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Saturday, April 9, 2016

rama dasaratha rama

This is an out and out  keerthana about Rama with sobriquets of Rama. "Rama" appears twice in the every line except the second one in each stanza.

రామ దశరథరామ నిజ సత్య-
కామ నమో నమో కాకుత్థ్సరామ ||
rAma daSaratharAma nija satya-
kAma namO namO kAkutthsarAma ||
రామRama= Rama; దశరథDasaratha= King Dasaratha;రామRama=  నిజnija=true; సత్యsatya= truth;-
కామKama=staff/stick/pole;  నమో నమోnamonamo= greetings/namaste  కాకుత్థ్సkakuthsa= descendent of the solar race;రామ ||
Rama! Dasaratha's Rama! Truth
staff(holder)! Salutations, salutations, Descendent of solar race Rama!
Rama s representative of the "truth" and hence called the "truth staff".

కరుణానిధి రామ కౌసల్యానందన రామ
పరమ పురుష సీతాపతిరామ
శరధి బంధన రామ సవన రక్షక రామ
గురుతర రవివంశ కోదండ రామ ||
karuNAnidhi rAma kausalyAnaMdana rAma
parama purusha sItApatirAma
Saradhi baMdhana rAma savana rakshaka rAma
gurutara ravivaMSa kOdaMDa rAma ||
కరుణానిధిkarunanidhi(Karuna+nidhi)=(mercy+treasure) treasure of mercy; రామ కౌసల్యాkousalya= Kousalya; నందనnandana= son/child; రామ
పరమparama= supreme; పురుషpurusha= man; సీతాSitha= Sitha;పతిpathi= husband; రామ
శరధిsaradhi=ocean; బంధనbandhana= tied; రామ సవనsavana=imbecile/weak; రక్షకrakshaka=protector; రామ
గురుతరgurutara=Great; రవిravi= sun; వంశvamSa= race; కోదండkodanDa= the bow called Kodanda; రామ ||
The treasure of mercy, Kausalya's child- Rama,
the supreme man, Sitha's Lord/husband - Rama,
the ocean-controller,  weak protector- rama,
the great Sun race's Kodanda Rama
Rama is called the "ocean controller" as he managed building the bridge across the ocean to Lanka.

దనుజహరణ రామ దశరథసుత రామ
వినుతామర స్తోత్ర విజయరామ
మనుజావతారా రామ మహనీయ గుణరామ
అనిలజప్రియ రామ అయోధ్యరామ ||
danujaharaNa rAma daSarathasuta rAma
vinutAmara stOtra vijayarAma
manujAvatArA rAma mahanIya guNarAma
anilajapriya rAma ayOdhyarAma ||
దనుజdanuja= Demon/Asura; హరణharaNa=defeat;  రామ దశరథdasaratha= Dasratha; సుతsutha=son; రామ
వినుతామరvinuthaamara(vinutha+amara)=(praise+eternal); స్తోత్ర stotra= praise in verse; విజయvijaya=win;రామ
మనుజావతారాmanujaavatara(manuja+avatara)=man-incarnation, రామ మహనీయmahaneeya= great గుణguna= characteristic; రామ
అనిలజanilaja= son of anila, Hanuman; ప్రియpriya= dear; రామ అయోధ్యరామ ||
Demon defeater Rama, Dasaratha's son Rama,
eternal praiseworthy, praise-in-verse winner Rama
man incarnation(of God) with magnificient characteristic Rama
Anila's son's-dear Rama, Ayodhya's Rama
Anila's son is Hanuman, as Hanuman is supposed to be son of the wind.

సులలితయశ రామ సుగ్రీవ వరద రామ
కలుష రావణ భయంకర రామ
విలసిత రఘురామ వేదగోచర రామ
కలిత ప్రతాప శ్రీవేంకటగిరి రామ ||
sulalitayaSa rAma sugrIva varada rAma
kalusha rAvaNa bhayaMkara rAma
vilasita raghurAma vEdagOcara rAma
kalita pratApa SrIvEMkaTagiri rAma ||
సులలితsulalitha= good+lotus; యశyasha=fame; రామ సుగ్రీవsugriva= king of the monkeys/varanas; వరదvarada= giver of boons; రామ
కలుషkalusha= polluted;రావణravana= భయంకరbhayankara= fear రామ
విలసితvilasitha=pleasant;  రఘుraghu= the clan of raghu/sun;రామ వేదveda= Vedas; గోచరgochara =perceptible;  రామ
కలితkalitha=possessed; ప్రతాపpratapa=valor;  శ్రీవేంకటగిరి రామ ||
Good-lotus famed Rama, Sugriva's giver of boons Rama,
polluted Ravana's fear Rama
Pleasant Raghu's Rama, Vedas perceptible Rama
Possesed valor Sri Venkata hill's Rama

As always, any comments or suggestions that help in better understanding of this keerthana are highly appreciated.

[1]Lyrics from :
[2]andhrabharathi.com, Telugu to English online dictionary


  1. Hi Igopired (I have not idea what that means :P)

    If you remember, I had begun a blog translating Annamayya keertanalu to Marathi. I have tried to translate a few of them. I have picked a few keertanalu, the translations of which are not found in English, so I have translated them to English, but without the word-to-word meanings. So, I thought I should send you the link, so that you can add it to your translations as well, and add the word meanings. Also, please correct me if I have messed up any meaning. Here is an example - http://telugutomarathi.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/balavantuditani-bantlamai.html
    The English translation is towards the end of the post.

    1. Hi Shyama!
      Good to see your comment! And thank you for sharing your blog and post here. You are doing a wonderful job translating the keerthanas whose English translations are not available. At first glance, I think you have the meaning right. But to actually comment on the whole translation (the theme, the words used, the possible intention etc.), I need to take time which you have suggested.
      I noticed that you have my blog as reference in the post, which I feel you don't have to because my blog does not have that keerthana yet. But it is up to you.
      As far as my name goes, I intended it to be something incomprehensible! In any case, it is a part of my first and last name :).

