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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Deva ee thagavu

This keerthana is more a request to Venkateswara to resolve the most common questions or conflicts in human life as simple as to why God creates this body along with senses and desires then expects the body not to crave for sensory pleasures and desires . As one can expect, these questions are more rhetorical and open ended questions.
Priya sisters rendition of the song can be found here.

ప|| దేవ యీ తగవు దీర్చవయ్యా | వేవేలకు నిది విన్నపమయ్యా ||
pa|| dEva yI tagavu dIrcavayyA | vEvElaku nidi vinnapamayyA ||
దేవ Deva= Oh God!;యీee= this; తగవుthagavu= conflict; దీర్చవయ్యాtheerchava+ayya= remove/resolve+sir; | వేవేలకునిvevelakuni= to thousands and thousands; ఇదిidi= this; విన్నపమయ్యాvinnapamu= request; ||
oh God! Please resolve this conflict, sir. Thousands and thousands have this request, sir.

చ|| తనువున బొడమినతతి నింద్రియములు | పొనిగి యెక్కడికి బోవునయా |
పెనగి తల్లికడ బిడ్డలు భువిలో | యెనగొని యెక్కడి కేగుదురయ్యా ||
ca|| thanavuna bodaminathathi nindriyamulu| ponigi yekkadiki bovunayA||
penagi tallikaDa biDDalu BuvilO | yenagoni yekkaDi kEgudurayyA ||
తనువున thanavuna= on the body; పొడమినpodamina= to arise/generate; తతినిthathini = multitude; ఇంద్రియములుindriyamulu= senses; పొనిగి ponigi= useless/grass; యెక్కడికిekkadiki= where to; బోవునయాbovunayya= (povunu+ayya=go+sir!)
పెనగిpenagi=to be united; తల్లికడthallikada=near mother; బిడ్డలుbiddalu= children; భువిలోbhuvilo= on earth; | యెనగొనిyenagoni= matching/equal; యెక్కడికి yekkadiki= where to? ఏగుదురయ్యా eegudarayya = to resort to, sir ||
On this body, the multitude of senses that are generated like the grass, where will they go?
On this earth, children are to be united with mother. Where will they resort to for that equivalence(love)?
The first conflict that Annamayya present to the Lord is where will the senses that are generated by the body go? This is more a rhetorical question asking why did he create this body with senses. The senses stick to the body like children stick to mother. The children cannot resort to any other equivalence to mother. Similarly, the senses cannot go anywhere but to the body.

చ|| పొడుగుచు మనమున బొడమిన యాసలు | అదన నెక్కడికి నరుగునయా |
వొదుగుచు జలములనుండు మత్స్యములు | పదపడి యేగతి బాసీనయ్యా ||
ca|| poDugucu manamuna boDamina yAsalu | adana nekkaDiki narugunayA |
vodugucu jalamulanuMDu matsyamulu | padapaDi yEgati bAsInayyA ||
పొడుగుచుpoduguchu= to hatch/brood; మనమునmanavuna= in heart/mind; పొడమినpodamina= to arise; యాసలుyaasalu= wants/wishes; అదనadana= excess; నెక్కడికిekkadiki= where to; అరుగునయాarugunaya=to reduce/scrape down +sir.
వొదుగుచుoduguchu= to shrink/move aside; జలములjalamuna= in water; నుండుundu=stay; మత్స్యములుmatsyamulu= fishes; పదపడిpadapadi=afterwards; యేగతిyegathi=which flow; బాసీనయ్యాbaasinayya=a sort of purse/fishnet
Brooding heart/mind generates excessive wants; where will they reduce?
The meek/suppressed fishes that stay in water, which flow will trap them later?
The next conflict is that of wants and desires. A brooding mind generates excessive wants which cannot be reduced. For this, Annamayya uses the analogy of fish that are meek and weak in water. They are flown by waves into a purse/fishnet. This means that the fish that do not swim by themselves, just flow according to the water current. Similarly, a weak mind generates wants and gets flown by the wants.

చ|| లలి నొకటొకటికి లంకెలు నివే | అలరుచు నేమని యందునయా |
బలు శ్రీవేంకటపతి నాయాత్మను | గలిగితి వెక్కడి కలుషములయ్యా ||
ca|| lali nokaTokaTiki laMkelu nivE | alarucu nEmani yaMdunayA |
balu SrIvEMkaTapati nAyAtmanu | galigiti vekkaDi kaluShamulayyA ||
లలిlali=gracefully; నొకటొకటికిnokatokatiki (okati+okatiki=one to one) = one to one; లంకెలుlankelu=connection/ties; నివేneeve= you only; | అలరుచుalaruchu= to weave; నేమనిeemani= what to; యందునయాyandunaya= say,sir; |
బలుbalu=Great; శ్రీవేంకటపతిSrivenkatapati= నాయాత్మనుnaa yatmanu= my soul; | గలిగితిgiligithi= to possess; వెక్కడిvekkadi= where from?; కలుషములయ్యా kalushamulayya= these impurities, sir!||
Gracefully, for one to one connections/ties, you only weave. what will I say?
If the great Sri venkata's lord possesses my soul; Where are these impurities from?
Annamayya helplessly says that he doesnot have any say when the Lord, himself, is the one who weaves all the ties/connections beautifully. The last question is more to pin down the Lord to ask why he faces all these impurities even when Sri Venkatesapathi reigns his soul.

[1]Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana
[2]Lrics from "http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2007/04/195deva-yi-tagavu-dircavayya.html"

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