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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

jagadapu chanuvula

This is yet another marriage or wedding songs characterized by the use of the word "jaajara" meaning play at the end of each stanza."jaajara" forms the theme of this song where in Annamayya describes the playful acts the bride's friends play to tease the groom. In this song, needless to say, the groom is Venkatapathi while the bride is not specified and so could be one of Venkatesha's two consorts/spouses.

I found a very sweet video of a mother(Sarala garu) singing this song on phone with no music(not even shruthi box) but with a great voice, music sense and diction. I cannot help but provide that link here for two reasons, I loved the great intention with which she was singing and also her pronunciation is just right.
The rendition of this song by Priya sisters can be found here.

జగడపు జనవుల జాజర |
సగివల మంచపు జాజర ||
jagaDapu janavula jaajara |
sagivala maMchapu jaajara ||
జగడపుjagadapu= of fights; జనవులchanavulu=affection; జాజరjaajara=enactment/maya/illusion |
సగినలsaginala= squeaks from dolls; మంచపుmanchapu= of the cot/platform; జాజరjaajara= play/ enactment ||
of fights of affection is this enactment/play
squeaking platform is this enactment
Annamayya describes "jaajara" as acts of teasing and play. Referring to that Annamayya says that this game/ play is an enactment of affectionate fights that causes squeaking of cots :). In all, the whole play and the commotion surrounding it seems pretentious/ enactment, hence the word "jaajara" has a tinge of negativity, according to me.

మొల్లలు దురుముల ముడిచిన బరువున |
మొల్లపు సరసపు మురిపెమున |
జల్లన బుప్పొడి జాగర బతిపై |
చల్లే రతివలు జాజర ||
mollalu durumula muDichina baruvuna |
mollapu sarasapu muripemuna |
jallana buppoDi jaagara batipai |
challae rativalu jaajara ||
మొల్లలుmollalu= jasmine; తురుములthurumula=tied as bun; ముడిచినmudichina= faded/tied; బరువునbaruvuna= heavy weight;
మొల్లపుmollapu= of the jasmine; సరసపుsarasapu=charming/elegant; మురిపెమునmuripemuna = exultation out of pride;
జల్లనchallana= cool; బుప్పొడిpuppodi(puppi+podi)=(flower+powder) pollen from flowers; జాగరjaagara= cautious; బతిpathi= Husband/Lord;పైpai=on;
చల్లేchalle= spread/threw; రతివలుrathivalu= lovely ladies; జాజర ||
Jasmine bent down the hair-bun by heavyweight
of those jasmine, charms and joy of pride
as cool pollen on the cautious Lord
threw/spread by lovely ladies as the enactment/play
Jasmines tied down the hair-bun with their heavy weight. Amidst jasmine-like elegance and exultation of the bride, the pollen from the flowers fell on the husband. Taking this chance/cue, the women threw pollen/flowers on the cautious husband/groom as a play.

భారపు కుచముల పైపైగడు సిం- |
గారము నెరపెటి గంధవొడి |
చేరువ పతిపై చిందగ బడతులు |
సారెకు జల్లేరు జాజర ||
bhaarapu kuchamula paipaigaDu siM- |
gaaramu nerapeTi gaMdhavoDi |
chaeruva patipai chiMdaga baDatulu |
saareku jallaeru jaajara ||
భారపుbharapu= heavy; కుచములkuchamula= of the breast/bosom; పైపైpaipai= superficially, on the exterior; గడుgadu=great/much;సింగారముsingaramu= with beauty/embellishment; నెరపెటిnerapeti= spread; గంధవొడిgandhavodi (gandhapu+podi)=sandalwood +powder;
చేరువcheruva=close/near; పతిpathi= husband;పైpai= on; చిందగchindaga= sprinkle; బడతులుpaDathulu = women
సారెకుsaareku=frequently/ gifts and presents a bride carries from her maternal home; జల్లేరుchalleru= to scatter; జాజర ||
on the Heavy bosom exterior, great
embellishment was spread by sandal powder
on close/near husband/Lord sprinkled, the women
as gifts scattered (more powder), as play
As sandal powder on the exterior of the bosom spread beauty for the lady/bride. Some powder sprinkled on the nearby groom. Noticing that, the women as play scattered more sandal powder on the husband/groom as if it were a gift from the bride's maternal home.
"Saare" is a cultural ritual where in the bride's maternal home send gifts (usually food items).
I am not completely sure I understand the first two lines, honestly. I suspect Annamayya is probably referring to a ritual prevalent at that time, in which the bosom of a woman is embellished with sandal powder OR it could be an indirect reference to sandal powder that has sprinkled from either the chin-throat region where sandal paste is applied to women.  I would appreciate if a knowledgeable person can explain this more clearly.

బింకపు గూటమి పెనగేటి చమటల |
పంకపు పూతలపరిమళము |
వేంకటపతిపై వెలదులు నించేరు |
సంకుమదంబుల జాజర ||
biMkapu gooTami penagaeTi chamaTala |
paMkapu pootala parimaLamu |
vaeMkaTapatipai veladulu niMchaeru |
saMkumadaMbula jaajara ||
బింకపుbinkapu= pride; కూటమిkooTami=union/association; పెనగేటిpenageti= that which is twisted/wrangled; చమటలchamatala= sweat;|
పంకపుpankapu= graceful; పూతలpoothala= blossoms;పరిమళముparimalamu= good smell;
వేంకటపతిVenkatapathi= Venkata's Lord; పైpai=on; వెలదులుveladulu= women; నించేరు=filled; సంకుమదంబులsankumadamulu= civet; జాజర ||
As the proud union wrangled in sweat
of the graceful blossoms scent
on Venkata's Lord the women filled
civet as play...
As the union of the bride and the groom resulted in a scent of sweat mixed with the floral blossoms, the women filled/sprinkled Venkatapathi(the groom) with civet/perfume as a play.

Any comments and suggestions that help in better understanding of this poem are appreciated.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2006/10/54jagadapu-chanuvula-jajara.html
[2] http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/
[3] Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankaranarayana


  1. I am a Kannada speaking person. But I love, listen and enjoy the Telugu classical music.
    Tyaganna and Annnamaiya and many others have enriched the Telugu classical Keertanas.
    I love Telugu people too they are good in posting the meanings on web I can google and find them easily.
    Thanks for all the work on these songs. Roopa Sastry.

    1. Hello Roopa,
      Thank you for your comment! I appreciate your interest in Telugu and glad that my blog is helpful


  2. A great opportunity to get dipped and drenched in the ocean of annamacharya bhakthi sankeerthanas. I thank a lot for the explanation and wish more and more spiritual wealth something which I can't even ask and express!!!!

    1. Hello Venkateswara Rao,
      Thanks a lot for your comment and also for your kind wish. You made my day with your wish, :).


  3. Hi, a great attempt and very much appreciated for your efforts.
    I have a small request for you. If we can get meaning in Telugu, it would be awesome.

    1. Hi, Thank you for your suggestion/request. I will consider your request.

  4. Nijam ga Mana kritulu ,keertanalu adbutham

  5. Hi andi namaste! Vaadala vaadala venta vasantamu krithi ki meaning teliyacheyagalaru... Thank you

    1. Namaskaram,
      Chala chala samayam tarvatha meeku samadhanam isthunanduku, kshaminchandi. Nenu meeru adigina keerthana anuvadam modalu petttanu. I will try to have in a month's time. Hope that that works for you.
      Thanks and regards,

  6. Sri Annamacharya used janu padamulu,.ie words colloquial to village folks. They don't appear telugu nighantuvulu, ie,telugu dictionaries.I am a kannadiga but worked as municipal commissioner at several places in combined Andhra Pradesh. (My mobile 9440781115). Thus I am aware of varieties of slangs and accicents.
    Coming to meaning of jagadapu janavula jagara, I desire to convey the following.
    Jagadapu janala jagara.: Jagara, ie,celebration of affectionate quarrel. Pati means SriVenkata Pati.Sarigela manchapu maana customary cot with carvings.Singaramu nerepedi means enhancing the make up.Sareku means again and again (not the formal presentations to the new couple). Binkapu gutami means tight band (of women). Penageti chamatalu means emerging sweat.I am giving the translation og entire lyric in usual telugu words::-
    జగడపు జనవుల జాజర ::
    తగవుల చనవుల సంబరమే
    నగిషీల (పట్టె) మంచపు సంబరమే.
    1.మల్లెలు ముడిచిన కొప్పుల బరువున రాలే మల్లెల పుప్పొడిని సరసపు ప్రీతితో సంబరపు వేంకటపతి పైన వనితలు చల్లేరు.
    2. భారపు కుచములపైన మరింత సింగారము నిచ్చే గంధపుపొడి
    చేరువనున్న వెంకటపతిపై చిందగా
    వనితలు మరీ మరి (గంధపు పొడిని ఆయనపైకి) చల్లేరు ...సంబరమే
    3.అతి చిక్కని గుంపుగా చేరిన వనితల వదిలే చమటలు బంకబారి పూతగా వదిలే పరిమళాన్ని వేంకటపతిపై వనితలు నింపేరు.
    (ఇది) నిండు మదంబుల సంబరమే

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Chetturgaru,
      Thnks for taking time to comment and explain. Interestingly, I have most similar meanings from dictionary just as you have described. FOR EXAMPLE: individual meanings of jagadapu chanavulu, sareku(frequently) etc. are just what you mentioned.
      I really appreciate your commnet, it has let me see the song in a different light, and I hope the other readers will appreciate it too.

      Best regards,

  7. It’s Jaraga Pathipai, slipping/reaching on the husband not Jagara Pathipai. Thanks.
