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Monday, March 9, 2015

telisite mokshamu

Annamayya in this poem descibes the perception of life from the point of view of different personalities. This is more an informative piece that describes the mentality of six differnt learned/experienced people such as a ghanudu(magnificient man), tatvamthiki(practical-minded person), yogi(a yoga-practitioner), dheerudu(poise/stoic man), viveki(one who can judge good and bad), dhanyudu(a fortunate man).

Priya sisters rendition of the song can be found by clicking here

తెలిసితేమోక్షము - తెలియకున్న బంధము
కలవంటిది బదుకు -ఘనునికిని
telisitaemOkshamu - teliyakunna baMdhamu
kalavaMTidi baduku -ghanunikini
తెలిసితేtelisithe= if known; మోక్షముmokshamu= salvation; తెలియకున్నteliyakunna=if not known; బంధముbandhamu=restrainment/confining/tied;
కలkala= dream; వంటిదిvantidi= like; బదుకుbrathuku= life; -ఘనునికినిghanudikini= to a magnificient man.
If known (it is) salvation, if not known (it is) restrainment;
Dream-like is life, even to a magnificient man;
In this stanza, Annamayya is presenting the view  point on life to a magnificient man. He says that for such a man, life is dream-like and one who knows that finds salvation while one who doesnot know that, finds life restraining.

అనయము సుఖమేడ -దవల దు:ఖమేడది
తనువుపై నాసలేని - తత్వమతికి
పొనిగితే బాపమేది -పుణ్యమేది కర్మమందు
వొనర ఫలమొల్లవి - యోగికిని
anayamu sukhamaeDa -davala du:khamaeDadi
tanuvupai naasalaeni - tatvamatiki
ponigitae baapamaedi -puNyamaedi karmamaMdu
vonara phalamollavi - yOgikini
అనయముanayamu= continuously; సుఖమేడsukhamedidi(sukhamu+edidi)=(happiness+where) where is happiness; -దవల avala= afterwards; దు:ఖమేడదిdukhamedidi(dukhmu+edidi)=sorrow+where
తనువుtanuvu=body; పైన paina=on; ఆసలేనిaasaleni= with out desires; తత్వమతికిtatvamathiki (tatva+mathiki)=(reality+minded one)
పొనిగితేponigithey= to be made useless; పాపమేదిpaapamedi(papamu+edi)=(sins+where)where are the sins; పుణ్యమేదిpunyamedi= good deeds; కర్మమందుkarmamandu(karmamu+andu)=action+
వొనరonaru= suitable; ఫలమొల్లవిphalamollavi(phalamu+ellavi)=results+all; యోగికినిyokini= to the yogi also
Continuously where is happiness? Afterwards where is sorrow?
On the body (who is)  with no desires/wishes, to a reality minded-one
Ponigithey(??) which are sins and which are good deeds among actions
suitable for all the results for a yogini
For a practical-minded persone who has no desires on this body, there is no eternal happiness and then afterwards no sorrow. There is no difference between happiness and sorrow for such a person.
POnigithey means to be made useless, and I am confused as to its fit in this stanza. Any help is deeply appreciated. Annamayya says that for a Yogi, who is impartial to any result, there is no sin or good deed among karma(action).

తగినయమృతమేది - తలవగ విషమేది
తెగి నిరాహారియైన - ధీరునికిని
పగవారనగ వేరి - బంధులనగ వేరీ
వెగటుప్రపంచమెల్ల - విడిచేవివేకికి
taginayamRtamaedi - talavaga vishamaedi
tegi niraahaariyaina - dheerunikini
pagavaaranaga vaeri - baMdhulanaga vaeree
vegaTuprapaMchamella - viDichaevivaekiki
తగినthagina=appropriate; యమృతమేదిamruthamedi(amruthamu+edi)=elixir+which/where; - తలవగ thalavaga= if thought;విషమేదిvishamedi= poison+which;
తెగిthegi=broken; నిరాహారియైనnirahariyaina(nirahari+ayina)=without food+become/stay; ధీరునికినిdheerunikini= to the brave one;
పగవారనగpagavaranaga(pagavaru+anaga)=enemy+as said; వేరిvere= different; బంధులనగ bandhulanaga= relative+ as called;వేరీvere= different;
వెగటుvegatu= disgusting; ప్రపంచమెల్లprapanchamellaall the world; - విడిచేvidiche= leaving; వివేకికిviveki= intelligent one;
Appropriate elxir is where? if thought where is the poison?
for a broken fasting brave one
are enemies said to be different and Relatives said to be different?
for a disgusting-world-leaving intelligent one
For a brave person who is broken and without food, there is no difference between elixir(amrutha) or poison. Similarly, for an intelligent person, for whom this world is a disgusting place and leaves it, there is no difference between enemies and relatives.

వేవేలువిధులందు - వెఱపేది మఱపేది
దైవము నమ్మినయట్టి - ధన్యునికిని
శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరుడు - చిత్తములో నున్నవాడు
యీవలేది యావలేది - యితనిదాసునికి
vaevaeluvidhulaMdu - ve~rapaedi ma~rapaedi
daivamu namminayaTTi - dhanyunikini
SreevaeMkaTaeSvaruDu - chittamulO nunnavaaDu
yeevalaedi yaavalaedi - yitanidaasuniki
వేవేలుvevelu= thousands and thousands; విధులందుvidhamulandu=(ways+among) among the ways; వెఱపేదిverapedi= causing fear/surprise; మఱపేదిmarapedi= that which causes forgetfulness
దైవముdaivamu= divinity;  నమ్మినnammina=trusted; యట్టిatti=that; ధన్యునికినిdhanyuniki=fortunate/ happy man
శ్రీవేంకటేశ్వరుడు Sri Venkateswarudu;- చిత్తములోchittamulo= in heart/mind; నున్నవాడుnunnavadu= who is present;
యీవలేదిeevaledi(eevala+edi)=here+where; యావలేదిaavaledi(aavala+edi)=there+where; యితనిyithani=(this man's) his; దాసునికిdaasuniki=to servants
among thousands and thousands ways (life is) causing fear and forgetfulness
for the God-trusting fortunate man
Sri Venkatesha in heart/mind present for whom
where is here and there for His servants
For a fortunate man, who trusts in the divine, life is one of the thousand ways that cause fear and forgetfulness. For those who have Venkatesha in their heart/mind, there is no place where he is not present.

Comments and suggestions to help in better understanding of this song are appreciated :).


[3]Paluri Shankarnarayana ,Telugu to English  Dictionary
[4] http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/


  1. Respected sir
    My name is Madhusudan. I heard the song sung by Priya Sisters in which english subtitles with meanings were given. As per that, "PONIGITE" means Renunciation. That is what I understand Sir. So your translation is correct and the meaning would be "for a person who has renunciated everything there is neither sin nor good deeds & results.

  2. Thank you. This kind of service is priceless.

  3. Priya Sisters rendition of like a folk song. Malladi Brothers rendition is classical carnatic style. Please listen to that too. This composition is with so deep rooted a meaning, yet amazingly simple

  4. Sir I cannot find any better explanation than what you have given. You are blessed. Now I am listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HiJrHdVxtw, Vid Lalitha who gave this concert perhaps 60th minute this composition, on 20th March 2021, who has sung with divinity, and god has given her moksha on 23rd Mar 2021, how lucky she is, just in 3 days gets the Moksha ! What I meant to say was divine music has its way and Annamacharya kriti here signifies that.

  5. Blessed are you who has translated so well so that a common bhakta can understand what annamaiyya wrote ,I am telugu speaking but i don't know to read and write Telugu ..I heard this keertana just today ..by Venkateswara Swami's anugraham and immediately got it downloaded and ur translation par excellence...
    Thank you very much and stay blessed.

  6. I think Ponigithey means to give up or inaction. My interpretation is- no papam in giving up or punyam in doing ones Karma to a yogi.

  7. "who trusts in the divine, life is one of the thousand ways that cause fear and forgetfulness." I cannot comprehend the meaning of your translation sir. How is this causation helped by trust in divine?
