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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

ithade athadu kabolu..

As per the request of a reader, I am presenting this keerthana which is in praise of Hanuman and Rama and in one instance to Krishna. The scenario from the first stanza indicates that Annamayya must have composed this song in front of Rama and Hanuman idols. Annamayya compares the deeds of both the master(Rama) and his servant(Hanuman) that are equivalent but the cause or intention of the deeds are different. In my opinion, Annamayya indirectly hints at the irony that the servant(Hanuman) is slightly more magnificient than his Master(Rama) in most of the deeds. For example, in second stanza, Annamayya compares Rama's killing Ravana and Hanuman's killing MahiRavan. Rama killed Ravana because of a personal grudge, as we know Ravana kidnapped Rama's wife. While Hanuman killed/punished MahiRavan, Ravan's brother, just because Hanuman felt Mahiravan deserved punishment. Annamayya clearly mentions this distinction with the help of his adeptness in word usage.

Bala Krishna Prasad's rendition of the song is available, but is not on youtube.

ఇతడే యతడు కాబోలేలిక బంటును నైరి
మితిలేని రాఘవుడు మేటి హనుమంతుడు
itaDE yataDu kAbO lElika baMTunu nairi
mitilEni rAghavuDu mETi hanumaMtuDu
ఇతడేitaDE= he only; యతడుyataDu=that man only; కాబోలేలిక kabolelika(kabolu+elika)=(may be+ruled over) బంటునుbantunu=servant; నైరిneeri=one who is knowledgeable;
మితిలేనిmitileni=without limit; రాఘవుడుraghavudu= Raghava(Raghu dynasty's king); మేటిmeetu= heap, stack; హనుమంతుడుhanumanthudu= Hanuman;
He is that man only, it seems; who ruled over the servant, for knowledge
limitless  is Raghava; a heap is Hanumantha
The first stanza as usual here sets the tone.Seems like Annamayya is comparing the Lord and his servant, Rama and Hanuman in this poem. He starts off the stanza as if introducing someone of whom he has heard of but seeing for the first time. So he says, "He probably is "that man", the knowledgeable one who ruled over his servant." In the second line, he introduces his characters, the Limitless-knowledge endowed Rama and the knowledge-heap Hanuman. I'm going to assume that Annamayya used the adjectives describing Rama and Hanuman as referring to the knowledge they possessed. If Rama was an epitome of limitless knowledge, Hanuman was a huge heap of knowledge himself.

జలధి బంధించిదాటె చలపట్టి రాఘవుడు
అలరి వూరకే దాటె హనుమంతుడు
అలుకతో రావణుని యద తణచె నతడు
తలచి మైరావణుని దండించె నితడు
jaladhi baMdhiMchidATe chalapaTTi rAghavuDu
alari vUrakE dATe hanumaMtuDu
alukatO rAvaNuni yadataNache nataDu
talachi mairAvaNuni daMDiMche nitaDu
జలధిjaladhi= ocean; బంధించిbandhinchi= having tied/controlled;దాటెdaaTe=crossed over; చలపట్టిchalapatti(chala+patti)= (unsteadiness????+hold)??????రాఘవుడుraghavudu= Raghava,  the descendent of Raghu dynasty;
అలరిalari= excited; వూరకేvurake= just like that;దాటెdate= crossed; హనుమంతుడుHanumanthudu= Hanuman
అలుకతోalukatho=with  displeasure; రావణునిRavanuni= of Ravana; అదటణచెadataneche (అదటు adatu+ అ ణుచె  anuche)=(Pride+suppress) suppressed the pride; నతడుnathadu=that man;
తలచిtalachi=by thought; మైరావణునిMahiravan= Ravan's brother; దండించెdandinche= punished; నితడుithadu=this man;
The ocean after being tied down/controlled, was crossed over  by Raghava
Excited, just like that , crossed Hanumantha
With anger, Ravana's chest broken by that man,
while by wishing, Mahi Ravan was punished by this man;
 I am not able to make a clear contextual meaning of "chalapatti" in the first line of this stanza. If it were చలపతి Chalapati, it would have meant Lakshmi's Husband. But the word is చలపట్టి which means to hold unsteadiness. But I'm not sure!! Any help in this regard would be appreciated.
Annamayya mentions a few facts about each Rama and Hanuman but indirectly seems to be indicating the greatness of Hanuman, the servant, over his master, Ram. While Rama had a reason for his acts of greatness, Hanuman did the same or equivalent acts just for by wishing. The first line describes how Rama had to first tie the ocean down, in other words, control its current/tides, before crossing the ocean.While Hanuman crossed the ocean just like that, out of his excitement.Similarly, Rama broke Ravana's chest because of a personal displeasure he had with Ravana. While Hanuman punished MahiRavan, Ravana's brother, just because he felt so.

కొండ వెల్లగించె తొల్లి గోవర్ధనుడతడు
కొండతో సంజీవి యెత్తె గోరి యితడు
గుండు గరచె నహల్య కొరకు సీతాపతి
గుండు గరగగ పాడె కోరి యితడు
koMDa vellagiMche tolli gOvardhanuDataDu
koMDatO saMjIvi yette gOri yitaDu
guMDu garache nahalya koraku sItApati
guMDu garagaga pADe kOri yitaDu
కొండkoMDa= Mountain; వెల్లగించె vellagiMche= to remove/cast away;తొల్లిtolli=in the beginning; గోవర్ధనుడతడుgOvardhanuDataDu(Govardhanudu+athadu)=Govardhana mountain+that man;
కొండతోkoMDatO=with the mountain; సంజీవిsaMjIvi= sanjivi plant; యెత్తెyette=lifted; కోరిkOri= by wish; యితడుyitaDu=this man;
గుండుguMDu=stone; గరచెgarache= melted;నహల్యnahalya = Ahilya, the sage's wife;కొరకుkoraku=for sake of; సీతాపతిsItApati=Sita's husband;
గుండుguMDu=stone; కరగగా garagaga =until melted;పాడెpADe=sang; కోరిkOri=wishing;యితడుyitaDu=this man
The mountain was removed from  roots, the Goverdhan (mountian), by this man;
Along with the mountain, sanjivini was lifted by wish/will by this man;
The stone was melted for the sake of Ahilya by Sit's husband;
The stone until melted,  sung with will by this man.
This stanza is all about mountains and stones. While Krishna uplifted the mountain Govardhana, Hanuman too lifted the mountain for Sanjini plant. While Rama unknowingly, turned the stone to Ahilya, Hanuman sang until stone melted willingly. The story goes that Narada taught Hanuman to sing/music and Hanuman sang until the stone on which Narada sat, melted down[1].

అంజనాచలము మీద నతడు శ్రీవేంకటేశు
డంజనీ తనయుడాయ ననిలజుడు
కంజాప్తకులరామఘనుడు తానును దయా-
పుంజమాయ మంగాంబుధి హనుమంతు(డు
aMjanAchalamu mIda nataDu SrIvEMkaTESu
DaMjanI tanayuDAya nanilajuDu
kaMjAptakularAmaghanuDu tAnunu dayA
puMjamAya maMgAMbudhi hanumaMtu(Du
అంజనాచలముaMjanAchalamu = Anjana Mountain; మీదmIda= upon;నతడుnataDu=He (is); శ్రీవేంకటేశు SrIvEMkaTESudu= Sri Venkatesha;
అంజనీDaMjanI Anjani=Queen Anjani;తనయుడాయtanayuDAyaన(Tanayudu+ayena)=(son+he is) is the son; అనిలజుడుanilajuDu=son of wind( anilamu/aniludu=wind)
కంజాప్తkaMjApta(kanjamu+aptudu)=(Lotus+dear)dear to the Lotus/Lakshmi; కులkula=clan;రామ rAma=Rama pleasant;ఘనుడుghanuDu= the magnificient; తానునుtAnunu=of oneself; దయాdayA=mercy;
పుంజమాయpuMjamAya (punja+maya)=(heap+full) a collection full; మంగాంబుధిmaMgAMbudhi(manga+ambudhi)=(+ocean) ...???;హనుమంతుడుhanumaMtuDu
On Anajana Mountain, He is Sri Venkatesha;
Anjani's son he is , Son of Wind(Hanuman)
Dear to the Lotus/Lakshmi, the clan's Rama is the magnificient
By himself, merciful heap is the mangambudhi Hanumantha
This stanza is self explanatory. While one of the seven mountians
I did not find the exact translation of Mangambudhi. One refernce mentioned it to be a place but I do not know its significance or how that place got the name mangambudhi. Any help in this regard would be appreciated.

As always, comments and suggestions that would help in improving or better understanding are a big welcome.


[3] Paluri Shankarnarayana, "Telugu-English Dictionary"


  1. Thank u for lyrics I have been searching for a long time

  2. ThankYou for the word by word meaning. The imagery of cloud and lightening is also seen in Kalidasa’s Meghadootha and Shankara’s Kanakadhara Stotram.

  3. mangambudhi means one who has complete control over all indriyas and one who does work manasa vacha karmana...In ramayana valmiki maharshi said that hanuma is not only balashali more than that he is mahabudhishali.whenever toughest situation comes swamy hanuma uses his mental strength before physical strength so annamacharya uses mangambudhi term always in his keerthanas
