsema still use that word poddu to tell about time

  3. total meaning is 'we are wasting time in material world and not finding time to price the lord'....that what i understood from the literature if i am wrong plz correct me

  4. గాలినై పోయ కలకాలము | తాలిమికి కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు....gali tirugudu( povadam) means wasting time...talimi....means thalachadaniki...or to remember or to think...poddu ledu ...means 'time ledu'

  5. this purly rayasema language..or yasa

  6. చ|| కలచు చిందనే పట్టె కడవగ నించగ బట్టె | కలుషదేహపుబాధ కలకాలము |
    తలపోసి తనపాలి దైవమైన హరి | తలచగా కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు | sararika bada valla kurchodani nilabada daniki kalamu antha ayipotundi....hari ni tachadani..or thalapoyadaniki time ledu
