About this blog

About this blog

 I would like to give a little background to this blog. I have maintained this blog single-handedly for over more than ten years now, for two reasons.The main reason being, to collect and share the word-word meanings, something I am already working on for personal happiness, and secondly, to get feedback and correct, if I misinterpreted anything. So as long as these two purposes are served, it does not matter who I am.
This blog's main intention is to help non-Telugu speaking/understanding, non-Indians who are not familiarised with Telugu culture. I have huge regards for non-Indians trying to understand the meaning of Indian poetry that is centuries old! Indians and Telugu people might find some descriptions redundant and irrelevant.
Originally from India, living in the West has helped me not only in discovering my love for Indian literature and arts, but also given me confidence to blog about it with a unique objectivity.
Even after taking care not to make mistakes, Mistakes Happen,:) . I am proud to accept my mistakes, because I intend to correct them. 
In the past, I gave in to the time-crunch pressure, and in the process failed to do a good research. There is no excuse for it to be repeated again.
I would also like to clarify, I am no Telugu-expert. I hold a doctorate degree in a completely different field(engineering!!) , and have been trying to combine my analytical capabilities, enthusiasm for Telugu language and a personal past-time into something others can also use, refer and benefit through this blog.

What does not matter for this blog: 
It does not matter who I am, for my purpose is not fame or recognition.
It does not matter 
if I am a male or female, for intellect/ understanding is genderless
if I hold a degree, for enthusiasm cannot be verified by certificates
if I got the meaning and gist correct the first time, for I am a learner myself and thriving to improve
if the reader gets the meaning and gist intended right,  for we are all at different levels of spiritual understanding.

What matters to this blog:
I treasure your comments, even if it is something simple, or constructively critical or harsh, for it has helped me
a) boost my enthusiasm to keep going,
b) correct my Telugu,
c) better understand songs and
d) grow as a person.
So thank you all for your time and consideration. Your comments are the ones keeping this blog going.
Of late, due to time constraints I have decided to comment on clarifications/ corrections on translations only. But with full modesty, I treasure "thank you" comments equally, :).

Request for Translations:
 I have tried to keep up with all most all requests for any translations, and luckily, the requests have not gotten too overwhelming, so far.
So please feel free to let me know if you have any particular song that you want translated. I prefer that you mention the song, and provide a link to the lyrics/song, if available. Annamayya has written so many songs that sometimes, two different songs have the same first few words. Hence the request to refer lyrics or a song link.

I must confess that I cannot promise to get it done in less than a month's time, and sometimes even more. I want the requestor to understand this, :).

Copyright Infringement
Just because I have decided to be anonymous does not mean that I don't care how the content I created is used. I have learnt to appreciate and give credit to all that contribute to my content creation, during my graduate studies here in the USA. 
While personally, I request that the content in this blog be not copied or plagiarized without consent and due reference. 
All infringement and plagiarism acts would be treated illegal.

I prefer comments, since it is less time consuming, direct and easy for me to respond quickly. But in any case, if anybody wants to contact to clarify, longer comments, please email at annamayya.sankeerthana@gmail.com. Strictly, no spam please.

Enjoy and delve into Annamayya's poetic world of Sankeerthanas! 


  1. నారాయణాచ్యుతానంత గోవింద హరి కీర్తన అర్ధం కావాలండి . Thanks

  2. Sir please provide Gandhamu poosevele keerthana meaning . Thanks

  3. pls lyricsin devanagari and meaninng narayanaya namo namo nanatmane namo namo
    yiracanalane yevvaru dalacina yihapara mantramu lindariki || dhanyavaadhah

    1. Hare srinivasa...
      Dr. Ganga garu...Here is the song,you requeste, in devnagari script and wherever Telugu words are exists translated to English as well in hindi. Rest words are in Sanskrit. Hope this is suffice. Any corrections/suggestions are welcome.

      नारायणाय नमो नमो नानात्मने नमो नमो !
      ईरचनलने येव्वरु दलचिन इहपर मंत्रामु लिंदरिकी !प!

      ई — this/यह
      रचनल ने — scripts/रचनॉ
      येव्वरु — who/जोभी
      दलचिन — remember/thought/ स्मरण करना
      इह पर — this & eternal world
      मंत्रामु — devine words/मंत्र
      लिंदरिकी — to all/सभिको

      गोविंदाया नमो नमो गोपालाया नमो नमो !
      भावजगुरुवे नमो नमो प्रणवात्मने नमो नमो !
      देवेसाय नमो नमो दिव्यगुणाय नमो यनुचू !
      ईवरुसलने येव्वरु दलचिन इहपर मंत्रामु लिंदरिकी !ch1!

      Translation ch1
      यनुचू (tel: anuchu) — chanting/बोलते रहन, स्मरण
      ई वरुसलने — these way/ यह क्रम से , रीति में
      येव्वरु — who/जोभी
      दलचिन — remember/thought/ स्मरण करना
      इह पर — this & eternal world
      मंत्रामु — devine words/मंत्र
      लिंदरिकी — to all/सभिको

      दामोदराय नमो नमो धरणीशाय नमो नमो !
      श्रीमहिलापतये नमो सिष्टारक्षिणे नमो नमो !
      वामनाय ते नमो नमो वनजाक्ष नमो नमो !
      ईमेरलने येव्वरु दलचिन इहपर मंत्रामु लिंदरिकी !ch2!

      Translation ch2
      ई मेरल ने — in respective manner (devine mind) / upto the mark
      येव्वरु — who/जोभी
      दलचिन — remember/thought/ स्मरण करना
      इह पर — this & eternal world
      मंत्रामु — devine words/मंत्र
      लिंदरिकी — to all/सभिको

      परिपूर्णीय नमो नमो प्राणवाग्राय नमो नमो !
      चिरंतन श्रीवेंकटेशनायक शेषसायिने नमो नमो !
      नरकध्ध्वंस नमो नमो नरसिम्हाय नमो नमो !
      ईरवुग नीगति नेव्वरु दलचिन इहपर मंत्रामु लिंदरिकी !ch3!

      Translation ch
      चिरंतन — allwayas/ निरंतर
      ईरवुग — rigorous, continuous
      नीगति — this speed/ गति से
      (ईरवुग नीगति — निरंतर गति से)
      येव्वरु — who/जोभी
      दलचिन — remember/thought/ स्मरण करना
      इह पर — this & eternal world
      मंत्रामु — devine words/मंत्र
      लिंदरिकी — to all/सभिको

      **** Sri krishnaarpanamastu ***

  4. hi can you translate/explain this keertana:
    వట్టిమోపు మోయనేల
    వట్టిమోపు మోయనేల వడి ములుగగనేల వట్టిన నేమముతోడ బ్రదుక గవలదా

    తల్లిదండ్రిగలవారు తమలేము లెఱగక చెల్లపిళ్లలై యాటల జెందినయట్టు
    వుల్లములో హరినమ్మివుండినప్రపన్నులెల్ల పల్లదాన నిర్భరులై బ్రతుకగవలదా

    మగడుగలసతులు మంచి ముత్తైదువలై యెగువ నితరమార్గా లెరగనట్టు
    నగుతా లక్ష్మీపతి నమ్మినప్రపన్నులెల్ల పగటు గర్మము మాని బ్రదుకగవలదా

    యేలికె నమ్మినబంటేరికి బ్రియము చెప్ప కోలి బతివాకిలి గాచుండినయట్టు
    తాలిమి శ్రీవేంకటేశుదాసులైనప్రపన్నులు పాలించినాతని నమ్మి బ్రతుకగవలదా

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kindly provide meaning to this song:

    ఎంత జూటుఁదనముల దీచెలియ
    వింతవింత సింగారాల వెలసీఁ జెలియ

    ॥ చరణం : 1॥

    ముంగిట నీ ముందరను మురిసేనంటానేమో
    చెంగావిచీరఁ గట్టెఁ జెలియ
    చెంగల నీతో సాములు సేసేనంటానేమో
    సంగతిగాఁ గస్తూరి చల్లుకొనెఁ జెలియ

    ॥ చరణం : 2॥

    వన్నెలువెట్టుక నిన్ను వలపించెనంటానేమో
    కన్నలఁగాటుక వెట్టీఁ గడుఁ జెలియ
    సన్నలనే నీ కింత చవిచూపేనంటా నేమో
    నున్ననిపెదవులను నోరూరించీఁ జెలియ

    ॥ చరణం : 3॥

    మనసు గరఁచి నిన్ను మరగించేనంటానేమో
    ననుపుసేసుక నీతో నవ్వీఁ జెలియ
    యెనసితి విటు నన్ను యిన్నిటా శ్రీవేంకటేశ
    తననేరుపులూఁ గొంత తాఁ జూపీ జెలియ

  7. Pls provide the meaning for Anuchu lokamulella song. Thank you

  8. I want word meaning fr Gummani yedi sruti gudaga nu
    Thank u
