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Monday, August 19, 2013

ksheerabdi kanyakaku...neerajanam

This is the popular mangalam song to Lakshmi/ Alarmela manga. Alarmela manga literally translates to "the mother of the lotus". Mangalam/ neerajanam is an auspicious light (oil/camphor based) to remove any bad omen. Usually, the light is rotated around the face by women singing songs describing the occasion or the person to whose face this is being done! This is one such song describing Lakshmi devi  as Annamayya sees in the idol.There are not many difficult meanings to be understood and so I do not have the usual discussion section for each stanza in this keerthana.
This krithi is purely a description of the sculpture of Lakshmi. If one looks at Lakshmi's idol, the first things that one notices are the face, the bosom, then the hands and legs, then the hips, navel and the sitting posture. It is very easy for people to misunderstand given that  in present times, it is derogatory to describe a women's detailed structure/parts in India. This piece is thus a revelation of the prevalent appreciation of art during Annamyya's times. The art was received as it is and was appreciated as it was/as one sees; no misinterpretation,  no veiling it under the name of culture/whatever (pervertness)! Not sure if most of the renditions of the song delibrately cut down the lines that describe the navel, hips and loin of Lakshmi or just an attempt to minimise the length of the song as is the case in most other songs.

For the full song rendition  by Garimella Balakrishna Prasad please click here.  The songs by MS Subbalakshmi and  Priya sisters miss the two stanzas that I mentioned before.

క్షీరాబ్ధికన్యకకు, శ్రీ మహాలక్ష్మికిని ,నీరజాలయకు నీరాజనం
ksheeraabdhi kanyakaku Sree mahaalakshmikini neerajaalayamunaku neeraajanaM
Word-Word meaning:
క్షీరాబ్ధిksheeraabdhi=milky ocean;  కన్యకకుkanyakaku= daughter, శ్రీ మహాలక్ష్మికినిSree mahaalakshmikini= To SriMahaLakshmi; నీరజాలయకుneerajaalayamunaku (Neeraja+laya+ku)= ( Lotus+residing+to)to the one residing on Lotus;Lakshmi నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the daughter of the Milky Ocean, to Sri MahaLakshmi, one who resides on lotus, let there be auspicious light(to remove bad omen)

జలజాక్షి మోమునకు, జక్కవ కుచంబులకు,నెలకొన్న కప్పురపు నీరాజనం
jalajaakshi mOmunaku jakkava kuchaMbulaku nelakonna kappurapu neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
జలజాక్షిjalajaakshi(jalaja+akshi)= Lotus eyes; మోమునకుmOmunaku(momu+naku)= faced one+to, జక్కవjakkava=pretty; కుచంబులకుkuchaMbulaku= breasts/bosom, నెలకొన్నnelakonna= full-moon; కప్పురపుkappurapu=of camphor; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the lotus-eyed face, to the pretty bosom, let there be auspicious light from the full-moon-like-camphor.

అలివేణి తురుమునకు, హస్తకమలంబులకు,నిలువుమాణిక్యముల నీరాజనం
alivaeNi turumunaku hastakamalaMbulaku niluvumaaNikyamula neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
అలివేణిalivaeNi= woman; తురుమునకుturumunaku=hair tied into bun , హస్తhasta= hands; కమలంబులకు kamalaMbulaku= to lotus es,నిలువుniluvu=standing/firm;  మాణిక్యములmaaNikyamula= emeralds; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the woman's hair-bun, to the lotus holding hands, let there be auspicious light of firm emeralds.
Here Annamayya is describing the hair-bun and hands of Lakshmi.

చరణ కిసలయములకు, సకియరంభోరులకు, నిరతమగు ముత్తేల నీరాజనం
charana kisalayamulaku, sakiyaraMbhOrulaku, niratamagu muttaela neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
చరణcharaNa= feet; కిసలయములకుkisalayamulaku= sprouts(toes); సకియరంభోరులకుsakiyaraM-bhOrulaku ( Sakhiya+rambha+urulu)=(tree+plaintain+ to be fit/excellent) plantain tree like excellence, నిరతమగు nirathamuga=always; ముత్తేల Muttiyaala=pearls;నీరాజనం
To the feet toes/sprouts, to her plantain tree like excellence, let there be auspicious light of ever-lasting pearls.
Any help regarding  finding the contextual meaning of " sakhiyarambhorulaku" would be appreciated. I finally found the right meaning of"sakhiyarambhorulaku". Annamayya uses plant based analogies in this line here, referring to the toes as sprouts or tender leaves and comparing Lakshmi's excellence to plantain tree. Every part ( leaves, flower, fruit )of plantain tree is useful and so referred with reverence.

అరిది జఘనంబునకు, అతివనిజనాభికిని,నిరతి నానావర్ణ నీరాజనం
aridi jaghanaMbunaku ativanijanaabhikini nirati naanaavarNa neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
అరిదిaridi= wonder; జఘనంబునకుjaghanaMbunaku=hips and loin, అతివనిజ Ativanija=excessive, unlimited; నాభికిని nabhikini= to navel, నిరతిNirathi=excessive devotion;  నానా Nana= many; వర్ణvarna= color/hue; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the wonderful hips and loin, to the big navel, let there be auspicious light from the many colors of devotion.

పగటు శ్రీవేంకటేశు పట్టపురాణియై, నెగడు సతికళలకును నీరాజనం
pagaTu SreevaeMkaTaeSu paTTapuraaNiyai, negaDu satikaLalakunu neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
పగటుpagaTu= praise-worthy,  శ్రీవేంకటేశుSreevaeMkaTaeSu= Sri Venkatesa's;  పట్టపురాణియై  paTTapuraaNiyai= the main queen, నెగడుnegaDu= famous,popular; సతి sati= wife; కళలకునుkaLalakunu= to pleasing characters; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
As the praise-worthy Venkatesa's head queen, to the popular wifely virtues, let there be auspicious light.

జగతి నలమేల్మంగ, చక్కదనములకెల్ల నిగుడు నిజ శోభనపు నీరాజనం
jagati nalamaelmaMga chakkadanamulakella niguDu nija SObhanapu neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
జగతి Jagathi= the world's;  నలమేల్మంగAlarmel manga=the lotus mother, Lakshmi; చక్కదనముల chakkadanamula=to the good attributes, కెల్ల Kella= all; నిగుడుnigudu= raising;  నిజ nija= true, real; శోభనపుshobhanapu= auspicious; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To all the good attributes of the World's lotus-mother, let there be a rising true auspicious "light"

[2] Paluri Shankarnarayana" Telugu to English dictionary"
[3] http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/


  1. Thank you very much for this clear explanation.


    1. Thank you for your comment. I'm glad that you found this explanation helpful.

  2. Nice translation. Useful to follow and understand. Thanks.

    1. Hey Thanks for taking time to comment. I am glad that you found this post useful.


  3. Sir,with reference to samhita Rajbhasha usually, the reference is steer saundarya Shubha Lakshanam. A woman whose things are rounded like plantain stems and touching each other is regarded as auspicious sign (like that if aJanabahu for men etc for men). Sudeshna Queen of Viratanagari notices this and asks of Draupadi how come one who possesses such kind of signs (Tights like plantain stems touching each other) is working as a hairdresser.

    One other Shubha saundarya lakshana for women is deep navel (ativanija nabhiki)

    This entire Kriti is not only description of rupa saundarya of Lakshmi but also canons of aesthetics. It is not limited to physical attributes, but has others such as sati,KaLalu & Pagatu referring to the way one should conduct oneself.

    BTW not for Lakshmi is a straight unbraided,loose hair. Hair should be curly (aLiveni) and tied up

    1. Hello,
      Thanks a lot for taking time to comment and sharing the information here. I have never referenced Samhitha Rajbhasha, and to me, this is really intriguing. Thanks for mentioning that here. I would help other readers also.


    2. Which anga of Goddess is meant as''Tights like plantain stems touching each other" I cant get wat it actually means

    3. Can you please explain what you ve said""" A woman whose things are rounded like plantain stems and touching each other is regarded as auspicious sign (like that if aJanabahu for men etc for men).""

    4. I think what mamdhata meant is "thighs" like plaintain stems, and not "things" or "tights".

  4. Super
    One request please post lyrics of all annamayya songs

  5. Thank you so much for explaining.

  6. Excellent work u have did sir. Aspirants can learn this so easily with ur clear explanation of word to word meaning.

  7. Very nice and happy to get the meaning. Thanks a lot sir. God bless you.

  8. Beautiful description & explanation of the meaning of this song !
    Its amazingly beautifully written, composed and sung !
    We are lucky to live to enjoy this beautiful combination of high level of art of literature, composition & singing .��

  9. Thankyou for the detailed explanation.

    Aliveni I think means : Having dark colored hair like a swarm of bees. Ali is bees. Veni is hair. This comparison comes in Lalitha Sahasranamam too.

    sakiyaraMbhOrulaku: My mother in law was telling rambha means both beautiful and banana plant. In Gita Govinda Rounded Hips as in Nitamba comes in a few times. May be it refers to well constructed sa kiya and lovely rambha oorulu hips..

  10. Ati vanija could also mean lovely..vani like in venus, vana, vanitha meaning love.

  11. Thank you for the explanation sir. It’s highly helpful to understand the Keerthana with complete devotion.

  12. Please change the youtube link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNhb3udOoHg
