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Friday, July 10, 2015

harikrishna melukonu

Here is another wakeup request song by Annamayya. While there are plenty of such songs by Annamayya, a similar song translated in this blog is "vinnapalu vinavale....". We will find some similarities that reinforce Annamayya's style of a wakeup song.  One major difference between these two songs is that while "vinnapalu vinavale.. " is a more generic request to wakeup, Annamayya brings out his desperation for the Lord's sight(darshan) in this song and there are many day-to-day cultural references. This song is set in a background of a Harikrishna temple, where Ananmayya is waiting for the early morning sight(darshan) of the Lord. Annamayya uses many analogies that refer to HariKrishna as a child.

I am translating this song upon a request from a reader. I really appreciate when readers provide me with a link to the song or lyrics as it eases my job significantly. Also, it removes any confusion about the song they want as Annamayya, particularly, has many songs that start with  similar set of words.
The link to the song by Priya sisters can be found here. This link takes you to the whole concert by them in 2014. The first song(time stamp 0:00 to 4:53) is this song.
The song rendition by Nitya Santhoshini can be found here.

ప|| హరి కృష్ణ మేలుకొను ఆదిపురుషా| తరువాత నా మోము తప్పకిటు చూడు ||
HariKrishna melukonu aadipurusha; taravatha naa momu tappaka itu choodu.
హరి కృష్ణHari Krishna= మేలుకొనుmelukonu= wake up; ఆదిaadi= first/supreme; పురుషాPurusha= man/|తరువాతtaruvatha= afterwards; నాnaa= my; మోముmomu= face; తప్పకిటుtappakitu(tappaka+itu)=(definitely+here/this side) definitely this side; చూడు choodu= see;
HariKrishna wakeup,  supreme man; afterwards at my face definitely see this side
Annamayya is requesting HariKrishna who is considered as the first being, to wakeup and then take time to see at his(Annamayya's) face. There is a slight tinge of desperation in this line rising from Annamayya's doubt that even though the Lord wakes up, He might not look at him or rather, Annamayya might not get his darshan. Hence he makes sure that in his request to the Lord to wake up, he requests for the Lord to see his face definitely :).

చ|| మేలుకొను నాయన్న మెల్లనే నీతోడి | బాలులదె పిలిచేరు బడి నాడను |
చాలునిక నిద్దురలు చద్దికూళ్ళపొద్దు- | వేళాయె నాతండ్రి వేగనేలే ||
Melukonu naayanna mellanae nee thodi; baalulade pilicheru baDi naaDanu
chaalunika nidduralu chaddikoollapoddu; vaelaye na thandri vegane lae
మేలుకొనుmelukonu= wake up; నాnaa= my; యన్నyanna= big brother; మెల్లనేmellane= slowly; నీnee= your; తోడిthodi= peer/wish?;  బాలులదెbaalulade(baalulu+ade)=(boys+there); పిలిచేరుpilicheru= calling; బడిbadi= school; నాడనుnaaDanu=of day |
చాలునికchaalunika(chaalunu+ika)=(enough+now); నిద్దురలుnidduralu= sleep; చద్దిchaddi=cold, usually referring to cold leftover from dinner/supper; కూళ్ళkoollu= food; పొద్దుpoddu= morning; | వేళాయెvelaye= time has come; నాnaa= my; తండ్రిthandri= father; వేగనేvegane= quickly;లేlae= get up ||
wake up my brother slowly, your peer boys calling for school day
enough now your sleep, leftovers-from-dinner- breakfast time has come; my father quickly get up
A cultural and colloquial way men( and women) address other men with love and respect is using "naa thandri" (my father)and "naa anna"( my big brother). Annamayya has in more than one keerthana addressed Venkatapathi with these nouns. This song is dedicated to HariKrishna and Annamayya says that his peers are calling because it is a school day. It might refer/mean that Harikrishna's peers are calling him to join them to school or it could mean that the boys should be going to school after getting the "darshan" of Harikrishna.
Yet another cultural reference which Annamayya can be attributed to "saddi-koolla-vella". Farmers going to fields in the morning usually leave home after eating the left-overs from dinner last night. It is popular in Telugu as "saddi- koodu"(leftover from dinner) which is supposed to be filling and energetic food. So Annamayya refers to this time of breakfast and says that it is so late that farmers are ready to leave for fields and HariKrishna should wake up atleast now.

చ|| కను దెరవు నాతండ్రి కమలాప్తుడుదయించె | వనిత మొకమజ్జనము వడి దెచ్చెను
మొనసి మీతండ్రి యిదె ముద్దాడజెలగనీ | దనుజాంతకుండ యిక(దగ మేలుకోవే ||
kanu deravu naa tandri kamalaptuDudayinche; Vanita moka majjanam vadi techchenu
monasi mee thandri iye muddaDajalaganee; danujaamtakumDa yika daga meelukoove
కనుkanu= eyes; దెరవుteravu= open; నాnaa= my; తండ్రిthandri= father; కమలాప్తుడుkamalapthudu (kamala+apthudu) =(lotus+affectionate) epithet of Sun; ఉదయించెudayinche= rose up;  వనితvanitha= woman; మొకmoka=of ;మజ్జనముmajjanamu= bath; వడిvadi= time; దెచ్చెనుtechhenu= brought;
మొనసిmonaSi= after commencing; మీmee= your; తండ్రిthandri= father; యిదెyide= this; ముద్దాడmuddaDa= to love/caress/kiss; జెలగనీchelaganee= let him shine/ | దనుthanu= he; జాంతకుండjanthaakunda(janthana+kunda)=(dalliance+not)not indulge; యికika= now; దగdaga= fast; మేలుకోవేmelukove=wake up, won't you?? ||
open eyes now my father, the Sun has risen; Women's bathing time (the Sun) brought
after commencing, your father here to kiss/pamper shine;(make sure) he does not indulge, now quickly wake up...
Annamayya refers to the Sun that has risen and brought along the time for the women to bathe.   The Sun has the epithet of "Kamalaapthudu" meaning one who is dear to Kamala. Kamala could mean lotus or Godess Lakshmi.The moon and Lakshmi are considered siblings since they emerged from ksheersagar manthan(churning of the milky ocean). One scientific reasoning for Sun to have got that epithet is that the Lotus flower blossoms when the Sun is around and closes its petals and goes under water during the night.[4]. Hence it can be said that the Sun is dear to the lotus.
In the second line Annamayya urges Harikrishna to wake up before his father wakes and comes to kiss and caress/play to tease him. It is a common scene where fathers try to wake up kids by kissing them and irritating them when they are asleep. I guess Annamayya is referring to that and warns Harikrishna to make sure that his father does not indulge and so He  better wake up!

చ|| లేవె నాతండ్రి నీలీలలటు వొగడేరు | శ్రీవేంకటాద్రిపతి శ్రీరమణుడా |
దేవతలు మునులు జెందిననారదాదులు | ఆవలను బాడేరు ఆకసమునందు ||
laeve naa tandri nee leelalatu vogaderu Sri Venkatadri pati SriramaNuDa
devatalu munulu jendinanaaradaadulu; aavalanu paaderu aakasamunamdu
లేవెlaeve= get up; నాnaa= my; తండ్రిtandri= father; నీnee= your; లీలలటుleelalaTu(leelalu+aTu)=(miracles/deeds+there); పొగడేరుpogaderu=praised; శ్రీవేంకటాద్రిSri Venkatadri=The venkata hill; పతిpathi= master/lord; శ్రీరమణుడాSriramanuDa(Sri +Ramanuda)=(Sri/Lakshmi+Husband/Lord) Sri's Lord|
దేవతలుdevatalu= Gods; మునులుmunulu= sages; జెందినchendina=belonging to; నారదాదులు naaradaadulu (narada+adulu)=Narada + etc.  | ఆవలనుaavalanu=on the otherside; బాడేరుpaaderu= sing; ఆకసముaakasamu= sky;నందుnandu= in; ||
Getup my father, your deeds here are being praised; Sri Venkata's lord and Sri's Husband;
Gods, sages, known Narada etc.; on the otherside are singing in the sky;
This stanza is similar to one in "vinnapalu vinavale". Annamayya is requesting Harikrishna to wake up as His deeds are being praised by Gods, Narada and other sages in the sky.

Any comments and suggestions for better understanding of this song are highly appreciated.

[1] Lyrics from
[3] Paluri Shankarnarayana, "Telugu to English Dictionary"
[4] http://www.lotusflowermeaning.net/


  1. Thank you so much for considering my request..first thing in the morning ,i read this article. You made my day

    1. Hello Sankar,
      Thank you for taking time to comment. I am happy that you checked back and found this blog helpful.
      Please feel free to request any other Annamayya songs you would like to be translated. I would be happy to oblige.

      Best regards,

  2. Cab you pl provide the meaning of the song mariyendu gatiledhu

    1. Hello Raghavalakshmi,
      Sure, but as usual, I would need a month's time for that. I hope that is not a big concern to you.
