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Sunday, March 1, 2015

kanti shukravaramu

This poem has a different format as compared with other songs by Annamayya. The main difference is that he does not mention Venkatesha in the last line of last stanza as he does in all of his keerthanas. He ends each stanza with the word "swamini " that blends with the first stanza(anupallavi). As each stanza ends, it thus has the effect of flowing into the first stanza giving the meaning " ......that Lord; I saw ....). Even though the reference of this keerthana has been with that of a dream Annamayya gets, I strongly believe that this is a pure "described-as-seen" scenario in this poem. Annamayya according to me, describes the process/procedure that takes place during/after abhishekam, in the early hours of morning.
Another very interesting aspect in this poem is that unlike typical poems where the poet makes sure the last words of a line rhyme, Annamayya in this poem uncannily rhymes the first words of the line in the first few stanzas and then for later stanzas  makes sure to use similar syllables, some sort of alliteration effect. For example, " kanti " and "anti"; "sommulanni" and "kammani"; "chemmathonu" and "thummada-yai-chayathonu".

Nitya santhosini's rendition of this song can be found here.

కంటి శుక్రవారము గడియ లేడింట - అంటి అలమేల్మంగ అండ నుండే స్వామిని॥
kanṭi śukravāramu gaḍiya lēḍiṇṭa |
aṇṭi alamēlmaṅga aṇḍanuṇḍē swāmini ||
కంటిkanti= visualised/saw/perceive; శుక్రవారముsukravaramu=Friday; గడియలేడింటghadiyaledinta (ghadiyalu+ eedinta)=(time span+seven); అంటిanti=stick/unite; అలమేల్మంగalamelmanga= Alamelmanga, Padmavathi; అండనుండేandanunde(andana+unde)= (protection+there); స్వామినిswamini= of the Lord॥
Saw on Friday, at time-span of seven,
united with Alamelmanga who stays as protector, that Lord...
Annamayya says that he saw the Lord who is always with Alamelmanga in the early hours of seven on a Friday.

సొమ్ములన్నీ కడబెట్టి సొంపుతో గోణముగట్టి
కమ్మని కదంబము కప్పు పన్నీరు
చెమ్మతోన వేష్టువలు రొమ్ముతల మొలచుట్టి
తుమ్మెద యైచాయతోన నెమ్మది నుండే స్వామిని॥
sommulannī kaḍapeṭṭi somputō gōṇamugaṭṭi |
kammani kadambamu kappu kannīru |
cemmatōnu vēśṭuvalu rommutala molajuṭṭi |
tummeda maicāyatōna nemmadinuṇḍē swāmini ||
సొమ్ములన్నీsommulanni(sommulu+anni)= (ornaments+all) all the ornaments; కడkada=side; బెట్టిbetti=put; సొంపుతోsomputho= graciously; గోణముgoonamu= a cloth worn over privaties; గట్టిkatti= tied; - కమ్మని kammani= pleasant; కదంబముkadambamu=a flowering plant/ white mustard; కప్పుkappu= to spread; పన్నీరుpanneru= scented water;
చెమ్మchemma= moist; తోనthona= along with; వేష్టువలుveshtuvalu=upper garment worn over shoulder by men; రొమ్ముతలrommuthala= on the chest; మొలmola=waist; చుట్టిchutti= tie;- తుమ్మెదthummeda=bumble bee; యైyai= like;చాయchaya= hue;తోన thona=with; నెమ్మదిnemmadi= slow/quiet/patiently; నుండేnunde=there/to be; స్వామినిswamini= Lord॥
With all ornaments put aside; with grace a cloth worn over privaties tied;
pleasant white mustard (flowers) spread on scented water
moisted with;  upper garment on the chest and waist was tied;
with the bumble-bee-like complexion/color/hue, who stays quietly/patiently, that Lord....
From here starts the process of abhishekam and Annamayya presents us the whole movie/scene with his description. The Lord at that time (seven in the morning) was not adorned with jewellery. Annamayya saw the Lord whose jewellery was kept aside, and only an undergarment tied. He saw the Lord who was moisted with scented water covered with the pleasant white-mustard flowers. Then, the garments over the chest, and the waist was tied. Annamayya concludes this stanza saying that he saw the patient Lord whose complexion is that of a bumble-bee.
Annamayya describes with great detail the aspect of "moist" on the Lord that his garments are slightly wetted too.

పచ్చకప్పురమె నూఱి పసిడి గిన్నెల నించి
తెచ్చి శిరసాదిగ దిగనలది
అచ్చెరపడి చూడ అందరి కన్నులకింపై -
నిచ్చెమల్లెపూవు నలె నిటుతానుండే స్వామిని॥
paccakappuramē nūripasiḍi ginnelaniṃci |
tecci śirasādiga diganaladi |
accerapaḍi cūḍanandari kanulakimpai |
niccamalle pūvuvale niṭutānuṇḍē swāmini ||
పచ్చpaccha= yellow;కప్పురమెkppurame= camphor only; నూఱిnoori= after grinding; పసిడిpasidi=gold; గిన్నెలginnela=vessel; నించిninchi= from; తెచ్చిthecchi= after getting; శిరsira= head;సాదిగsaadiga= gently/mildly; దిగనలదిdiganaladi(diga+nalugu)= (down+rub);
అచ్చెరపడిacherapadi= to wonder; చూడchooda=see; అందరిandari= everybody's; కన్నులkannula= eye; ఇంపైimpu+ai= (pleasure+having become)  ;  నిచ్చెమల్లెపూవుniche mallepoovu=(jasmine+flower) jasmine flower; వలెvale= like; నిటుitu= here; తానుండేthanunde(thanu+unde)=(himself+present); స్వామిని॥
yellow camphor after grinding and brought from a golden vessel,
from head (applied) as a practise by rubbing down
Wondering to see, everybody's eyes (jewel) pleasure
jasmine flower-like who is here, that Lord.....
 After the "panneru" or scented water, the Lord is rubbed with "yellow camphor". Annamayya describes this process. He says that yellow camphor is ground first. This is got from a golden vessel, (apparently the powder is stored in a golden vessel)and it is rubbed down from head gently. To all those who wonder and see, He is the pleasure(Lord) to everybody's eyes. He is like the perinneal jasmine.

తట్టు పునుగే కూరిచి చట్టలు చేరిచినిప్పు -
పట్టి కరగించి వెండి పళ్యాల నించి
దట్టముగ మేనునిండ పట్టించి దిద్ది -
బిట్టు వేడుక మురియు చుండే బిత్తరి స్వామిని॥
taṭṭupunugē kūricicaṭṭalu cēricinippu |
paṭṭi karigiñcu veṇḍi paḷyālaniñci |
daṭṭamuga mēnu niṇḍapaṭṭiñci diddi |
biṭṭu vēḍuka muriyu cuṇḍēbittari swāmini ||
తట్టుthattu= strike; పునుగేpunuge= civet (for fragrance)only; కూరిచిkoorichi= assembled/collected; చట్టలుchattalu= a small sack;చేరిచిcherichi= assembled;నిప్పుnippu= fire; పట్టిpatti= give; కరగించిkarginchi= having melted; వెండి vendi= silver;పళ్యాలpalyala= plate; నించిninchi= from;
దట్టముగdattamuga=strongly/firmly/large quantities; మేనుmenu= complexion/hue; నిండninda= full; పట్టించిpattinchi=to put/apply; దిద్దిdiddi=to spread; బిట్టుbittu= excess/grand; వేడుకveduka= festival/ grandeur; మురియుచుండేmuruyuchunde(muriyuchu+unde)=(rejoice/exult+to be)to be rejoicing;  బిత్తరిbittari= indicating love/ brightness; స్వామిని॥
striking civet(fragrance) having collected, bundles assembled and on fire
put to melt it; from the silver plate
strongly for the hue-ful applied and spread
with extravagant grandeur ; the rejoicing and bright/loving Lord... I saw
In this stanza, he describes the process of perfume(kasturi) making. Civet and Musk deer have perineal glands that generate musk/civet that is used in fragrances.  Sometimes, the animal is killed in order to get musk/civet. This type of perfume making was popular in India and African countries since a long time. There are a lot of references to the perfume kasturi/musk in a lot of poems. The animals are struck down and "pods" or secretary glands are collected. The reddish brown paste from the pods are extracted and dried until the volatile compounds are evaporated. The black paste thus obtained is tinctured with alcohol before it gives the aroma[5].
Back to the poem, Annamayya says that the musk/civet is first collected and assembled in small sacs. It is then put on fire until it melts. Such a paste is now got in silver plates for the Lord and firmly applied in an extravagant grandeur to the rejoicing bright Lord.

Please feel free to comment or make suggestions that would help in better understanding of this poem.
[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2006/10/19kanti-sukravaramu.html
[2] Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana
[3] http://rasikas.org/forum_flux/topic3612-meaning-kanti-sukravaramu-annamacharya.html
[4] http://sangeetasudha.org/annamacharya/vol4/k2.html#MARK_KANTI
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musk


  1. At the onset thanks a lot for such detailed translation and discussion that you provide thereafter. I am a student of Kuchipudi and we often dance to annamacharya Krithis. Telugu not being a native language ur blog helped me and my friends a lot to understand the "Ammamma eemmamma" krithi....
    I have another request .... Please explain the krithi " Satulala chudare" also for us .... Thank you

    1. Thank you for your comment! I am glad that you find this blog helpful.
      I will post the translation of your requested song. I hope you are not in a hurry, as I will need atleast a month to finish it :).
      Cheers and keep dancing,

  2. Andari kannulakimpai andari_ every one , kannulaku_ for eyes, impai_ satisfied.
    Which means by seeing lord like that everybodies eyes are making feast

    1. Hello,
      Thank you for your comment. That is a good catch and agree to you. I've changed the meaning accordingly.
      I appreciate your taking time to comment.


    2. I think, 'Anti' in this keerthana means : applying some herbs before bath. As generally we say in telugu "thalanti/thalantu" refers head bath.

      alamelu manga andanunde swami ni, sukravaramu choosanu & then thalantanu. then in remaining keerthana he describes the procedure of that holy bath.

  3. గడియలేడింట అన్నారు. అన్నమయ్య జీవితకాలంలో ఇరవై నాలుగు గంటల కొలత లేదు. అది సూర్యోదయం తరువాత ఏడు ఘడియలు అని అనుకోవాలని నా మనవి. ఘడియకి నేటికాలమానం ప్రకారం సుమారుగా ఇరవై నిమిషాల నుకోవచ్చు.

    మీరు చేసిన ఈ గొప్ప పనిలో చిన్న తప్పులు వెదకటం ఒకవిధంగా తప్పేమో. క్షమించండి

    1. Chala danyavadalu. Tappulu telusukovadanike nenu naa anuvadalanni andaritho panchukuntunnanu. Telugu chadavatam rani variki kuda meeru cheppindi artham avvadaniki Meeru cheppindi nenu anglamloki anuvadisthunnanu, ( I am translating this comment to English for the benefit of other readers who cannot read Telugu script)
      " During ananmayay's time, hour was not the unit of measurement of time. A day was not equivalent to 24 hours.'Edu ghadiyalu ' implies seven ghadiyas after sunrise. A ghadiya during Annamayya's time is equivalent to approximately 20 min. of today's time."

      Thanks and regards,

  4. The first charanam describes the Abhishekam/Thirumanjanam and the 2nd one explains how the huge 'Thirunaamam' or Tilak is applied(First, camphor is rubbed all over the body, then behind the curtain a dhoti is tied to the Lord and butter is smeared on the face. Then after the curtain is opened, the idol shines due to the light of the lamps). The third Charanam explains how the dark red line is made in the middle of the Thirunaamam with musk.

    1. I got the information from the interview of the chief priest of Tirumala temple - Sri Ramana Deekshitulu

    2. Hello Praseed,
      Thanks for sharing this information. I appreciate your taking time to comment and also provide the reference.

      Best regards,

  5. అద్భుతంగా ప్రతి పదానికీ అర్ధం అందించినందుకు ధన్యవాదాలు.
    "తుమ్మెద యైచాయతోన" అని వ్రాసారు మీరు . అది "తుమ్మెద మై చాయతోన" అనుకుంటానండి. "మై" అంటే "శరీరం" అని అర్ధంలో "తుమ్మెదవంటి శరీర ఛాయ వున్నవాడు" అని అర్ధంలో వాడేరేమో అనుకుంటున్నాను.

  6. Very nicely explained thank you

  7. Thanks a lot. Very noce explanation.

  8. Very nice explanation

  9. Grateful for your service 🙏🏻

  10. Hello ,
    Such a beautiful blog! I loved it as a fan of telugu literature!
    I had a question in the last but 2nd line - doesn’t “menu” means “body”?
    You wrote it as complexion, but I’m not sure that’s right.

  11. Menu means body, not hue (మేనుmenu= complexion/hue)
