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Monday, February 24, 2014


This is a romantic piece(shrungara rasa) by Annamayya that is an example of his poetic skills in describing the Lady's state of appearance after a copulation encounter with her husband,Lord Venkatapathi.The subtleties in describing the theme and also the format in which he brings it out is commendably noteworthy. An interesting thing is that Annamayya does not mention who the Lady of this song is. As usual, it is in the last stanza we know that the Lord is Thiru Venkata's Lord. So the Lady of this poem could be either of his two wives, Lakshmi/Padmavathi or Bhoodevi.
This song has an interesting format. Each stanza has, first, an observation,secondly, a first premise and then finally, a second premise with contextual explanations.In this song, the point of view is that of the (girl)friends of the Lady and conversation with the other girl friends on the appearance of the Lady, mostly without the Lady hearing this conversation. The friend(Annamayya) notices/observes various things about the Lady and the first premise made, is ended with urging the other girlfriends to think/deduce/imagine the cause of such observation.The second premise he makes is given with greater details and explanation about the situation which the Lady must have gone through. He ends each stanza with "isn't it?", indicating that he is just assuming things (and not sure) and also leaving it open ended for the other friends to give in their thoughts too!
 Most renditions of this song seem to not have the third stanza at all. I'm surprised!

A good rendition of this song by Lakshmi Narayan Chintapalli (without the third stanza) can be found here.

ఏముకో చిగురుటధరమున - ఎడనెడ కస్తూ రి నిండెను
భామిని విభునకు రాసిన - పత్రిక కాదు కదా
emuko chiguruTa daramuna -edaneda kasthuri nindenu
bhamini vibhunaku rasina patrika kadu kada
ఏee= which;ముకోmuko= to exert strain; చిగురుటchiguruta= tender/delicate; అధరమునadharamuna=on the lips - ఎడeda=spot/place;నెడ=that place; కస్తూరిkasthuri=musk, (red color?); నిండెనుnindenu= filled in;
భామినిbhamini= the lady; విభునకుvibhunaku=to the Lord; రాసినrasina= written; పత్రికpatrika=letter; కాదుkadu=not; కదాkada=is it not?
What force!On the tender lips, at places here & there, fragrance is filled!
The lady, to her Lord, must have written a letter, isn't it?
The first stanza has only two lines and an observation and one premise only unlike the next stanzas where two premises are presented.
The first observation is that the tender lips are filled with the Kasthuri(musk), here and there. Kasthuri is musk, a fragrance used in perfumes. Apparently, the first color of the powder is reddish brown that later changes to black. Kasthuri is used with sandalwood and the other smears(thilakam) to give fragrance. I believe that in this line, Annamayya is actually refering to the fragrance that smeared when the Lady wrote a letter to the Lord.
The premise presented is that it must be an direct letter written by the Lady to her Lord.The "isn't it" after the line is the that the poet is making an assumption and wants to verify it. There is a lot that we can read between the lines in this stanza, but Annamayya leaves it to the listener's discretion by his "isn't it?" question.
కలికి చకోరాక్షికి కడ - కన్నులు కెంపై తోచెనే
చెలువంబిప్పటిదేమో - చింతింపరే చలులు
నలువున ప్రాణేశ్వరుపై - నాటిన ఆ కొనచూపులు
నిలువుగపెరుకగనంటిన - నెత్తురు కాదుకదా
Kaliki chakorakshiki Kada Kannulu Kempai tochina
Cheluvambippudidemo chintimpare chelulu.
Naluvuna praneshwarupai natina aa kona choopulu
Nilovuna perukaga antina netturu kadukada ll
కలికిkaliki= beautiful; చకోరాక్షికిchakorakshiki(chakora+akshi+ki)=(Bird Chakora+eyed+to)to the ChakoraBird eyed, కడkada=place/vicinity; కన్నులుkannulu= eyes; కెంపైkempai=become red/ruby తోచెనేthochene= has appeared/ seems like
చెలువవంబిప్పటిcheluvamaba+appati= a beautiful woman's+of that time; చింతింపరేchintinpare=try to think; చలులుchelulu= (girl)friends;
నలువునnaluvuna=beautiful; ప్రాణేశ్వరుపైpraneswarunipai=on Lord,(Master of life) ,నాటినnatina=sown, ఆ కొనkona= corner; చూపులుchupulu= sight/looks;
నిలువుగniluvuga=uprightly; పెరుకగperukaga=to pull out from roots, నంటినantina= to stick; - నెత్తురుnetthuru=blood; కాదుకదాKadu kada(kadu+kada)= (not+is it) Is it not?
To the beautiful Chakora-Bird-like-eyed one, in the vicinity of the eyes, have become red; it seems/appears.
Of the beautiful woman's previous arrow/dart(indication), is it? Try to think (girl)friends!
Gracefully, upon the Lord, having sown those corner looks,
Uprightly pulling them from roots, has smeared the blood, is it not?
This stanza is self explanatory. I like the way Annamayya describes the second premise in this stanza that the redness in her eyes is actually blood in her veins when she abruptly uproots her eyes from her Lord. A simile of sowing and uprooting to having set sight and looking away from the Lord is one of the best similes, I have read.

పడతికి చనుగవ మెరుగులు - పైపై పయ్యెద వెలుపల
కడుమించిన విధమేమో - కనుగొనరే చెలులు
ఉడుగని వేడుకతో ప్రియు - డొత్తి న నఖ శశి రేఖలు
వెడలగ వేసవి కాలపు -వెన్నెల కాదు కదా
Padatiki chanugava merugulu pai pai payyeda velupala
Kaduminchina vidha memo kanugonare chelulu
Udugani vedukato priyudottina nakha shashi rekhalu
Vedalaga vesavi kalapu vennela kadu kada ll..
పడతికిpadathiki= to the woman; చెణుకవchanukava= of a tiny particle; మెరుగులుmerugulu= glitter; పైపైpaipai= over the top; పయ్యెదpayyada=the garment over shoulder to cover a women's breast; వెలుపలvelupala= outside;
కడుkadu= great; మించినminchina=over the limit/excess; విధమేమోvidhamemo(Vidhamu+emo)=a way+is it; కనుగొనరేkanugonare=try to find out; చెలులుchelulu= (girl) friends
ఉడుగనిudugani(udugu+kaani)=(cease+not) unceasable; వేడుకతోvedukatho=with grandeur; ప్రియుడొత్తిన priyudotthina(Priyudu+otthina)=Lover+having pressed/scraped; నఖnakha= nails; శశి రేఖలుsashi rekha= moon light-lines(rays)
వెడలగvedalaga= as set forth; వేసవిvesavi=summer; కాలపుkalapu=time;వెన్నెలvennala=moonlight; కాదుkadu= not; కదాkada=is it?
To the lady, glitter of a tiny particle over the top of the garment, on the outside.
Is it a way greatness have exceeded? Try to find out, friends!
With unceasable grandeur, her lover must  have scraped, and with nails, those-moonlight like lines(rays)
must have been set forth as the summertime's moonlight. Isn't it?
So the observation is that there is something glittering on the Lady's garment worn over the chest. The very first premise is that it is a way where her breasts must have blossomed. The second premise is that it must be the moon-light like nail marks set forth by her lover's pressing/scraping, that are manifesting out as the summertime's moonlight.

ముద్దియ చెక్కుల కెలకుల - ముత్యపు జల్లుల చేర్పులు
ఒద్దిక లాగు లివేమో - ఊహింపరే చెలులు
గద్దరి తిరువేంకటపతి - కౌగిటి అధరామృతముల
అద్దిన సురతపు చెమటల - అందము కాదుకదా
Muddiya chekkula Kelakula mutyapu jallula cherpula
Voddika lagulivemo voohimpare chelulu
Gaddari Tiruvenkatapathi kamini vadanambujamuna
Addina suratapu chematala andamu kadukada ll
ముద్దియmuddiya=of kisses/lovely; చెక్కులchekkula= of the cheeks; కెలకుల= of the stir/mix/side; ముత్యపుmutyapu=of pearls; జల్లులjallula=drops/showers; చేర్పులు=nearness
ఒద్దికoddika=union; లాగు లివేమో lagulivemo(lagulu+ivi+emo) =pulling/exertions+this+ may be; ఊహింపరేoohimpare= try to imagine; చెలులుchelulu= girl friends
గద్దరిgaddari=of the Kite(Gadda); తిరువేంకటపతిTiru venkatapathi=ThiruVenkata's Lord's;  కౌగిటిkaugiti= of embrace; అధరామృతములadharaamruthamula= (Lip+nectar), saliva
అద్దినaddina=having dipped; సురతపుsuratapu=copulation; చెమటలchematala=of sweat; అందముandamu= beauty; కాదుకదా
OF the lovely cheeks side, pearls-shower nearness
 the union ,try to imagine, friends,
Of the Kite, Thiru Venkata Lord's, embraced lip nectar
dipped with copulation sweat's beauty, isn't it?
The observation is that the Lady's lovely cheeks seem to have pearl-like drops on the sideand the first premise , that could have been the exertions/pullings during union. The second premise is that the Thiru Venka's Lord, who rides the Kite, must have embraced. During that embrace, when He kissed the Lady,His lipnectar(saliva) dipped in His sweat from copulation on his upper lip must have been on her cheeks. The pearl-like drops must be the sweat's beauty!!


[2] Paluri Shankarnarayana, " Telugu to English dictionary"


  1. Hi Sir,
    Many Thanks for your Tremendous efforts in providing the meanings of Annamayya Keerthanas....

    Can you also please post the meaning of the following excellent song...

    itaDE yataDu kAbO lElika baMTunu nairi
    mitilEni rAghavuDu mETi hanumaMtuDu

    jaladhi baMdhiMchidATe chalapaTTi rAghavuDu
    alari vUrakE dATe hanumaMtuDu
    alukatO rAvaNuni yadataNache nataDu
    talachi mairAvaNuni daMDiMche nitaDu

    koMDa vellagiMche tolli gOvardhanuDataDu
    koMDatO saMjIvi yette gOri yitaDu
    guMDu garache nahalya koraku sItApati
    guMDu garagaga pADe kOri yitaDu

    aMjanAchalamu mIda nataDu SrIvEMkaTESu
    DaMjanI tanayuDAya nanilajuDu
    kaMjAptakularAmaghanuDu tAnunu dayA-
    puMjamAya maMgAMbudhi hanumaMtu(Du

    Lyric Ref : http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2008/05/496itade-yatadu-kabo-lelika.html

    I am very much interested in learning meanings for Great Annamayya Poems. Please let me know whether I can disturb you with my doubts. Once again Thanks for all your efforts in providing word-word meaning for Annamayya keerthanas which is a great help for novice persons like me...

    1. Hello PG,
      Thanks for your comments. I am glad that you find this blog helpful and appreciate your kind words.
      I will definitely post your requested song's meaning. I really thank you for posting the lyrics of the song of your interest along with reference site; you have made it a little bit easy for me :). I cannot promise you the time by which I will be able to post that (mostly Aug) though!
      One of the reasons of my posting this blog is to discuss about them too. I would urge you to post your questions here in this blog. That way it would help others with same questions and also help us in getting some expert advice sometimes, in case I am unable to clarify or answer.

      Best wishes,

    2. Thank You Lgopired,

      In the Song "Sriman Narayana... " I am able to understand few words as follows.

      Kamala Sathi , Muha Kamala , Kamala Hita, kamala priya kamalekshana.....

      in which
      first Kamala is meant for Goddess Lakshmi,
      second Kamala is the flower where Vishnu's face is like a Lotus flower.
      and can you provide exact meaning for the other Kamala used in that line.

      I searched for the meaning and someone has mentioned the third Kamala Hita is where God Vishnu was sitting which I am unable to convince myself because in next line is mentioned about Lotus as the Asanam.

      kamalAsanahita garu.dagamana shrI
      kamalanAbha nI padakamalame sharaNu

      Could you please provide your valuable thoughts ...


    3. Hi PG,
      I am assuming that you have not seen/read the translated version of this keerthana on my blog posts. Please check my post on April,2013, or the link to the post is

      To answer your question briefly, the word "kamala hitha"= Lakshmi+pleasing, one who pleases Lakshmi. Remember that Annamayya, uses the same word for different contexts. I can explain this at length but have discussed most of the contexts and meanings in detail in the above mentioned post.
      If you still have questions after reading "Sriman narayana" post on my blog, please feel free to ask, :)

      Best wishes,

  2. Is it a reference to the fact that lotus blooms when the sun rises

  3. That must be the meaning of kamalahita

    1. Yes! I agree - 'kamala sati mukha kamala' = 'the lotus face of Lakshmi", 'kamala hita' = friend of lotus = sun. i.e., Lakshmi's lotus-like face blossoms on seeing the sun-like Venkatesa
