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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sravana Bahula ashtami

For Krishnashtami, here are two keerthanas about the "Sravan Krishnashtami". Both of them are closer in their gist but slightly different.
This particular keerthana seems have been written/rendered in a temple with either Venkateshwara or Krishna's idol. Hence the last line in each  stanza ends "here, he is the Krishna". In the last stanza, Annamayya reiterates that Krishna is the same one who emerged on the Venkata Hill.

శ్రావణ బహుళాష్టమి జయంతి నేడు
సేవించరో జనులాల శ్రీకృష్ణుడితడు

SrAvaNa bahuLAshTami jayaMti nEDu
sEviMcharO janulAla SrIkRshNuDitaDu

శ్రావణSravana= the month Sravana; బహుళాష్టమిBahula ashtami= జయంతిjayanthi= anniversary; నేడుnedu= today;
సేవించరోsevinchuroo= serve, hey; జనులాలJanulala= all the people; శ్రీకృష్ణుడితడుSrikrishnudithadu= he is Sri Krishna;

Today is the Sravana bahula Ashtami, anniversary
Hey all the people, serve ,Here is Sri Krishna!
The last line is more like a dialogue urging people to serve God. 

 భావింప వసుదేవుని పాలిటభాగ్యదేవత
దేవకిగనినయట్టి దివ్యరత్నము
చేవమీర సురల రక్షించే కల్పతరువు
యీవేళ జన్మించినాడు యిదె కృష్ణుడు

bhAviMpa vasudEvuni pAliTabhAgyadEvata
dEvakiganinayaTTi divyaratnamu
chEvamIra surala rakshiMchE kalpataruvu
yIvELa janmiMchinADu yide kRshNuDu

భావింపBhavimpa=when thought ;  వసుదేవునిVasudevuni= to Vasudeva (krishna's father;) పాలిట Palita= to his fortune ; భాగ్యBhagya=Lucky/fortune; దేవతdevatha= God;
దేవకిDevaki= Queen Devaki, Krishna's mother;గనిన kanina= to give birth; యట్టి yatti= that;దివ్యDivya= brilliant/luminant;
చేవమీరChevameera(Cheva+meera)=essence,courage+ exceed/surpass; సురలsurala= to the demigods/gods; రక్షించేrakshinche= one who protects కల్పతరువుKalpataruvu= the wish-fulfilling tree.
యీyee= this;వేళVela=time; జన్మించినాడుjanminchinadu= took birth; యిదెide= this only; కృష్ణుడుKirshnudu= Krishna;

If thought, to Vasudeva (he is) the lucky God; 
He is  the gem/jewel, that Devaki gave birth to;
Having surpassed courage, to Gods, he is the ever-giving tree that protects;
Took birth at this time( Sravana Bahula ashtami), it is this Krishna!
హరవిరించాదులకు నాదిమూలకారణము
పరమమునుల తపఃఫలసారము
గరుడోనగేంద్రులకు కలిగిన నిధానము
యిరవుగా నుదయించె నిదె కృష్ణుడు

haraviraMchAdulaku nAdimUlakAraNamu
paramamunula tapa@hphalasAramu
garuDOragEMdrulaku kaligina nidhAnamu
yiravugA nudayiMche nide kRshNuDu

హరHara=Shiva;విరించాదులకుvirinchadulaku=(Virinchi+adulu=Brahma+others) Brahma and others;  నాదిaadi= the primary;మూలmoola= the root;కారణముkaranam= cause;
పరమparama= the first/supreme;మునులmunula= to sages; తపఃtapa:=tapasya/meditation;ఫలphala= fruit;సారముsaramu=gist/essence;
గరుడోGaruda= the vulture/eagle;నాగేంద్రులకుnagendrulaku=(Naga+indra)the Lord of snakes; కలిగినkaligina=have occured; నిధానముnidhanamu=treasure;
యిరవుగాYiravuga=as firm/certain; నుదయించెUdayinche= rising/dawning; నిదెnide= this only; కృష్ణుడుKrishnudu= Krishna.

To Siva, Brahma and others ( he is) the primary root cause;
To the supreme sages,(he is) the gist/essence of the fruits of meditation;
To Garuda and the Snake Lord, (he is) the treasure that occured;
With certainty,it is this Krishna that dawned.
బలు యోగీశ్వరుల బ్రహ్మానందము
చెలగు భాగవతుల చింతామణి
అలమేల్మంగకు పతి యట్టె శ్రీవేంకటాద్రి
నిలపై జన్మించినాడు యిదె కృష్ణుడు

balu yOgISwarula brahmAnaMdamu
chelagu bhAgavatula chiMtAmaNi
alamElmaMgaku pati yaTTe SrIvEMkaTAdri
nilapai janmiMchinADu yide kRshNuDu

బలుBalu= many; యోగీశ్వరులYogishwarula= to yogi Lords; బ్రహ్మానందముbrahma+anandamu= the supreme happiness;
చెలగుChelagu=to shine/splendid; భాగవతులBhagavathula= the followers of Bhagavad gita; చింతామణిChinthamani= the philosopher's stone/the stone that gives whatever desired.
అలమేల్మంగకుAlamelmanga= to Lakshmi/Padmavathi; పతిpathi= Lord; యట్టెYetti= this; శ్రీవేంకటాద్రిSri Venkatadri= the Venkata Hill;
నిలపై Nilapai= on this place; జన్మించినాడుjanminchinadu= took birth; యిదెide= this; కృష్ణుడు Krishnudu= krishna

To the many masters of Yoga, (he is) the supreme happiness;
To the brilliant followers of Bhagavath Gita,( he is) the philosopher's stone;
To Padmavathi/Lakshmi, (he is ) the Lord/master; On Venkata Hill
place,it is this Krishna that took birth.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2009/08/635sravana-bahulashtami-jayamti.html
[2]Paluri Shankarnarayana, Telugu to English dictionary.

1 comment:

  1. "Absolutely loved your post! It’s always a pleasure to discover thoughtful content about Telugu Devotional music. The way you’ve discussed the power of Song Lyrics Telugu is truly inspiring. The depth in these lyrics really enhances the emotional connection to the music."
