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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Deva ee thagavu

This keerthana is more a request to Venkateswara to resolve the most common questions or conflicts in human life as simple as to why God creates this body along with senses and desires then expects the body not to crave for sensory pleasures and desires . As one can expect, these questions are more rhetorical and open ended questions.
Priya sisters rendition of the song can be found here.

ప|| దేవ యీ తగవు దీర్చవయ్యా | వేవేలకు నిది విన్నపమయ్యా ||
pa|| dEva yI tagavu dIrcavayyA | vEvElaku nidi vinnapamayyA ||
దేవ Deva= Oh God!;యీee= this; తగవుthagavu= conflict; దీర్చవయ్యాtheerchava+ayya= remove/resolve+sir; | వేవేలకునిvevelakuni= to thousands and thousands; ఇదిidi= this; విన్నపమయ్యాvinnapamu= request; ||
oh God! Please resolve this conflict, sir. Thousands and thousands have this request, sir.

చ|| తనువున బొడమినతతి నింద్రియములు | పొనిగి యెక్కడికి బోవునయా |
పెనగి తల్లికడ బిడ్డలు భువిలో | యెనగొని యెక్కడి కేగుదురయ్యా ||
ca|| thanavuna bodaminathathi nindriyamulu| ponigi yekkadiki bovunayA||
penagi tallikaDa biDDalu BuvilO | yenagoni yekkaDi kEgudurayyA ||
తనువున thanavuna= on the body; పొడమినpodamina= to arise/generate; తతినిthathini = multitude; ఇంద్రియములుindriyamulu= senses; పొనిగి ponigi= useless/grass; యెక్కడికిekkadiki= where to; బోవునయాbovunayya= (povunu+ayya=go+sir!)
పెనగిpenagi=to be united; తల్లికడthallikada=near mother; బిడ్డలుbiddalu= children; భువిలోbhuvilo= on earth; | యెనగొనిyenagoni= matching/equal; యెక్కడికి yekkadiki= where to? ఏగుదురయ్యా eegudarayya = to resort to, sir ||
On this body, the multitude of senses that are generated like the grass, where will they go?
On this earth, children are to be united with mother. Where will they resort to for that equivalence(love)?
The first conflict that Annamayya present to the Lord is where will the senses that are generated by the body go? This is more a rhetorical question asking why did he create this body with senses. The senses stick to the body like children stick to mother. The children cannot resort to any other equivalence to mother. Similarly, the senses cannot go anywhere but to the body.

చ|| పొడుగుచు మనమున బొడమిన యాసలు | అదన నెక్కడికి నరుగునయా |
వొదుగుచు జలములనుండు మత్స్యములు | పదపడి యేగతి బాసీనయ్యా ||
ca|| poDugucu manamuna boDamina yAsalu | adana nekkaDiki narugunayA |
vodugucu jalamulanuMDu matsyamulu | padapaDi yEgati bAsInayyA ||
పొడుగుచుpoduguchu= to hatch/brood; మనమునmanavuna= in heart/mind; పొడమినpodamina= to arise; యాసలుyaasalu= wants/wishes; అదనadana= excess; నెక్కడికిekkadiki= where to; అరుగునయాarugunaya=to reduce/scrape down +sir.
వొదుగుచుoduguchu= to shrink/move aside; జలములjalamuna= in water; నుండుundu=stay; మత్స్యములుmatsyamulu= fishes; పదపడిpadapadi=afterwards; యేగతిyegathi=which flow; బాసీనయ్యాbaasinayya=a sort of purse/fishnet
Brooding heart/mind generates excessive wants; where will they reduce?
The meek/suppressed fishes that stay in water, which flow will trap them later?
The next conflict is that of wants and desires. A brooding mind generates excessive wants which cannot be reduced. For this, Annamayya uses the analogy of fish that are meek and weak in water. They are flown by waves into a purse/fishnet. This means that the fish that do not swim by themselves, just flow according to the water current. Similarly, a weak mind generates wants and gets flown by the wants.

చ|| లలి నొకటొకటికి లంకెలు నివే | అలరుచు నేమని యందునయా |
బలు శ్రీవేంకటపతి నాయాత్మను | గలిగితి వెక్కడి కలుషములయ్యా ||
ca|| lali nokaTokaTiki laMkelu nivE | alarucu nEmani yaMdunayA |
balu SrIvEMkaTapati nAyAtmanu | galigiti vekkaDi kaluShamulayyA ||
లలిlali=gracefully; నొకటొకటికిnokatokatiki (okati+okatiki=one to one) = one to one; లంకెలుlankelu=connection/ties; నివేneeve= you only; | అలరుచుalaruchu= to weave; నేమనిeemani= what to; యందునయాyandunaya= say,sir; |
బలుbalu=Great; శ్రీవేంకటపతిSrivenkatapati= నాయాత్మనుnaa yatmanu= my soul; | గలిగితిgiligithi= to possess; వెక్కడిvekkadi= where from?; కలుషములయ్యా kalushamulayya= these impurities, sir!||
Gracefully, for one to one connections/ties, you only weave. what will I say?
If the great Sri venkata's lord possesses my soul; Where are these impurities from?
Annamayya helplessly says that he doesnot have any say when the Lord, himself, is the one who weaves all the ties/connections beautifully. The last question is more to pin down the Lord to ask why he faces all these impurities even when Sri Venkatesapathi reigns his soul.

[1]Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana
[2]Lrics from "http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2007/04/195deva-yi-tagavu-dircavayya.html"

Ekkadi manusha janmam....

Annamayya presents his view on the purpose of human life in this simple, easy to understand keerthana.This is one of those keerthanas, which is more a self-appraisal of life by Annamayya. The desolating tone set in this piece urges one to ponder on the purpose of human life.
It is believed in Hinduism that the soul takes up "Human" life only after serving animal life forms. Animals do not have the discirmination of good/bad/choice etc. They go by instincts, and are only serving to satisfy one of the prominent desires attached to the soul. Human life is intended to work towards salvation/liberation (moksha) and the purposes are given by the four "purusharthas" : dharma-artha-kama-moksha. This keerthana has more dept to it than just the meaning it puts forth and a little complicated for me to explain it here.  In this keerthana, the dejected Annamayya rhetorically asks as to what use is the Human life if one doesnot work towards the path of salvation and still is attached to the worldly illusions.

A heart-touching rendition by Priya sisters can be found here.

ప|| ఎక్కడి మానుష జన్మం బెత్తిన ఫలమే మున్నది |
నిక్కము నిన్నే నమ్మితి నీ చిత్తంబికను ||

 pa|| ekkaDi mAnuSha janmaM bettina PalamE munnadi |
nikkamu ninnE nammiti nI cittaMbikanu ||

ఎక్కడిekkaDi= where from? మానుషmAnuSha= Human's; జన్మంjanmam= life/birth; ఎత్తినettina= to have taken; ఫలము phalamu= fruit/use; ఏమున్నదిemunnadi= what is there?  |
నిక్కముNikkamu= truthfully; ని
న్నే ninne= you only; నమ్మితినీnammithini= I trusted;  చిత్తంబికనుchittambikanu (chittamu+ikanu)= mind/heart+hereafter ||
  Where from is this human's birth? What use is it to have taken it(human's birth).
truthfully I have trusted you (only) all my heart/mind.

చ|| మరవను ఆహారంబును మరవను సంసార సుఖము | మరవను యింద్రియ భోగము మాధవ నీ మాయ ||
మరచెద సుఙ్ణానంబును మరచెద తత్త్వ రహ
స్యము | మరచెద గురువును దైవము మాధవ నీ మాయ ||
 ca|| maravanu AhAraMbunu maravanu saMsAra suKamu | maravanu yiMdriya BOgamu mAdhava nI mAya |
maraceda su~mNAnaMbunu maraceda tattva rahaSyamu | maraceda guruvunu daivamu mAdhava nI mAya ||

మరవనుmaravanu= wont forget; ఆహారంబునుaaharambunu= food; మరవనుmaravanu= won't forget; సంసారsamsara= the family life; సుఖముsukhamu=pleasures |
maravanu= wont forget; యింద్రియindriya= sensory; భోగముbhoogamu= pleasures/luxuries; మాధవmaadhava= Madhava; నీnee= your; మాయmaaya=illusion ||
మరచెదmarecheda= will forget; సుఙ్ణానంబునుsugnanambunu= good knowledge; మరచెదmarecheda= will forget; తత్త్వtatva=the 96 properties of human body(mind, body and soul!); రహస్యముrahasyamu=secret |
మరచెదmarecheda= will forget; గురువునుGuruvunu= teacher; దైవము daivamu= God/diety; మాధవ maadhava= madhava! నీnee= your;  మాయmaaya=illusion ||

 I wont forget food, the pleasures of family life, wont forget the sensory luxuries, Madhava! this is your created illusion..
I will forget the good knowledge I learnt, Will forget the human body secrets; will forget teacher and God. Madhava! this is your created illusion....
చ|| విడువను పాపము పుణ్యము విడువను నా దుర్గుణములు | విడువను మిక్కిలి యాసలు విష్ణుడ నీమాయ |
విడిచెద షట్కర్మంబులు విడిచెద వైరాగ్యంబును | విడిచెద నాచారంబును విష్ణుడ నీమాయ ||

 ca|| viDuvanu pApamu puNyamu viDuvanu nA durguNamulu |
viDuvanu mikkili yAsalu viShNuDa nImAya |
viDiceda ShaTkarmaMbulu viDiceda vairAgyaMbunu |
viDiceda nAcAraMbunu viShNuDa nImAya ||

విడువనుvidavanu= wont leave; పాపముpaapamu= sins; పుణ్యముpunyamu=moral or religious merit; విడువనుvidavanu= wont leave; నాnaa= my; దుర్గుణములుdurgunamulu= vices |
విడువనుvidavanu= wont leave; మిక్కిలిmikkili=excessive; యాసలుaasalu= wishes/wants; విష్ణుడ Vishnuda= Vishnu!!నీnee= your ;మాయ maaya=illusion|
విడిచెదvidicheda= will leave; షట్కర్మంబులుshatkarmambulu= the six karmas to clean the body; విడిచెద
vidicheda= will leave; వైరాగ్యంబునుvairagyambunu= the detachment |
vidicheda= will leave; ఆ చారంబునుaacharambunu=rituals; విష్ణుడVishnuda= vishnu!! నీnee=your;మాయmaaya=illusion |

I wont leave my sins and  merits. I wont leave my vices. I wll definitely not leave my excessive wants/desires. Vishnu!! this is all your created illusion.
I will leave the six karmas that clean the body; will leave the detachment, will leave the rituals. Vishnu!!this is all your created illusion.

చ|| తగిలెద బహు లంపటముల తగిలెద బహు బంధముల | తగులను మోక్షపు మార్గము తలపున యెంతైనా |
అగపడి శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వర అంతర్యామివై | నగి నగి నను నీవేలితి నాకా యీమాయ ||

ca|| tagileda bahu laMpaTamula tagileda bahu baMdhamula |
tagulanu mOkShapu mArgamu talapuna yeMtainA |
agapaDi SrI vEMkaTESvara aMtaryAmivai |
nagi nagi nanu nIvEliti nAkA yImAya ||
తగిలెదthagileda= will think; బహుbahu= various; లంపటములlampatamulu= troubles/impediments;  తగిలెదthagileda= will think; బహుbahu= various; బంధములbandhamula= relations/attachments |
తగులనుthagulanu= won't think; మోక్షపుmokshapu= of salvation; మార్గముmargamu= path; తలపున thalapuna= in thoughts;యెంతైనా enthaina= how much ever|
అగపడిagapadi=to appear/found; శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వరSri Venkateshwara; అంతర్యామిantharyami= the omniscient;
వైvai= to be; |
నగిnagi= to smile; నగిnagi= to smile; ననుnanu= me; నీవేలితిneevelithi= (neevu+elithi= you+reign)you reign me; నాకాnaaka= to me?; యీee= this;మాయmaaya= illusion ||

I will think of the various troubles; I will think of the various relationships/attachments. But will never think of the salvation path in my thoughts however possible!!
Having appeared as Sri Venkateswara, you are the omniscient one who reigns over me smilingly. Is this illusion to me(also?)
Annamayya says that he will always think of the various troubles he has in life, the various relations/relatives and attachments. but will never think of salvation path which is supposed to be the purpose of human life!
He says that Venkateswara swamy rules him with a smile and puts him in this illusion. He is sort of sarcastic that "You smile and rule me. You seem to be happy to be ruling over me but apparently you are tricking me. Why is this illusion to me???" It's as if he is asking I am your favorite right( becoz you rule me with a smile not a frown!)? Why dont you exempt me from this illusion?

[1]lyrics from "annamayya

Sravana Bahulashtami...(2)

A second song on Krishnashtami by Annamayya. Though the gist is the same as in the previous song, it is quite different in words used.
For Priya Sisters rendition of the song click here

shrAvaNa bahulASTami. rAgA: shuddhsArang. Eka tALA.
 P: shrAvaNa bahuLASTami savarE trikADanu shri vibhuDu dayince chelulAlA vinare
శ్రావణ బహుళాష్టమి సవరె త్రికడను శ్రీ  విభుని దయించే చెలులాల వినరే
శ్రావణSravna= Sravana Month of the lunar/Telugu calendar; బహుళాష్టమిBahulashtami= the eight day of the first ashtami;  సవరెsavare=suitable/good;  త్రికడనుtrikaadanu=at three quarters/directions;   శ్రీSri= Lakshmi; విభునిVibhuni= of the Lord; ఉదయించే udayinche=dawned; చెవు లాలchevulala= with all ears; వినరే  vinare= listen;
On the eight day of the Sravna month at the suitable three-quarters (time? or direction?), Sri's Lord dawned , with all ears listen ( to the lore...)
కడ Kada  has many meanings; quarter, direction, end etc. It is difficult to tell if Annamayya meant three-quarters time or a direction or a place. Any help to understand the meaning would be helpful. In the mean time, I'll be upto my research and update as I learn more.

C1: asurula shikSinca amarula rakSincha vasudha bhAramellA nivArimpanu vasudevunikini dEvaki dEvikini asagrasamagu krSNuDu avatAra mandenu
అసురుల శిక్షించ అమరుల రక్షించ వసుధ భారమెల్ల   నివారింపను వాసుదేవునికిని దేవకినికి అసగ్రసమగు కృష్ణుడు అవతార మందెను
అసురులasarula= demons; శిక్షించsikshincha= to punish; అమరులamarula= the immortals/; రక్షించ rakshincha=to rescue/protect;వసుధvasudha= earth; భారమెల్లbharamella= weight +all;   నివారింపను nivarimpanu= to avaoid/prevent;వాసుదేవునికినిVasudevunikini= to Vasudeva; దేవకినికిDevakini= to Devaki; అసగ్రసమగుasagrasamagu=that which is not graspable/conceivable/imaginable; కృష్ణుడుKrishnudu=Krishna; అవతారము avatharamu= incarnation; అందెనుmandenu= took;
To punish the demons; to protect the immortals, to reduce the weight on the earth, to Vasudeva and Deviki, the unconceivable, Krishna took incarnation.

 2: gopika rammanincA gollalanellA kAvagA dhApai munula nellA dayasEyanu dIpinca nanduniki dEviyaina yashOdaku Ekuna sutuDai krSNuDu innikA perigenu
 గోపిక  రామ్మనించ గొల్లలనెల్ల కావగా  ధాపై మునుల నెల్ల దయసేయను  దీపించిన  నందునికి దేవియిన యశోదకు ఎకున సుతుడై కృష్ణుడు ఇన్నిఖ పెరిగెను
 గోపికgopika= of Gopikas, the cow herds-women;  రామ్మనించrammanincha=to please; గొల్లలనెల్లgollalanella= all the cattle; కావ kava= to keep an eye; గాధాపైgadhapai=on the grass; మునులmunula= of sages; నెల్లella= all; దయDaya= mercy;సేయను seyanu=to do; దీపించిన deepinchina= lighted up; నందునికిnandunikini= to nanda; దేవియినDevi aina= who is the wife/lady; యశోదకుyashodakunu= to yahsoda; ఎకునekuna= only; సుతుడైsuthudaina= have become son; కృష్ణుడుKrishnudu= krishna; ఇన్నిఖ innika=thus????(hearsay??); పెరిగెను perigenu=grow.
To please the cow-herds-women, to guard all the cattle on the grass, to be merciful to all the sages, to the enlighted Nanda and the divine lady Yashoda, as the only son, it is heard(?? not sure of the word "innika"), Krishna grew.
The word innika means hear-say but not sure how it fits into this line. I'm lost! Any help would be appreciated :).

3: pAnDavula manupagA padAru vEla penlADaga ninDi shrI venkatTAdripai nilucuNDagA aNDa alamel mangAkuna kaugalincagA danDiyaiyunDa krSNuDu gaganutikEkenu
పాండవుల   మను పగా పదారు వేళ  పెన్లడగ నిండి శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రిపై నిలుచుండగా అండ  అలమేల్మంగాకున  కౌగలించగా దండియైయుండ కృష్ణుడు గగనుతికేకెను
పాండవులPandavula= of the Pandavas;   మనుపగాmanupaga= to protect ;  పదారుpadaru= sixteen; వేlaVela= thousand; పెన్లడగpendladaga= as he married; నిండిnindi=Abundant ; శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రిపైSri Venkatadripai = on Sri venkata Hill; నిలుచుండగాniluchundaga= as he stood up; అండanda= company;  అలమేల్మంగాAlamelmangaku= to Alamelmanga(Lakshmi);అక్కునAkkuna=bosom/embrace;  కౌగలించగా kowgilinchaga= hugged; దండియైdandiyai= as a valiant man; యుండunda= to be;  కృష్ణుడు Krishnudu= Krishna; గగనుతికేకెనుgaganuthikegenu (Gagana+nuthaki+Egenu)=(Sky+ praised+ rose) rose to sky-high praises.
To protect the Pandavas, and as he married sixteen thousand, As he stood up on the abundant Venta Hill, Alamelmanga(Lakshmi) accompanied him and hugged him at bosom.
As a valiant man, Krishna's praise rose to the sky.

[1] Paluri Shankarnarayana," Telugu to English Dictionary".