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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Alarulu kuriyaga

This is yet another song dedicated to Alamelmanga. Annamayya describes the scene when Alamelmanga is dancing behind a curtain. There are two ways dancing behind the curtain can be perceived. One is that of dancing privately for oneself. The other is based on Annamayya's refernce to Alamelmanga as the displeased one (alakala kulukula). She dances around with a curtain around her to prevent others, especially her Lord with whom she is still angry,  from seeing her dancing. But with flowers showering from trees, Alamelmanga couldnot contain her urge to dance. Her friends see her dance and applaud. However, her feet are visible from beneath the curtain and hence Annamayya describes her feet and her dance based on her feet movement. Lord Venkateswara watches her dance behind the curtain and in second stanza Annamayya describes that turns and trots in her dance melt Hari's heart.
This is a very popular Kuchipudi dance piece. Also, this style of dancing behind the curtain is used to introduce the dancer/character in a dance drama especially in Kuchipudi.
 The format of the poem is yet another unique style, where the first word in each verse of a stanza rhymes with each other. 

అలరులు గురియగ నాడెనదే |
అలకల గులుకుల నలమేలుమంగ ||
alarulu guriyaga naaDenadE |
alakala gulukula nalamElumaMga ||
అలరులుalarulu= blossoms; గురియగkuriyaga(kuriyu+aga)=(shower+as/when) as showered; నాడెనదేnaaDenade= danced/played|
అలకలalakala= displeasure/curl; గులుకులkuluku= pert/showing attitude; నలమేలుమంగalamelmanga=Alamelmanga ||
As flower-blossoms showered, she danced;
the usually displeased with an attitude; Alamelmanga
As flowers were showering, Alamelmanga danced. The description of Alamelmanga as " alakala kulukula" ("usually displeased and pert") by Annamayya is an expression of casual rapport. It is a common cultural expression used to teasingly describe girls who are easily displeased and throw tantrums by kith and kin.

అరవిరి సొబగుల నతివలు మెచ్చగ
అర తెర మరుగున నాడె నదే |
వరుసగ పూర్వదు వాళపు తిరుపుల
హరి గరగింపుచు నలమేలుమంగ ||
araviri sobagula nativalu meccaga
ara tera maruguna naaDe nadE |
varusaga poorvadu vaaLapu tirupula
hari garagiMpucu nalamElumaMga ||
అరవిరిaraviri(ara+viri)=(half+blossomed); సొబగులsebagulu=pretty/beauty; నతివలుativalu=women; మెచ్చగmecchaga=applauded/praised;
అరara=half; తెరtera=veil; మరుగునmaruguna=behind curtain/screen; నాడె నదే |
వరుసగvarusaga=sequentially; పూర్వpoorva= the first దువాళపుduvaLapu= of trot; తిరుపులtirupula=turning;
హరిhari=Hari; గరగింపుచుkarigimpuchu= melting; నలమేలుమంగ ||
half-blossomed pretty women as applauded
With half veil, behind a curtain, she danced
sequentially with each trot turning
Hari-melting almelmanga
Pretty young adolescent women watching Alamelmanga applauded while she danced behind a curtain in a half veil.  This part of dance where the dancer dances behind a curtain is used in Kuchipdi for introducing different characters. In this part of the dance, only the feet of the dancer are visible. Hence Annamayya describes her trots and turns. Her trots and turns melted Hari, who was watching Alamelmanga.

మట్టపు మలపుల మట్టెలకెలపుల
తట్టెడి నడపుల దాటెనదే |
పెట్టిన వజ్రపు పెండెపు దళుకులు
అట్టిట్టు చిమ్ముచు నలమేలుమంగ ||
maTTapu malapula maTTelakelapula
taTTeDi naDapula daaTenadE |
peTTina vajrapu peMDepu daLukulu
aTTiTTu cimmucu nalamElumaMga ||
మట్టపుmattapu=with entireity; మలపులmalpula=turning; మట్టెలmattela= toerings; కెలపులkelapula (kalapula??)=meeting/ to mix;
తట్టెడిtaTTEdi=pony; నడపులnadapula=gait/walk; దాటెనదేdaaTenade(daati+nade)=(crossed,+did she |
పెట్టినpeTTina=that she wore; వజ్రపుvajrapu=of diamond; పెండెపుpendapu=Anklet; దళుకులుtaLukolu= shine like a flash;
అట్టిట్టుaTTiTTu= this way and that way; చిమ్ముచుchimmuchu=to sweep/ toss; నలమేలుమంగ ||
With complete turning, the toerings rubbing(the ground)
with pony gait crossed did she;
the worn diamond anklet gleamed
as this and that way tossed Alamelmanga;
Continuing from the last stanza, Annamayya describes the feet of Alamelmanga, especially the ornaments on her toes and ankles during dancing.  With full turns (possible on her toes), Alamelmanga's toerings rubbed the ground.She turned and jumped like a pony. Her anklet gleamed as she jumped.

చిందుల పాటల శిరిపొలయాటల
అందెల మ్రోతల నాడె నదే |
కందువ తిరువెంకటపతి మెచ్చగ
అందపు తిరుపుల నలమేలుమంగ ||
ciMdula paaTala SiripolayaaTala
aMdela mrOtala naaDe nadE |
kaMduva tiruveMkaTapati meccaga
aMdapu tirupula nalamElumaMga ||
చిందులchindula=hops/dance; పాటలpaaTala=songs; శిరిపొలయాటల(Siri+polayu+aaTalu)=(fortune+love +play)
అందెలamdela=trinklet worn by women on anklets; మ్రోతల=sounds; నాడె నదే |
కందువkanduva=place; తిరువెంకటపతిTiru venkatapathi మెచ్చగmecchaga= applaud/appreciate;
అందపుamdapu=pretty; తిరుపులtirupala=turning; నలమేలుమంగ ||
For dance songs that spread lovely play
with anklet-trinklets sounds danced did she;
The place of Venkata's Lord as applauded,
the pretty turning Alamelmanga....
For conclusion, Annamayya describes that Alamelmanga was hoppinging to songs  that spread love. She danced with her anklets sound. Venkatapathi who watched the dance also applauded.

Any comments or suggestions for better understanding of this keerthana are appreciated.


[1] Lyrics: http://www.hinduliterature.org/telugu/stotrams/annamayya_keerthanas_alarulu_kuriyaga.php
[2] Dictionary: http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/
[3] Paluri Shankarnarayana, Telugu to English dictionary.

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