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Friday, August 9, 2013

Chaaladaa Hari nama

Annamayya describes the power of Hari's name. He uses different verbs, as usual, to describe the different ways Hari's name can be meditated upon. Chanting, listening, meditating/chanting in mind, possessing, and being conscious of Hari's name is enough to keep away the most dreaded pains at bay:).  The verbs describes in the previous line appear in that order in this keerthana. I am guessing Annamayya must have used these verbs based on their hierarchy in meditation. While chanting and listening are usually considered as lower levels of meditation.  Concentrating in mind, "being"/ possessing  are higher levels, and "consciousness" is the highest level of meditation. This is just an opinion and I could be wrong!  In the final stanza, he describes how blissful it is to be immersed in a Keerthana of the Lord Venkateswara  that just brings out the positivity and thinks it is the best to be at mercy of these poets who write keerthanas.

For Priya sisters' redition of the song click here.

చాలదా హరినామ సౌఖ్యామృతము తమకు చాలదా హితవైన చవులెల్లను నొసగ
chaaladaa harinaama saukhyaamRtamu tamaku chaaladaa hitavaina chavulellanu nosaga ..
చాలదాChaaladaa= is it not enough? హరినామHari nama=Hari's name; సౌఖ్యామృతము Soukyamruthamu=(SOukya+amruthamu= happiness+elixir) the blissful elixir, తమకుthamaku= to you; చాలదాchaaladaa= is it not enough; హితవైనhithamaina= that which is beneficial/welfare; చవులెల్లనుchevulellanu= to all the ears;ఒసగosaga= to present/bestow;
Is the blissful elixir in Hari's name not enough for you?Is it not enough to be bestowed with the goodness to all the ears?
He says that chanting Hari's name is equivalent to the drinking sweet elixir.  Listening to Hari's name brings bliss to the ears. So he emphasizes on chanting and listening to Hari's name in this stanza.

ఇది యొకటి హరి నామ మింతైన జాలదా చెదరకీ జన్మముల చెరలు విడిపించ

మదినొకటె హరినామ మింతైన జాలదా పదివేల నరక కూపముల వెడలించ

idi yokaTi hari naama miMtaina jaaladaa chedarakee janmamula cheralu viDipiMcha
madinokaTe harinaama miMtaina jaaladaa padivaela naraka koopamula veDaliMcha
ఇదిIdi= this; యొకటిOkati= one; హరి నామHari Nama= Hari's name; మింతైన inthaina= even this much; జాలదాchaladaa= not enough?; చెదరకీ chedarakee=(chedaraku+ee= to not spoil+ this); జన్మముల janmamula= these lives/rebirths; చెరలుcheralu= imprisonment; విడిపించvidipincha= to release;
మది madi= mind/heart;నొకటె okate  only one; హరినామ Hari nama= Hari's name; మింతైన Inthaina= even this;జాలదా chaaladaa= not enough??;పదివేల padi vela= ten thousand; నరకnaraka= hell; కూపములKoopamulu=pits/holes ; వెడలించvedalinchu= to drive awayfrom;

Just this one "Hari"'s name, is it not even enough to release from the imprisonment of the degrading lives(rebirths)?
To mind, only this one "Hari"'s name , is it not even enough  to drive away from the ten-thousand hells' pitfalls? ..
Hari's name is enough to release from the imprisonment of rebirths. It is believed that a living being takes rebirths based on karma until final salvation is realised. According to Annamayya, Hari's name (chanting in mind) would emancipate one from the pains of rebirths. If only the mind concentrated on Hari's name, it would drive away from the hell's pitfalls. It is believed that the hell has various pitfalls/holes; each supposed to impose a different pain.

కలదొకటి హరినామ కనకాద్రి చాలదా తొలగుమని దారిద్ర్యదోషంబు చెఱచ

తెలివొకటి హరినామదీప మది చాలదా కలుషంపు కఠిన చీకటి పారద్రోల

kaladokaTi harinaama kanakaadri chaaladaa tolagumani daaridryadOshaMbu che~racha
telivokaTi harinaamadeepa madi chaaladaa kalushaMpu kaThina cheekaTi parabola
కలదొకటిKaladokati= (Kaladu+okati= to have+one) has one; హరినామHarinama= Hari's name; కనకాద్రిkanakadri= (Golden Hill); చాలదా chaalada= not enough?; తొలగుమనిtholagunami= to ask to end; దారిద్ర్యdaaridra= poverty;దోషంబుdooshambu= sin; చెఱచcheracha= to spoil/damage;
తెలివొకటిthelivokati=(thelivi+okati=conscious+one) consciousness of one; హరినామ Harinama= hari's name; దీపdeepa= light; మదిmadi= mind/heart; చాలదాchaalada= not enough??; కలుషంపుkalushambu=of impurity ; కఠినkathina= difficult; చీకటిcheekati= darkness; పారద్రోలpaaradroola= to  make to go away;

To have just this one "Hari" 's name as the golden hill, is it not enough to end the sins of poverty by ruining (the sins).
To be conscious of just this Hari's name as light, is it not enough to drive away the impurity of difficult/stubborn darkness. ...
Hari's name is equivalent to a treasure of golden hill and if someone possess this treasure,  the sin of poverty can end easily.
The consciousness of Hari's name is the light that can drive away even stubborn darkness.
తగువేంకటేశు కీర్తనమొకటి చాలదా జగములో కల్ప భూజంబు వలెనుండ

సొగసి యీవిభుని దాసుల కరుణ చాలదా నగవు జూపులను నున్నతమెపుడు జూప

taguvaeMkaTaeSu keertanamokaTi chaaladaa jagamulO kalpa bhoojaMbu valenuMDa
sogasi yeevibhuni daasula karuNa chaaladaa nagavu joopulanu nunnatamepuDu joopa
తగు thagu=deserving/worthy; వేంకటేశుvenkateshu=Venkatesha's; కీర్తనKeerthana= a poem in praise;మొకటి okkati= one;చాలదాchaaladaa= not enough??? జగములోjagamulo= in this world; కల్పKalpa= the wish-fulfilling tree; భూజంబుbhujambu= shoulder/arm; వలెనుండvale nunda= like it is;
సొగసిsogasi=beauty; యీee= this; విభునిvibhuni=Lord's/master's; దాసులdaasula= slaves / servants; కరుణkaruna= mercy; చాలదాchaaladaa= not enough; నగవుnagavu= smiling; జూపులనుchoopulanu= looks/sight; నున్నతమెపుడు(Unnathamu+eppudu)= the best/greatest+always; జూపchoopa= to show;

Just one poem in praise of the worthy Venkatesha is it not enough in this world as if a wish-fulfilling tree is in hand;
The mercy of the servants of this beautiful Lord, is this not enough to have smiling looks with the always best (thing) to show?
Annamayya says that just one keerthana(poem in parise) of the Lord is equivalent to having a wish fulfilling tree in hand. He then talks how the poets, the servants of Hari, are usually pleasant (smiling looks) and through their poems show the best( usually in praise of the Hari) to the world. He then says is it not enough to have their (poets) mercy and enjoy the positivity through these poems.

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