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Friday, December 13, 2013

alara chanchalamaina...

Annamayya once again illustrates his adept and grip over the Telugu language by presenting this keerthana about Lord Venkateswara's swing.  The theme of this keerthan is swing and so every sentence ends with "swing". He makes this more pleasant by making it sound like a lullaby that gives out the essence of life with a higher intellectual description, atleast in the first few stanzas.

Priya sisters rendition of the song can be found here.

అలర చంచలమైన ఆత్మలందుండ నీ యలవాటు చేసె నీవుయ్యాల
పలుమారు నుఛ్ఛ్వాస పవనమందుండ నీ భావంబు దెలిపె నీ వుయ్యాల
alara chaMchalamaina aatmalaMduMDa nee yalavaaTu chaese neevuyyaala
palumaaru nuChChvaasa pavanamaMduMDa nee bhaavaMbu delipe nee vuyyaala

అలరalara=to blossom/shine; చంచలమైనchanchalamaina(chanchalamu+aina)= transient +that which is; ఆత్మలందుండ నీaatmalandundani(atmala+andu+undani)=in soul+in+present; యలవాటుalavatu=habituated; చేసెchese=made/done; నీnee= your;వుయ్యాలvuyyala=swing;
పలుమారుpalu maru=(many times; నుఛ్ఛ్వాసuchchvasa=breath/consolation; పవనpavanamu= wind; మందుండandunda=present inside; నీnee=your; భావంబుbhavambu=intention/purpose; దెలిపెtelipe=to inform/tell; నీnee=your; వుయ్యాలvuyyala=swing.
The blooming transience present in the souls is habituated to you by your swing;
Many times, present in the breating air, your intention/purpose tells, your swing.
 There are two aspects in each sentence. Lets look at the first sentence. Firstly Annamayya tells us the transient/changing nature present in the soul that is always blooming. So the change is always blooming and new. To that transience, according to Annamayya, the swing brings out steadiness by habituating/ accustoming the soul to the Lord. So in other words, Annamayya is describing how the Lord's swinging ceremony makes everyone to focus on the Lord.
The second sentence starts off with the breathing air. We breathe every time but it is only sometimes that we think of it or focus on it. So Annamayya says that in that breathing air, the whole feeling/purpose of the Lord is present. According to him, that feeling/purpose is sensed /taught by the "swing". There are a lot of things common with breathing and the swinging. They are rhythmic and they involve air.  As we know, focusing on breathing is a meditation technique too.

ఉదాయాస్త శైలంబు లొనర కంభములైన వుడుమండలము మోచె నుయ్యాల
అదన ఆకాశపదము అడ్డౌదూలంబైన అఖిలంబు నిండె నీ వుయ్యాల
udaayaasta SailaMbu lonara kaMbhamulaina buDumaMDalamu mOche nuyyaala
adana aakaaSapadamu aDDaudoolaMbaina akhilaMbu niMDe nee buyyaala
ఉదాయాస్తudayastha=(udaya+astha=morning+end) sunrise to sunset; శైలంబుshailambu=on mountain; లొనరlona=inside; కంభములైనkambhamulaina(kambhamulu+aina)=vertical columns+to be; వుడుvuduvu= star; మండలముmandalamu=galaxy; మోచెmoche=to bear; నుయ్యాలvuyyala=swing;
అదనadana=excess; ఆకాశaakasha=sky;పదముpadam=foot; అడ్డౌadda=cross/transverse;దూలంబైన doolambaina (doolambu+aina)=beam+that is; అఖిలంబుakhilambu= all; నిండెninde=to fill; నీnee=your; వుయ్యాలvuyyala= swing.
On the  inside of  the sunrise and sunset like mountains, as  vertical column( is your swing), the starry galaxy is bore by your swing.
The excessive sky's feet having become the cross beam, the entire space is filled by your swing..
This stanza is a little tricky to understand with the words Annamayya uses. I'm confused as to why he used "udayastha shailambu". I hope I got the words right! Any help would be appreciated. But from one of the comments in this post, I realised that, the play of words, especially the prepositions should be right to get it. Here is what I infer....On the inside of the mountains, formed by sunrise and sunset on both sides, as vertical columns, is the swing, that bears the galaxies.  I guess this is confusing because there is a simile in a simile :). The first simile is that mountains are the vertical columns of the swing. The simile in the simile is that the mountains are not actual mountains but the "sun rise and sunset". That means that in between the sunrise and sunset is the swing. And we know that in between the sunrise and sun set is the "day and night", but Annamayya says that the swing is inbetween(lonara) ,thus refering to day and night as the swinging from one side to another.
The second line presents an interesting fact, that Annamayya knew/believed, during 15 century; that the sky is limitless. So he uses "sky's feet " as the  cross beam. Though he is not completely right technically in describing that, this is a poem and artistic liberty should be credited.

పదిలముగ వేదములు బంగారు చేరులై పట్టివెరపై తోచెనుయ్యాల
వదలకిటు ధర్మదేవత పీఠమై మిగుల వర్ణింప నరుదాయె వుయ్యాల
padilamuga vaedamulu baMgaaru chaerulai paTTiverapai tOchenuyyaala
vadalakiTu dharmadaevata peeThamai migula varNiMpa narudaaye vuyyaala
పదిలముగpadilamuga=with caution/care; వేదములుvedamulu=the Vedas; బంగారుbangaru= golden; చేరులై cherulai=to be near;పట్టిpatti=hold/on account of;వెరపైverapai=vera+pai=fear/surprise+on; తోచెtoche= to push; నుయ్యాలvuyyala= swing;
వదలకిటుvadlakitu(vadalaku+itu)=don't leave+this way; ధర్మdharma= the rules of law/Dharma;దేవతdevatha=god; పీఠమైpeethamu= a lofty seat; మిగులmigula=to leave/vacant/ the remaining; వర్ణింపvarnimpa= to describe; నరుదాయెarudaye(arudu+aye)= scarce+tobe; వుయ్యాలvuyyala=swing;
With caution, the Vedas, as the golden near ones/kin, hold and with fear push your swing;
Without leaving this way, the Dharma God having become the seat, the rest is too little to describe your swing...
 In this stanza, Annamayya describes how the Lord is swung by Vedas and Dharma. Annamayya describes how the Vedas, being the nearest ones to the Lord, hold the swing with caution and with fear, push it. This basically describes the swinging method. One has to cautiously hold the swing when it comes back and push it. There is always fear if the push is forceful to knock the person off the swing. The Dharma or law is the seat, that does not leave, and with these two(vedas and the dharma), everything else is too little to describe the swing.

మేలు కట్లయి మీకు మేఘమండలమెల్ల మెరుగునకు మెరుగాయె వుయ్యాల
నీలశైలము వంటి నీ మేని కాంతికి నిజమైన తొడవాయె వుయ్యాల
maelu kaTlayi meeku maeghamaNNalamella merugunaku merugaaye vuyyaala
neelaSailamu vaMTi nee maeni kaaMtiki nijamaina toDavaaye vuyyaala
మేలుకట్లయిmelukatlayi(melukattu+ayi)=(acanopy+become)becoming a canopy; మీకుmeeku= to you; మేఘమండలమెల్లmeghamandalammella(megha+mandalamu+ella)=the cloud sphere+all) all the cloud sphere/stratosphere; మెరుగునకుmerugunaku= for brilliance/shine/advantage; మెరుగాయెmerugaye= have become brilliant/advantageous/to take credit; వుయ్యాలvuyyala= swing;
నీలశైలముneelashilamu(neela+shailamu)=blue+mountain; వంటిvanti= like/similar; నీnee=your; మేనిmeni=brilliance/lustre; కాంతికిkanthiki= to the light/illuminous; నిజమైనnijamaina= truthfully; తొడవాయెthodavaye (thoda+aye)=ornament+ has become; వుయ్యాల
Having become a canopy to you, all the cloud-region for brilliance sake have become brilliant
For the blue-mountain-like your brilliance's-lustre/light,   the true ornament has your swing become.
Remember that Annamayya has already described the sky as the cross beam for the swing. He cleverly describes that the clouds form canopy or a shelter. The Lord's lustre is blue, like the blue mountain. To such lustre, the swing is like an ornament.

పాలిండ్లు కదలగా పయ్యదలు రాపాడ భామినులు వడినూచు వుయ్యాల
వోలి బ్రహ్మాణ్డములు వొరుగునో యని భీతి నొయ్య నొయ్యనైరి వూచిరుయ్యాల
paaliMDlu kadalagaa payyadalu raapaaDa bhaaminulu vaDinoochu vuyyaala
vOli brahmaaNDamulu vorugunO yani bheeti noyya noyyanairi voochiruyyaala
పాలిండ్లుpaalindlu=breasts; కదలగాkadalaga=as moved; పయ్యదలుpayyadalu=the garment over the breast; రాపాడraapadu= rub against each other; భామినులుbhaminulu= the ladies; వడినూచుvadinoochu=quickly perform/acted; వుయ్యాల
వోలిooli=a line; బ్రహ్మాణ్డములుbhrahmandamu= the universe; వొరుగునోorugunoo=will it bend?;  యనిyani=as if; భీతిbheethi= fear; నొయ్యoyyana=slowly/gently; నొయ్యనైరిoyyanairi(oyyana+airi)= (gentle+become)have become gentle; వూచి voochi= to rock (swing);రుయ్యాల
As the breasts moved and the upper garment rubbed over them, the ladies quickly acted(consciously adjust?) - (all this caused) by the swing
The lined universe as if will bend/fall, with (such) fear, slowly becoming gentle, rocked/swung the swing...
In this stanza, Annamayya shifts his focus from describing the swing to describing the scene with Lord's two wives swinging in the first line.The universe, fearing that it were falling, became consciously gentle as the swing was rocked.

కమలకును భూసతికి కదలు కదలకు మిమ్ము కౌగలింపగ జేసె నుయ్యాల
అమరాంగనలకు నీ హావ భావ విలాస మందంద చూపె నీ వుయ్యాల
kamalakunu bhoosatiki kadalu kadalaku mimmu kaugaliMpaga jaese nuyyaala
amaraaMganalaku nee haasa bhaava vilaasa maMdaMda choope nee vuyyaala
కమలకునుkamalakuni= to Kamala(Lakshmi); భూసతికిbhoosathiki= to Earth-lady (bhoodevi); కదలుkadalu= to move; కదలకుkadalaku=not moving;  మిమ్ముmimmu= you; కౌగలింపగkouliginpa= to embrace; జేసెchese= to act/make; నుయ్యాలnuyyala= swing;
అమరాంగనలకుamarangulaku=properlyfit ones; నీnee=your; హావhaava=amorous gesture; భావbhava= meaning; విలాస మందందvilasamu+andanda= (affluence+here and there); చూపెchoope= shows; నీnee= your; వుయ్యాలvuyyala=swing.
To the moving Lakshmi and Bhoodevi,  the unmoving/steady you are made to be embraced, by the swing;
To the properly fit ones, your gestures, meaning, extravagance  here and there is shown by your swing
 The Lord as the caring husband is brought forth by the swing when his wives cling on to the steady Lord as they swing. This is a gesture that all unsteady minds can cling on to the steady Lord to prevent from falling.

కమలాసనాదులకు కన్నులకు పండుగై గణుతింప నరుదాయె వుయ్యాల
కమనీయ మూర్తి వేంకటశైలపతి నీకు కడువేడుకై వుండె వుయ్యాల
kamalaasanaadulaku kannulaku paMDugai gaNutiMpa narudaaye vuyyaala
kamaneeya moorti vaeMkaTaSailapati neeku kaDuvaeDukai vuMDe vuyyaala
కమలాసనాదులకుkamalasanaadulaki(kamala+asana+nadhudu)=(Lotus+seated+Lord)Brahma; కన్నులకుkannulaku= to the eyes; పండుగైpandugai= as feastival; గణుతింపganuthimpa=praise; నరుదాయెarudaye=(scarce/little+have become)have become little;  వుయ్యాలvuyyala= swing;
కమనీయkamaneeya=charming; మూర్తిmoorthi=idol; వేంకటశైలVenkata+shaila=Venkata mountain;పతిpathi= master/lord; నీకుneeku=to you; కడుkadu=great;వేడుకైvedukai= as an event; వుండెvunde= stays; వుయ్యాలvuyyala=swing
To Brahma and all eyes, having become a festival, your swing becomes praise-defecit,
To the charming personality of Venkata mountain's Lord, to you, this swing happens to be a great event/function.

As always, comments and suggestions to help improve the understanding of this keerthana are welcome.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2006/11/83bamdi-virichi_23.html
[2] Telugu to English Dictionary by Paluri Sankarnarayana.

Monday, November 11, 2013

jo achytananda jo jo mukunda

This is the most popular lullaby for the Lord describing his childhood leelas during Krishna avatar. I can bet that every Telugu-speaking family must have heard atleast a few stanzas from this song. Lullabies are usually sung to infants and young children, serving as the soothing songs telling bedtime stories so that they sleep with good thoughts. This particular one is different because, Annamayya is telling the story of Lord Krishna to the Lord himself as Lord Venkateswara! Another interesting aspect is that Annamayya describes the episodes/leelas, sometimes from first person perspective, as a Gopika. Following are two different variations of the song in different raagas.
Priya sisters rendition of the song in Neelambari(?) raga , click here
MS Subbalakshmi's rendition of the same song in Kapi(?) raga , click here

జో అచ్యుతానంద జోజో ముకుందా రావె పరమానంనద , రామ గోవిందా జోజో జోజో
P: jO achyutAnanda jO jO mukundA rAvE paramAnanda rAma gOvinda
జో jo=sleep, a syllable that is used for lullabys; అచ్యుతానంద Achyutha+ananda=eternal+happiness/bliss;  జోజో= sleep sleep; ముకుందాMukunda=a precious stone/name of Vishnu; రావెraave= come dear; పరమానంనదParamaananda= the supreme bliss; రామ raama=pleasant / Rama, king of Ayodhya; గోవిందాGovinda=Govinda; జోజో జోజో
Sleep (dear) Eternally blissful one!Sleep (dear) Vishnu!O, Supreme bliss come to pleasant Govinda!! Sleep ....
The word "Rama' when used as an adjective, actually means pleasant. while the noun is for the King of Ayodhya. I guess Rama was named so because he was pleasant/pleasing in appearance and behavior!
Annamayya refers to sleep as supreme bliss here.

... నందునింటనుజేరి నయముమీరంగా
చంద్రవదనలు నీకు సేవచేయంగా
అందముగ వారిండ్ల ఆడుచుండంగా
మందలకు దొంగ మా ముద్దురంగా జోజో జోజో...
C1. nanduninTanucEri nayamu mIranga candravadanalu nIku sEva cEyanga
andamuga vArinDla aaDucunDangA mandalaku donga mA muddu ranga
 నందునిNanduni=Nanda's; ఇంటనుintanu=house; జేరిcheri= to have come; నయముnayamu= benefit, morality,justice;మీరంగాmeeranga= having surpassed; చంద్రChandra= Moon;వదనలుvadanalu= faced; నీకుneeku= to you; సేవseva=service; చేయంగాcheyanga= having done; అందముగandamuga= beautifully; వారిండ్లvaarindla= in their houses; ఆడుచుండంగా aaduchundanga= while playing;మందలకుmandalaku=herd ; దొంగdonga= thief; మాmaa= our; ముద్దుmuddu= lovely/ kiss-able; రంగా ranga=Colored man, Krishna;
Having come to Nanda's house, (you) even having surpassed the morality/dignity;  as the moon-faced ones  served you, beautifully played in their houses; the thief in the herd is our lovable Colored Krishna!
The line "mandalaku donga" means the thief among the herd. As we know, a herd is used with cows(animals). Annamayya refers to the cow herd and says He is the thief of the cow-herd!

పాలవారాశిలో పవళించినావు,
బాలుగా మునులుకు అభయమిచ్చినావు,
మేలుగా వసుదేవుకుదయించినావు,
బాలుడై ఉండి గోపాలుడైనావూ జోజో జోజో...
pAla vArASi lO pavvaLincinAvu bAlugA munulaka bhayamiccinAvu
mElugA vasudEvukudayincinAvu bAluDai yunDi gOpAluDainAvu
పాలpaala= milk;వారాశిలోvarasilo=ocean; పవళించినావు=you slept; బాలుగాbaaluga= as a boy; మునులకుmunulaku= to sages; అభయముabhayamu=protection from fear; ఇచ్చినావు= you gave;మేలుగా meluga= for safety; వసుదేవుకుvasudevuku=to Vasudeva;ఉదయించినావుudayinchiavu= you dawned; బాలుడై baaludai=as boy; ఉండిundi=being/ present; గోపాలుడైనావూgopladudainavu= gopaludu+ainavu= cow-herdsman+you became; జోజో జోజో
In the milk ocean (you) slept;
as a boy you gave protection from fear to sages;
 for safety, you dawned to Vasudeva;
being a boy, you became the protector of cows.
The first reference is to Vishnu sleeping in the ksheerasagar or milky ocean.

అట్టుగట్టిన మీగడట్టె తిన్నాడే
పట్టి కోడలు మూతిపై రాసినాడే
అట్టే తినెనని యత్త యడుగ విన్నాడే
గట్టిగా నిధి దొంగ కొట్టుమన్నాడే
aTTugaTTina mIgaDaTTe tinnADE paTTi kODalu mUtipai rAsinADE
aTTe tinenavi yaTTa yaDugavinnADE gaTTigA nidi donga koTTumannADE
అట్టుక attuka=a loft under the roof; కట్టినkattina=tied/ formed; మీగడట్టెmeegada+atte= cream+like that; తిన్నాడేthinnade= ate;పట్టిpatti= holding; కోడలుkodalu= daughter-in-law; మూతిపైmoothipai= on the mouth; రాసినాడేrasinade= to spread;అట్టేate= like this only; తినెననిthinenai= ate; యత్తatta= mother-in-law; యడుగaduga= when asked; విన్నాడే vinnade= heard;గట్టిగాgattiga= strongly; నిధి nidhi=treasure; దొంగdonga=thief; కొట్టుమన్నాడేkottumannade=asked to hit/beat;
He ate the cream tied to the roof loft just like that!
He held and rubbed (it)on the daughter-in-law's mouth just like that!
When the mother-in-law asked, he just heard/listened;
The treasure thief asked her(mother-in-law) to hit (daughter-in-law) strongly.
There is a shift in narration tone. Annamayya describes the scene as if he is present at the scene. Here Annamayya describes how Krishna implicates the daughter-in-law of the house in the theft  of cream that he committed actually. He urges the mother-in law to hit her as a punishment. An example that the mischievous Krishna derived pleasure by instigating anger and fights between the women.

గొల్లవారిండ్లకు గొబ్బునకు బోయి
కొల్లలుగా త్రావి కుండలను నేయి
చెల్లునా మగనాండ్ర జెలిగి యీశాయీ
చిల్లతనములు సేయ జెల్లునటవోయి
gOllavArinDlakunu gobbunaku bOyi kollalugA trAvi kunDalanu nEyi
cEllunAmaganAnDra jelagi ee Sayi cillitanamulu sEya jellunaTa vOyi
గొల్లgolla=cow-herdsmen; వారిండ్లకుvari+indlaku= their+to houses; గొబ్బునకుgobbunaku= quickly; బోయిpoyi =gone; కొల్లలుగాkollaluga=as plunder/pillage; త్రావిthravi=having drunk; కుండలనుkundalanu= pots; నేయిneeyi=ghee;చెల్లునాchelluna=prevail,having accomplished as desire; మగనాండ్ర maganandra =married women; జెలిగిcheligi=to be pleasant or agreeable; యీశా యీ= (???) చిల్లతనములుchillathanamulu= trivial things;futilities; సేయseya= do;  జెల్లునటవోయిchellu+ata+voyi= prevail+ is that so +sir/man;
He goes to the cow-herdsmen houses quickly and plunders the ghee/butter in the pots by drinking;
He prevails over the married women and makes them pleasant/agreeable(instead of angry)
He makes them do silly things; As if this will prevail/work!

రేపల్లె సతులెల్ల గోపంబుతోను
గోపమ్మ మీకొడుకు మాయిండ్లలోను
మాపుగానే వచ్చి మా మానములను
నీ పాపడే చెరిచె నేమందుమమ్మ
repalle satulella gopambutOnu gopamma mI koDuku mA inDlalOnu
mApu gAnE vacci mA mAnamulanu nI pApaDE cer''ace - nEmandumamma!
రేపల్లెrepalle= village; సతులెల్లsathulella= women+all; కోపంబుతోనుkopambuthoni= wit anger; గోపమ్మgopamma= the cow-herd-woman; మీmee= your;కొడుకుkoduku= son; మాmaa=our; యిండ్లలోను indlalonu= in houses;మాపుగానేmaapugane= in the evening only; వచ్చిvacchi= comes; మా maa= our; మానములనుmaanamulanuni=honor/self-respect/pride;నీnee=your;పాపడేpaapade= boy/infant only; చెరిచెcherachi= to violate/spoil; నేమందుమమ్మeemi+andumu+amma=what+ say+mother/lady;
All the village women,  in a fit of anger (said) " Cowherdswoman(Yashoda), your son comes to our houses in the evening itself . Your infant spoils our pride/respect. What do we say lady?"
There are a couple of interpretations to this. One is that Krishna spoils their honor/respect by making love to them. The other that he actually crushes/spoils their pride/ego.

ఒకనియాలిని దెచ్చి నొకని కడబెట్టి
జగడములు కలిపించి సతిపతుల బట్టి
పగలు నలుజాములును బాలుడై నట్టి
మగనాండ్ర చేపట్టి మదనుడై నట్టి...
oka yAlini decci - nokani kaDabeTTi jagaDamula galipinci satipatula baTTi
pagalu nalu jAmulunu bAluDai naTTi maganAnDra jEpaTTi madanuDainaTTi !
ఒకనిokani= one's;యాలినిaalini= wife; దెచ్చిthechi= brought; నొకనిokani=one's; కడkada=place;బెట్టిbetti= put;జగడములుjagadamulu= quarrels/fights; కలిపించిkalipinchi=to bring forth; సతిపతులsathi+pathula= women's husbands; బట్టిbatti=to cause;పగలుpagalu= day; నలుజాములునుnalu+jamulunu= four+quarterof 12 hours(3 hours), 12 hours ;  బాలుడైbaludai= as boy; నట్టిyatti= that; మగనాండ్రmaganandra= married woman; చేపట్టిchepatti= to take into hands; మదనుడైmadanudai= as Cupid;నట్టి natti=this;
"He brought someone's wife and put in someone else's place; started fights/quarells between the husbands of those wives. At bright noon in daylight, that little boy (of yours) held hands of a married woman as Cupid."

గోవర్థనంబెల్ల గొడుగుగాగ పట్టి
కావరమ్మున నున్న కంసు పడకొట్టి
నీవుమధురాపురము నేల చేబట్టి
 ఠీవితో నేలిన దేవకీ పట్టి...
gOvadhanambella goDugugA baTTi kAvaramuna nunna kamsubaDagoTTi
nIvu madhurApuramu nElajEpaTTi ThIvitO nElina dEvakI paTTi
గోవర్థనంGovardhanambu= the mountain named Govardhana;బెల్లella= all; గొడుగుగాgoduguga= as umbrella; పట్టిpatti= hold; కావరమ్మునkavaramuna=pride/arrogant; ఉన్నunna=there; కంసుkamsu=the demon Kamsa; పడకొట్టిpadakotti= to defeat/;నీవుneevu= you;మధురాMadhura= name of city Madhura;పురముpuramu= city; నేలela= reign; చేబట్టిchebatti= to take over; ఠీవితోtheevitho= with grandeur ; నేలినelina= reigned; దేవకీDevaki= Devaki's; పట్టిpatti=child;
Having held the whole of govardhana as umbrella; having defeated the arrogance filled Kamsa;
You took over the reigns of Madhura city into your hands and ruled it with grandeur, O Devaki's child!

అంగజునిగన్న మాయన్నయిటు రారా
బంగారుగిన్నెలో పాలుపోసేరా
దొంగనీవని సతులు పొంగుచున్నరా
ముంగిటానాడరా మొహనాకారా జోజో జోజో...
angajuniganna mAyanna iTurAra bangAruginnelO pAluposErA
donganIvani satulu bonducunnArA mungiTanADarA mOhanAkArA
అంగజునిangajuni=Cupid; కన్న=given birth; మాయన్నmaayanna= my elder brother;యిటు itu= this way;రారాrara= come come;బంగారుbangaru= golden;గిన్నెలోginnelo=in the bowl; పాలుpaalu= milk; పోసేరాposera= poured;దొంగdonga= thief;నీవనిneevani= you as; సతులుsathulu= women; పొంగు= to boil/to overflow;  చున్నరాchunnara=are they?ముంగిటmungita= front threshold; ఆడరాaadara= play; మొహనాకారా mohana+akara=bewitching+shaped one;
My elder brother who gave birth to Cupid come this way;
In golden bowl, (I) poured milk;
calling you as the thief, are the women boiling (with anger)?
Play in the front yard; O bewitching shaped one!
Calling someone as "anna" or big brother is colloquial way of showing affection.Krishna's son is considered to be an incarnation of Cupid.

అంగుగా తాళ్ళాపాకనయ్య చాలా
శృంగార రచనగా చెప్పెనీ జోల
సంగతిగ సకల సంపదలు నీవేలా
మంగళము తిరుపట్ల మదనగోపాలా జోజో జోజో
angugA tALLapAkannayya cAla shngAra racanagA ceppE nIjOla
sangatigA sakala sampadala nIvELa mangaLamu tirupaTla madanagOpAla
అంగుగాanguga= beautifully,gracefully; తాళ్ళాపాకనయ్యTallapaka+annaya = Tallapaka's brother; చాలాchala= great deal; శృంగారshrungara=  ;రచనగాrachanaga=writing; చెప్పెcheppe= told;నీ nee=your;జోలjola= matter/lullaby; సంగతిగsangathiga=as a matter of fact; సకలsakala= all; సంపదలుsampadulu= wealths; నీవేలాneevu+ela= you+reign;మంగళముmangalamu= good omen; తిరుపట్లthiru patla= at Thiru (Hill); మదనmadana=Cupid/lovely; గోపాలాgopala= cow herdsman;
Beautifully has Tallapakka brother with lovely writing told your lullby;
As a matter, all the treasure you rule;
Good omen to the lovely cow-herdsman at the Thiru Hill.

[1]Paluri Shankarnarayana" Telugu to English dictionary"

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Deva ee thagavu

This keerthana is more a request to Venkateswara to resolve the most common questions or conflicts in human life as simple as to why God creates this body along with senses and desires then expects the body not to crave for sensory pleasures and desires . As one can expect, these questions are more rhetorical and open ended questions.
Priya sisters rendition of the song can be found here.

ప|| దేవ యీ తగవు దీర్చవయ్యా | వేవేలకు నిది విన్నపమయ్యా ||
pa|| dEva yI tagavu dIrcavayyA | vEvElaku nidi vinnapamayyA ||
దేవ Deva= Oh God!;యీee= this; తగవుthagavu= conflict; దీర్చవయ్యాtheerchava+ayya= remove/resolve+sir; | వేవేలకునిvevelakuni= to thousands and thousands; ఇదిidi= this; విన్నపమయ్యాvinnapamu= request; ||
oh God! Please resolve this conflict, sir. Thousands and thousands have this request, sir.

చ|| తనువున బొడమినతతి నింద్రియములు | పొనిగి యెక్కడికి బోవునయా |
పెనగి తల్లికడ బిడ్డలు భువిలో | యెనగొని యెక్కడి కేగుదురయ్యా ||
ca|| thanavuna bodaminathathi nindriyamulu| ponigi yekkadiki bovunayA||
penagi tallikaDa biDDalu BuvilO | yenagoni yekkaDi kEgudurayyA ||
తనువున thanavuna= on the body; పొడమినpodamina= to arise/generate; తతినిthathini = multitude; ఇంద్రియములుindriyamulu= senses; పొనిగి ponigi= useless/grass; యెక్కడికిekkadiki= where to; బోవునయాbovunayya= (povunu+ayya=go+sir!)
పెనగిpenagi=to be united; తల్లికడthallikada=near mother; బిడ్డలుbiddalu= children; భువిలోbhuvilo= on earth; | యెనగొనిyenagoni= matching/equal; యెక్కడికి yekkadiki= where to? ఏగుదురయ్యా eegudarayya = to resort to, sir ||
On this body, the multitude of senses that are generated like the grass, where will they go?
On this earth, children are to be united with mother. Where will they resort to for that equivalence(love)?
The first conflict that Annamayya present to the Lord is where will the senses that are generated by the body go? This is more a rhetorical question asking why did he create this body with senses. The senses stick to the body like children stick to mother. The children cannot resort to any other equivalence to mother. Similarly, the senses cannot go anywhere but to the body.

చ|| పొడుగుచు మనమున బొడమిన యాసలు | అదన నెక్కడికి నరుగునయా |
వొదుగుచు జలములనుండు మత్స్యములు | పదపడి యేగతి బాసీనయ్యా ||
ca|| poDugucu manamuna boDamina yAsalu | adana nekkaDiki narugunayA |
vodugucu jalamulanuMDu matsyamulu | padapaDi yEgati bAsInayyA ||
పొడుగుచుpoduguchu= to hatch/brood; మనమునmanavuna= in heart/mind; పొడమినpodamina= to arise; యాసలుyaasalu= wants/wishes; అదనadana= excess; నెక్కడికిekkadiki= where to; అరుగునయాarugunaya=to reduce/scrape down +sir.
వొదుగుచుoduguchu= to shrink/move aside; జలములjalamuna= in water; నుండుundu=stay; మత్స్యములుmatsyamulu= fishes; పదపడిpadapadi=afterwards; యేగతిyegathi=which flow; బాసీనయ్యాbaasinayya=a sort of purse/fishnet
Brooding heart/mind generates excessive wants; where will they reduce?
The meek/suppressed fishes that stay in water, which flow will trap them later?
The next conflict is that of wants and desires. A brooding mind generates excessive wants which cannot be reduced. For this, Annamayya uses the analogy of fish that are meek and weak in water. They are flown by waves into a purse/fishnet. This means that the fish that do not swim by themselves, just flow according to the water current. Similarly, a weak mind generates wants and gets flown by the wants.

చ|| లలి నొకటొకటికి లంకెలు నివే | అలరుచు నేమని యందునయా |
బలు శ్రీవేంకటపతి నాయాత్మను | గలిగితి వెక్కడి కలుషములయ్యా ||
ca|| lali nokaTokaTiki laMkelu nivE | alarucu nEmani yaMdunayA |
balu SrIvEMkaTapati nAyAtmanu | galigiti vekkaDi kaluShamulayyA ||
లలిlali=gracefully; నొకటొకటికిnokatokatiki (okati+okatiki=one to one) = one to one; లంకెలుlankelu=connection/ties; నివేneeve= you only; | అలరుచుalaruchu= to weave; నేమనిeemani= what to; యందునయాyandunaya= say,sir; |
బలుbalu=Great; శ్రీవేంకటపతిSrivenkatapati= నాయాత్మనుnaa yatmanu= my soul; | గలిగితిgiligithi= to possess; వెక్కడిvekkadi= where from?; కలుషములయ్యా kalushamulayya= these impurities, sir!||
Gracefully, for one to one connections/ties, you only weave. what will I say?
If the great Sri venkata's lord possesses my soul; Where are these impurities from?
Annamayya helplessly says that he doesnot have any say when the Lord, himself, is the one who weaves all the ties/connections beautifully. The last question is more to pin down the Lord to ask why he faces all these impurities even when Sri Venkatesapathi reigns his soul.

[1]Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana
[2]Lrics from "http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2007/04/195deva-yi-tagavu-dircavayya.html"

Ekkadi manusha janmam....

Annamayya presents his view on the purpose of human life in this simple, easy to understand keerthana.This is one of those keerthanas, which is more a self-appraisal of life by Annamayya. The desolating tone set in this piece urges one to ponder on the purpose of human life.
It is believed in Hinduism that the soul takes up "Human" life only after serving animal life forms. Animals do not have the discirmination of good/bad/choice etc. They go by instincts, and are only serving to satisfy one of the prominent desires attached to the soul. Human life is intended to work towards salvation/liberation (moksha) and the purposes are given by the four "purusharthas" : dharma-artha-kama-moksha. This keerthana has more dept to it than just the meaning it puts forth and a little complicated for me to explain it here.  In this keerthana, the dejected Annamayya rhetorically asks as to what use is the Human life if one doesnot work towards the path of salvation and still is attached to the worldly illusions.

A heart-touching rendition by Priya sisters can be found here.

ప|| ఎక్కడి మానుష జన్మం బెత్తిన ఫలమే మున్నది |
నిక్కము నిన్నే నమ్మితి నీ చిత్తంబికను ||

 pa|| ekkaDi mAnuSha janmaM bettina PalamE munnadi |
nikkamu ninnE nammiti nI cittaMbikanu ||

ఎక్కడిekkaDi= where from? మానుషmAnuSha= Human's; జన్మంjanmam= life/birth; ఎత్తినettina= to have taken; ఫలము phalamu= fruit/use; ఏమున్నదిemunnadi= what is there?  |
నిక్కముNikkamu= truthfully; ని
న్నే ninne= you only; నమ్మితినీnammithini= I trusted;  చిత్తంబికనుchittambikanu (chittamu+ikanu)= mind/heart+hereafter ||
  Where from is this human's birth? What use is it to have taken it(human's birth).
truthfully I have trusted you (only) all my heart/mind.

చ|| మరవను ఆహారంబును మరవను సంసార సుఖము | మరవను యింద్రియ భోగము మాధవ నీ మాయ ||
మరచెద సుఙ్ణానంబును మరచెద తత్త్వ రహ
స్యము | మరచెద గురువును దైవము మాధవ నీ మాయ ||
 ca|| maravanu AhAraMbunu maravanu saMsAra suKamu | maravanu yiMdriya BOgamu mAdhava nI mAya |
maraceda su~mNAnaMbunu maraceda tattva rahaSyamu | maraceda guruvunu daivamu mAdhava nI mAya ||

మరవనుmaravanu= wont forget; ఆహారంబునుaaharambunu= food; మరవనుmaravanu= won't forget; సంసారsamsara= the family life; సుఖముsukhamu=pleasures |
maravanu= wont forget; యింద్రియindriya= sensory; భోగముbhoogamu= pleasures/luxuries; మాధవmaadhava= Madhava; నీnee= your; మాయmaaya=illusion ||
మరచెదmarecheda= will forget; సుఙ్ణానంబునుsugnanambunu= good knowledge; మరచెదmarecheda= will forget; తత్త్వtatva=the 96 properties of human body(mind, body and soul!); రహస్యముrahasyamu=secret |
మరచెదmarecheda= will forget; గురువునుGuruvunu= teacher; దైవము daivamu= God/diety; మాధవ maadhava= madhava! నీnee= your;  మాయmaaya=illusion ||

 I wont forget food, the pleasures of family life, wont forget the sensory luxuries, Madhava! this is your created illusion..
I will forget the good knowledge I learnt, Will forget the human body secrets; will forget teacher and God. Madhava! this is your created illusion....
చ|| విడువను పాపము పుణ్యము విడువను నా దుర్గుణములు | విడువను మిక్కిలి యాసలు విష్ణుడ నీమాయ |
విడిచెద షట్కర్మంబులు విడిచెద వైరాగ్యంబును | విడిచెద నాచారంబును విష్ణుడ నీమాయ ||

 ca|| viDuvanu pApamu puNyamu viDuvanu nA durguNamulu |
viDuvanu mikkili yAsalu viShNuDa nImAya |
viDiceda ShaTkarmaMbulu viDiceda vairAgyaMbunu |
viDiceda nAcAraMbunu viShNuDa nImAya ||

విడువనుvidavanu= wont leave; పాపముpaapamu= sins; పుణ్యముpunyamu=moral or religious merit; విడువనుvidavanu= wont leave; నాnaa= my; దుర్గుణములుdurgunamulu= vices |
విడువనుvidavanu= wont leave; మిక్కిలిmikkili=excessive; యాసలుaasalu= wishes/wants; విష్ణుడ Vishnuda= Vishnu!!నీnee= your ;మాయ maaya=illusion|
విడిచెదvidicheda= will leave; షట్కర్మంబులుshatkarmambulu= the six karmas to clean the body; విడిచెద
vidicheda= will leave; వైరాగ్యంబునుvairagyambunu= the detachment |
vidicheda= will leave; ఆ చారంబునుaacharambunu=rituals; విష్ణుడVishnuda= vishnu!! నీnee=your;మాయmaaya=illusion |

I wont leave my sins and  merits. I wont leave my vices. I wll definitely not leave my excessive wants/desires. Vishnu!! this is all your created illusion.
I will leave the six karmas that clean the body; will leave the detachment, will leave the rituals. Vishnu!!this is all your created illusion.

చ|| తగిలెద బహు లంపటముల తగిలెద బహు బంధముల | తగులను మోక్షపు మార్గము తలపున యెంతైనా |
అగపడి శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వర అంతర్యామివై | నగి నగి నను నీవేలితి నాకా యీమాయ ||

ca|| tagileda bahu laMpaTamula tagileda bahu baMdhamula |
tagulanu mOkShapu mArgamu talapuna yeMtainA |
agapaDi SrI vEMkaTESvara aMtaryAmivai |
nagi nagi nanu nIvEliti nAkA yImAya ||
తగిలెదthagileda= will think; బహుbahu= various; లంపటములlampatamulu= troubles/impediments;  తగిలెదthagileda= will think; బహుbahu= various; బంధములbandhamula= relations/attachments |
తగులనుthagulanu= won't think; మోక్షపుmokshapu= of salvation; మార్గముmargamu= path; తలపున thalapuna= in thoughts;యెంతైనా enthaina= how much ever|
అగపడిagapadi=to appear/found; శ్రీ వేంకటేశ్వరSri Venkateshwara; అంతర్యామిantharyami= the omniscient;
వైvai= to be; |
నగిnagi= to smile; నగిnagi= to smile; ననుnanu= me; నీవేలితిneevelithi= (neevu+elithi= you+reign)you reign me; నాకాnaaka= to me?; యీee= this;మాయmaaya= illusion ||

I will think of the various troubles; I will think of the various relationships/attachments. But will never think of the salvation path in my thoughts however possible!!
Having appeared as Sri Venkateswara, you are the omniscient one who reigns over me smilingly. Is this illusion to me(also?)
Annamayya says that he will always think of the various troubles he has in life, the various relations/relatives and attachments. but will never think of salvation path which is supposed to be the purpose of human life!
He says that Venkateswara swamy rules him with a smile and puts him in this illusion. He is sort of sarcastic that "You smile and rule me. You seem to be happy to be ruling over me but apparently you are tricking me. Why is this illusion to me???" It's as if he is asking I am your favorite right( becoz you rule me with a smile not a frown!)? Why dont you exempt me from this illusion?

[1]lyrics from "annamayya

Sravana Bahulashtami...(2)

A second song on Krishnashtami by Annamayya. Though the gist is the same as in the previous song, it is quite different in words used.
For Priya Sisters rendition of the song click here

shrAvaNa bahulASTami. rAgA: shuddhsArang. Eka tALA.
 P: shrAvaNa bahuLASTami savarE trikADanu shri vibhuDu dayince chelulAlA vinare
శ్రావణ బహుళాష్టమి సవరె త్రికడను శ్రీ  విభుని దయించే చెలులాల వినరే
శ్రావణSravna= Sravana Month of the lunar/Telugu calendar; బహుళాష్టమిBahulashtami= the eight day of the first ashtami;  సవరెsavare=suitable/good;  త్రికడనుtrikaadanu=at three quarters/directions;   శ్రీSri= Lakshmi; విభునిVibhuni= of the Lord; ఉదయించే udayinche=dawned; చెవు లాలchevulala= with all ears; వినరే  vinare= listen;
On the eight day of the Sravna month at the suitable three-quarters (time? or direction?), Sri's Lord dawned , with all ears listen ( to the lore...)
కడ Kada  has many meanings; quarter, direction, end etc. It is difficult to tell if Annamayya meant three-quarters time or a direction or a place. Any help to understand the meaning would be helpful. In the mean time, I'll be upto my research and update as I learn more.

C1: asurula shikSinca amarula rakSincha vasudha bhAramellA nivArimpanu vasudevunikini dEvaki dEvikini asagrasamagu krSNuDu avatAra mandenu
అసురుల శిక్షించ అమరుల రక్షించ వసుధ భారమెల్ల   నివారింపను వాసుదేవునికిని దేవకినికి అసగ్రసమగు కృష్ణుడు అవతార మందెను
అసురులasarula= demons; శిక్షించsikshincha= to punish; అమరులamarula= the immortals/; రక్షించ rakshincha=to rescue/protect;వసుధvasudha= earth; భారమెల్లbharamella= weight +all;   నివారింపను nivarimpanu= to avaoid/prevent;వాసుదేవునికినిVasudevunikini= to Vasudeva; దేవకినికిDevakini= to Devaki; అసగ్రసమగుasagrasamagu=that which is not graspable/conceivable/imaginable; కృష్ణుడుKrishnudu=Krishna; అవతారము avatharamu= incarnation; అందెనుmandenu= took;
To punish the demons; to protect the immortals, to reduce the weight on the earth, to Vasudeva and Deviki, the unconceivable, Krishna took incarnation.

 2: gopika rammanincA gollalanellA kAvagA dhApai munula nellA dayasEyanu dIpinca nanduniki dEviyaina yashOdaku Ekuna sutuDai krSNuDu innikA perigenu
 గోపిక  రామ్మనించ గొల్లలనెల్ల కావగా  ధాపై మునుల నెల్ల దయసేయను  దీపించిన  నందునికి దేవియిన యశోదకు ఎకున సుతుడై కృష్ణుడు ఇన్నిఖ పెరిగెను
 గోపికgopika= of Gopikas, the cow herds-women;  రామ్మనించrammanincha=to please; గొల్లలనెల్లgollalanella= all the cattle; కావ kava= to keep an eye; గాధాపైgadhapai=on the grass; మునులmunula= of sages; నెల్లella= all; దయDaya= mercy;సేయను seyanu=to do; దీపించిన deepinchina= lighted up; నందునికిnandunikini= to nanda; దేవియినDevi aina= who is the wife/lady; యశోదకుyashodakunu= to yahsoda; ఎకునekuna= only; సుతుడైsuthudaina= have become son; కృష్ణుడుKrishnudu= krishna; ఇన్నిఖ innika=thus????(hearsay??); పెరిగెను perigenu=grow.
To please the cow-herds-women, to guard all the cattle on the grass, to be merciful to all the sages, to the enlighted Nanda and the divine lady Yashoda, as the only son, it is heard(?? not sure of the word "innika"), Krishna grew.
The word innika means hear-say but not sure how it fits into this line. I'm lost! Any help would be appreciated :).

3: pAnDavula manupagA padAru vEla penlADaga ninDi shrI venkatTAdripai nilucuNDagA aNDa alamel mangAkuna kaugalincagA danDiyaiyunDa krSNuDu gaganutikEkenu
పాండవుల   మను పగా పదారు వేళ  పెన్లడగ నిండి శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రిపై నిలుచుండగా అండ  అలమేల్మంగాకున  కౌగలించగా దండియైయుండ కృష్ణుడు గగనుతికేకెను
పాండవులPandavula= of the Pandavas;   మనుపగాmanupaga= to protect ;  పదారుpadaru= sixteen; వేlaVela= thousand; పెన్లడగpendladaga= as he married; నిండిnindi=Abundant ; శ్రీ వేంకటాద్రిపైSri Venkatadripai = on Sri venkata Hill; నిలుచుండగాniluchundaga= as he stood up; అండanda= company;  అలమేల్మంగాAlamelmangaku= to Alamelmanga(Lakshmi);అక్కునAkkuna=bosom/embrace;  కౌగలించగా kowgilinchaga= hugged; దండియైdandiyai= as a valiant man; యుండunda= to be;  కృష్ణుడు Krishnudu= Krishna; గగనుతికేకెనుgaganuthikegenu (Gagana+nuthaki+Egenu)=(Sky+ praised+ rose) rose to sky-high praises.
To protect the Pandavas, and as he married sixteen thousand, As he stood up on the abundant Venta Hill, Alamelmanga(Lakshmi) accompanied him and hugged him at bosom.
As a valiant man, Krishna's praise rose to the sky.

[1] Paluri Shankarnarayana," Telugu to English Dictionary".

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sravana Bahula ashtami

For Krishnashtami, here are two keerthanas about the "Sravan Krishnashtami". Both of them are closer in their gist but slightly different.
This particular keerthana seems have been written/rendered in a temple with either Venkateshwara or Krishna's idol. Hence the last line in each  stanza ends "here, he is the Krishna". In the last stanza, Annamayya reiterates that Krishna is the same one who emerged on the Venkata Hill.

శ్రావణ బహుళాష్టమి జయంతి నేడు
సేవించరో జనులాల శ్రీకృష్ణుడితడు

SrAvaNa bahuLAshTami jayaMti nEDu
sEviMcharO janulAla SrIkRshNuDitaDu

శ్రావణSravana= the month Sravana; బహుళాష్టమిBahula ashtami= జయంతిjayanthi= anniversary; నేడుnedu= today;
సేవించరోsevinchuroo= serve, hey; జనులాలJanulala= all the people; శ్రీకృష్ణుడితడుSrikrishnudithadu= he is Sri Krishna;

Today is the Sravana bahula Ashtami, anniversary
Hey all the people, serve ,Here is Sri Krishna!
The last line is more like a dialogue urging people to serve God. 

 భావింప వసుదేవుని పాలిటభాగ్యదేవత
దేవకిగనినయట్టి దివ్యరత్నము
చేవమీర సురల రక్షించే కల్పతరువు
యీవేళ జన్మించినాడు యిదె కృష్ణుడు

bhAviMpa vasudEvuni pAliTabhAgyadEvata
dEvakiganinayaTTi divyaratnamu
chEvamIra surala rakshiMchE kalpataruvu
yIvELa janmiMchinADu yide kRshNuDu

భావింపBhavimpa=when thought ;  వసుదేవునిVasudevuni= to Vasudeva (krishna's father;) పాలిట Palita= to his fortune ; భాగ్యBhagya=Lucky/fortune; దేవతdevatha= God;
దేవకిDevaki= Queen Devaki, Krishna's mother;గనిన kanina= to give birth; యట్టి yatti= that;దివ్యDivya= brilliant/luminant;
చేవమీరChevameera(Cheva+meera)=essence,courage+ exceed/surpass; సురలsurala= to the demigods/gods; రక్షించేrakshinche= one who protects కల్పతరువుKalpataruvu= the wish-fulfilling tree.
యీyee= this;వేళVela=time; జన్మించినాడుjanminchinadu= took birth; యిదెide= this only; కృష్ణుడుKirshnudu= Krishna;

If thought, to Vasudeva (he is) the lucky God; 
He is  the gem/jewel, that Devaki gave birth to;
Having surpassed courage, to Gods, he is the ever-giving tree that protects;
Took birth at this time( Sravana Bahula ashtami), it is this Krishna!
హరవిరించాదులకు నాదిమూలకారణము
పరమమునుల తపఃఫలసారము
గరుడోనగేంద్రులకు కలిగిన నిధానము
యిరవుగా నుదయించె నిదె కృష్ణుడు

haraviraMchAdulaku nAdimUlakAraNamu
paramamunula tapa@hphalasAramu
garuDOragEMdrulaku kaligina nidhAnamu
yiravugA nudayiMche nide kRshNuDu

హరHara=Shiva;విరించాదులకుvirinchadulaku=(Virinchi+adulu=Brahma+others) Brahma and others;  నాదిaadi= the primary;మూలmoola= the root;కారణముkaranam= cause;
పరమparama= the first/supreme;మునులmunula= to sages; తపఃtapa:=tapasya/meditation;ఫలphala= fruit;సారముsaramu=gist/essence;
గరుడోGaruda= the vulture/eagle;నాగేంద్రులకుnagendrulaku=(Naga+indra)the Lord of snakes; కలిగినkaligina=have occured; నిధానముnidhanamu=treasure;
యిరవుగాYiravuga=as firm/certain; నుదయించెUdayinche= rising/dawning; నిదెnide= this only; కృష్ణుడుKrishnudu= Krishna.

To Siva, Brahma and others ( he is) the primary root cause;
To the supreme sages,(he is) the gist/essence of the fruits of meditation;
To Garuda and the Snake Lord, (he is) the treasure that occured;
With certainty,it is this Krishna that dawned.
బలు యోగీశ్వరుల బ్రహ్మానందము
చెలగు భాగవతుల చింతామణి
అలమేల్మంగకు పతి యట్టె శ్రీవేంకటాద్రి
నిలపై జన్మించినాడు యిదె కృష్ణుడు

balu yOgISwarula brahmAnaMdamu
chelagu bhAgavatula chiMtAmaNi
alamElmaMgaku pati yaTTe SrIvEMkaTAdri
nilapai janmiMchinADu yide kRshNuDu

బలుBalu= many; యోగీశ్వరులYogishwarula= to yogi Lords; బ్రహ్మానందముbrahma+anandamu= the supreme happiness;
చెలగుChelagu=to shine/splendid; భాగవతులBhagavathula= the followers of Bhagavad gita; చింతామణిChinthamani= the philosopher's stone/the stone that gives whatever desired.
అలమేల్మంగకుAlamelmanga= to Lakshmi/Padmavathi; పతిpathi= Lord; యట్టెYetti= this; శ్రీవేంకటాద్రిSri Venkatadri= the Venkata Hill;
నిలపై Nilapai= on this place; జన్మించినాడుjanminchinadu= took birth; యిదెide= this; కృష్ణుడు Krishnudu= krishna

To the many masters of Yoga, (he is) the supreme happiness;
To the brilliant followers of Bhagavath Gita,( he is) the philosopher's stone;
To Padmavathi/Lakshmi, (he is ) the Lord/master; On Venkata Hill
place,it is this Krishna that took birth.

[1] http://annamacharya-lyrics.blogspot.com/2009/08/635sravana-bahulashtami-jayamti.html
[2]Paluri Shankarnarayana, Telugu to English dictionary.

Monday, August 19, 2013

ksheerabdi kanyakaku...neerajanam

This is the popular mangalam song to Lakshmi/ Alarmela manga. Alarmela manga literally translates to "the mother of the lotus". Mangalam/ neerajanam is an auspicious light (oil/camphor based) to remove any bad omen. Usually, the light is rotated around the face by women singing songs describing the occasion or the person to whose face this is being done! This is one such song describing Lakshmi devi  as Annamayya sees in the idol.There are not many difficult meanings to be understood and so I do not have the usual discussion section for each stanza in this keerthana.
This krithi is purely a description of the sculpture of Lakshmi. If one looks at Lakshmi's idol, the first things that one notices are the face, the bosom, then the hands and legs, then the hips, navel and the sitting posture. It is very easy for people to misunderstand given that  in present times, it is derogatory to describe a women's detailed structure/parts in India. This piece is thus a revelation of the prevalent appreciation of art during Annamyya's times. The art was received as it is and was appreciated as it was/as one sees; no misinterpretation,  no veiling it under the name of culture/whatever (pervertness)! Not sure if most of the renditions of the song delibrately cut down the lines that describe the navel, hips and loin of Lakshmi or just an attempt to minimise the length of the song as is the case in most other songs.

For the full song rendition  by Garimella Balakrishna Prasad please click here.  The songs by MS Subbalakshmi and  Priya sisters miss the two stanzas that I mentioned before.

క్షీరాబ్ధికన్యకకు, శ్రీ మహాలక్ష్మికిని ,నీరజాలయకు నీరాజనం
ksheeraabdhi kanyakaku Sree mahaalakshmikini neerajaalayamunaku neeraajanaM
Word-Word meaning:
క్షీరాబ్ధిksheeraabdhi=milky ocean;  కన్యకకుkanyakaku= daughter, శ్రీ మహాలక్ష్మికినిSree mahaalakshmikini= To SriMahaLakshmi; నీరజాలయకుneerajaalayamunaku (Neeraja+laya+ku)= ( Lotus+residing+to)to the one residing on Lotus;Lakshmi నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the daughter of the Milky Ocean, to Sri MahaLakshmi, one who resides on lotus, let there be auspicious light(to remove bad omen)

జలజాక్షి మోమునకు, జక్కవ కుచంబులకు,నెలకొన్న కప్పురపు నీరాజనం
jalajaakshi mOmunaku jakkava kuchaMbulaku nelakonna kappurapu neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
జలజాక్షిjalajaakshi(jalaja+akshi)= Lotus eyes; మోమునకుmOmunaku(momu+naku)= faced one+to, జక్కవjakkava=pretty; కుచంబులకుkuchaMbulaku= breasts/bosom, నెలకొన్నnelakonna= full-moon; కప్పురపుkappurapu=of camphor; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the lotus-eyed face, to the pretty bosom, let there be auspicious light from the full-moon-like-camphor.

అలివేణి తురుమునకు, హస్తకమలంబులకు,నిలువుమాణిక్యముల నీరాజనం
alivaeNi turumunaku hastakamalaMbulaku niluvumaaNikyamula neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
అలివేణిalivaeNi= woman; తురుమునకుturumunaku=hair tied into bun , హస్తhasta= hands; కమలంబులకు kamalaMbulaku= to lotus es,నిలువుniluvu=standing/firm;  మాణిక్యములmaaNikyamula= emeralds; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the woman's hair-bun, to the lotus holding hands, let there be auspicious light of firm emeralds.
Here Annamayya is describing the hair-bun and hands of Lakshmi.

చరణ కిసలయములకు, సకియరంభోరులకు, నిరతమగు ముత్తేల నీరాజనం
charana kisalayamulaku, sakiyaraMbhOrulaku, niratamagu muttaela neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
చరణcharaNa= feet; కిసలయములకుkisalayamulaku= sprouts(toes); సకియరంభోరులకుsakiyaraM-bhOrulaku ( Sakhiya+rambha+urulu)=(tree+plaintain+ to be fit/excellent) plantain tree like excellence, నిరతమగు nirathamuga=always; ముత్తేల Muttiyaala=pearls;నీరాజనం
To the feet toes/sprouts, to her plantain tree like excellence, let there be auspicious light of ever-lasting pearls.
Any help regarding  finding the contextual meaning of " sakhiyarambhorulaku" would be appreciated. I finally found the right meaning of"sakhiyarambhorulaku". Annamayya uses plant based analogies in this line here, referring to the toes as sprouts or tender leaves and comparing Lakshmi's excellence to plantain tree. Every part ( leaves, flower, fruit )of plantain tree is useful and so referred with reverence.

అరిది జఘనంబునకు, అతివనిజనాభికిని,నిరతి నానావర్ణ నీరాజనం
aridi jaghanaMbunaku ativanijanaabhikini nirati naanaavarNa neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
అరిదిaridi= wonder; జఘనంబునకుjaghanaMbunaku=hips and loin, అతివనిజ Ativanija=excessive, unlimited; నాభికిని nabhikini= to navel, నిరతిNirathi=excessive devotion;  నానా Nana= many; వర్ణvarna= color/hue; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To the wonderful hips and loin, to the big navel, let there be auspicious light from the many colors of devotion.

పగటు శ్రీవేంకటేశు పట్టపురాణియై, నెగడు సతికళలకును నీరాజనం
pagaTu SreevaeMkaTaeSu paTTapuraaNiyai, negaDu satikaLalakunu neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
పగటుpagaTu= praise-worthy,  శ్రీవేంకటేశుSreevaeMkaTaeSu= Sri Venkatesa's;  పట్టపురాణియై  paTTapuraaNiyai= the main queen, నెగడుnegaDu= famous,popular; సతి sati= wife; కళలకునుkaLalakunu= to pleasing characters; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
As the praise-worthy Venkatesa's head queen, to the popular wifely virtues, let there be auspicious light.

జగతి నలమేల్మంగ, చక్కదనములకెల్ల నిగుడు నిజ శోభనపు నీరాజనం
jagati nalamaelmaMga chakkadanamulakella niguDu nija SObhanapu neeraajanaM

Word-word meaning
జగతి Jagathi= the world's;  నలమేల్మంగAlarmel manga=the lotus mother, Lakshmi; చక్కదనముల chakkadanamula=to the good attributes, కెల్ల Kella= all; నిగుడుnigudu= raising;  నిజ nija= true, real; శోభనపుshobhanapu= auspicious; నీరాజనంneeraajanaM= auspicious light;
To all the good attributes of the World's lotus-mother, let there be a rising true auspicious "light"

[2] Paluri Shankarnarayana" Telugu to English dictionary"
[3] http://www.andhrabharati.com/dictionary/

Friday, August 9, 2013

Chaaladaa Hari nama

Annamayya describes the power of Hari's name. He uses different verbs, as usual, to describe the different ways Hari's name can be meditated upon. Chanting, listening, meditating/chanting in mind, possessing, and being conscious of Hari's name is enough to keep away the most dreaded pains at bay:).  The verbs describes in the previous line appear in that order in this keerthana. I am guessing Annamayya must have used these verbs based on their hierarchy in meditation. While chanting and listening are usually considered as lower levels of meditation.  Concentrating in mind, "being"/ possessing  are higher levels, and "consciousness" is the highest level of meditation. This is just an opinion and I could be wrong!  In the final stanza, he describes how blissful it is to be immersed in a Keerthana of the Lord Venkateswara  that just brings out the positivity and thinks it is the best to be at mercy of these poets who write keerthanas.

For Priya sisters' redition of the song click here.

చాలదా హరినామ సౌఖ్యామృతము తమకు చాలదా హితవైన చవులెల్లను నొసగ
chaaladaa harinaama saukhyaamRtamu tamaku chaaladaa hitavaina chavulellanu nosaga ..
చాలదాChaaladaa= is it not enough? హరినామHari nama=Hari's name; సౌఖ్యామృతము Soukyamruthamu=(SOukya+amruthamu= happiness+elixir) the blissful elixir, తమకుthamaku= to you; చాలదాchaaladaa= is it not enough; హితవైనhithamaina= that which is beneficial/welfare; చవులెల్లనుchevulellanu= to all the ears;ఒసగosaga= to present/bestow;
Is the blissful elixir in Hari's name not enough for you?Is it not enough to be bestowed with the goodness to all the ears?
He says that chanting Hari's name is equivalent to the drinking sweet elixir.  Listening to Hari's name brings bliss to the ears. So he emphasizes on chanting and listening to Hari's name in this stanza.

ఇది యొకటి హరి నామ మింతైన జాలదా చెదరకీ జన్మముల చెరలు విడిపించ

మదినొకటె హరినామ మింతైన జాలదా పదివేల నరక కూపముల వెడలించ

idi yokaTi hari naama miMtaina jaaladaa chedarakee janmamula cheralu viDipiMcha
madinokaTe harinaama miMtaina jaaladaa padivaela naraka koopamula veDaliMcha
ఇదిIdi= this; యొకటిOkati= one; హరి నామHari Nama= Hari's name; మింతైన inthaina= even this much; జాలదాchaladaa= not enough?; చెదరకీ chedarakee=(chedaraku+ee= to not spoil+ this); జన్మముల janmamula= these lives/rebirths; చెరలుcheralu= imprisonment; విడిపించvidipincha= to release;
మది madi= mind/heart;నొకటె okate  only one; హరినామ Hari nama= Hari's name; మింతైన Inthaina= even this;జాలదా chaaladaa= not enough??;పదివేల padi vela= ten thousand; నరకnaraka= hell; కూపములKoopamulu=pits/holes ; వెడలించvedalinchu= to drive awayfrom;

Just this one "Hari"'s name, is it not even enough to release from the imprisonment of the degrading lives(rebirths)?
To mind, only this one "Hari"'s name , is it not even enough  to drive away from the ten-thousand hells' pitfalls? ..
Hari's name is enough to release from the imprisonment of rebirths. It is believed that a living being takes rebirths based on karma until final salvation is realised. According to Annamayya, Hari's name (chanting in mind) would emancipate one from the pains of rebirths. If only the mind concentrated on Hari's name, it would drive away from the hell's pitfalls. It is believed that the hell has various pitfalls/holes; each supposed to impose a different pain.

కలదొకటి హరినామ కనకాద్రి చాలదా తొలగుమని దారిద్ర్యదోషంబు చెఱచ

తెలివొకటి హరినామదీప మది చాలదా కలుషంపు కఠిన చీకటి పారద్రోల

kaladokaTi harinaama kanakaadri chaaladaa tolagumani daaridryadOshaMbu che~racha
telivokaTi harinaamadeepa madi chaaladaa kalushaMpu kaThina cheekaTi parabola
కలదొకటిKaladokati= (Kaladu+okati= to have+one) has one; హరినామHarinama= Hari's name; కనకాద్రిkanakadri= (Golden Hill); చాలదా chaalada= not enough?; తొలగుమనిtholagunami= to ask to end; దారిద్ర్యdaaridra= poverty;దోషంబుdooshambu= sin; చెఱచcheracha= to spoil/damage;
తెలివొకటిthelivokati=(thelivi+okati=conscious+one) consciousness of one; హరినామ Harinama= hari's name; దీపdeepa= light; మదిmadi= mind/heart; చాలదాchaalada= not enough??; కలుషంపుkalushambu=of impurity ; కఠినkathina= difficult; చీకటిcheekati= darkness; పారద్రోలpaaradroola= to  make to go away;

To have just this one "Hari" 's name as the golden hill, is it not enough to end the sins of poverty by ruining (the sins).
To be conscious of just this Hari's name as light, is it not enough to drive away the impurity of difficult/stubborn darkness. ...
Hari's name is equivalent to a treasure of golden hill and if someone possess this treasure,  the sin of poverty can end easily.
The consciousness of Hari's name is the light that can drive away even stubborn darkness.
తగువేంకటేశు కీర్తనమొకటి చాలదా జగములో కల్ప భూజంబు వలెనుండ

సొగసి యీవిభుని దాసుల కరుణ చాలదా నగవు జూపులను నున్నతమెపుడు జూప

taguvaeMkaTaeSu keertanamokaTi chaaladaa jagamulO kalpa bhoojaMbu valenuMDa
sogasi yeevibhuni daasula karuNa chaaladaa nagavu joopulanu nunnatamepuDu joopa
తగు thagu=deserving/worthy; వేంకటేశుvenkateshu=Venkatesha's; కీర్తనKeerthana= a poem in praise;మొకటి okkati= one;చాలదాchaaladaa= not enough??? జగములోjagamulo= in this world; కల్పKalpa= the wish-fulfilling tree; భూజంబుbhujambu= shoulder/arm; వలెనుండvale nunda= like it is;
సొగసిsogasi=beauty; యీee= this; విభునిvibhuni=Lord's/master's; దాసులdaasula= slaves / servants; కరుణkaruna= mercy; చాలదాchaaladaa= not enough; నగవుnagavu= smiling; జూపులనుchoopulanu= looks/sight; నున్నతమెపుడు(Unnathamu+eppudu)= the best/greatest+always; జూపchoopa= to show;

Just one poem in praise of the worthy Venkatesha is it not enough in this world as if a wish-fulfilling tree is in hand;
The mercy of the servants of this beautiful Lord, is this not enough to have smiling looks with the always best (thing) to show?
Annamayya says that just one keerthana(poem in parise) of the Lord is equivalent to having a wish fulfilling tree in hand. He then talks how the poets, the servants of Hari, are usually pleasant (smiling looks) and through their poems show the best( usually in praise of the Hari) to the world. He then says is it not enough to have their (poets) mercy and enjoy the positivity through these poems.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Annamayya presents a poignant keerthana. The depressed and dejected tone set in this keerthana  and also his reference to "kalakalamu" which means forever makes me assume that he must have written this keerthana in his old age. He sounds as if he has lost all hope as his patience/endurance have reached their limit and not favoring him.He ends each stanza with the line " I dont see even a little bit of agreement(chance/favour) for me ...."

Click Here for a beautiful rendition of the song by Priya sisters. The second charanam is missing though in their song.

ప|| గాలినై  పోయ లకాలము | తాలిమికి కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు ||

pa|| gAlinai pOya kalakAlamu | tAlimiki koMtayu pottulEdu ||
గాలిgAli= air/breeze/spirit;ఐపోయaipOya= I have become;  క లకాలము kalakAlamu= all the time;| తాలిమికిtAlimiki= to patience/enduance;  కొంతయుkoMtayu=even little; పొత్తులేదు pottulEdu=(Pottu+ledu=agreement +not there) no agreement/partnership, not favorable; 
I have become weak-spirited for ever. My Patience is not agreeing even a little bit.
In this line, Annamayya doesnot give the reason for his impatience or sorrow. He introduces his state of mind.

చ|| అడుసు చొరనే పట్టె అటునిటు  కాళ్ళు | కడగుకొననే పట్టె కలకాలము |

ఒడలికి జీవుని ఒడయడైనహరి | డవగా కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు||
ca|| aDusu coranE paTTe aTuniTu kALLu | kaDugukonanE paTTe kalakAlamu |
oDaliki jIvuni koDayaDainahari | daDavagA koMtayu pottulEdu ||
అడుసుAdusu= mud/mire;  చొరనేcoranE= the entrance only;  పట్టెpaTTe= to hold; అటునిటు aTuniTu= atu+itu= there and here; కా ళ్ళుKALLu=legs; కడగుkadagu= wash; కొననేkonanE= to start; పట్టెpaTTe=took ;  లకాలముkalakAlamu= for ever;
ఒడలికిoDaliki=to body; జీవునికిjIvuniki=life;  ఒ డయడైనoDayaDaina= the master he is;హరిhari ; తడవగాdaDavagA= thought;  కొంతయుkoMtayu=even little; పొత్తులేదుpottulEdu(Pottu+ ledu) (great deal +not there)= no agreement/partnership/ not in favor.
I held to the entrance of the mud/mire. As I started to wash my legs here and there(this side and that side), (I realised) it took me forever.
Hari, who is the master of the body and life, Himself has thought (of this for me), I dont see even a little bit of agreement.
He says as if regretting that his first mistake was to choose to enter the mire( of wordliness).To wash the dirt, from the mire,( Desires from the worldliness) off the legs on all sides, it took him forever. Annamayya says that the Lord has this destined for Annamayya and so he does not see even a little chance in his favor. Notice that Annamayya doesnot give away yet what his final goal is. We will have to wait until the last stanza to know what he is seeking and impatient about...
 I enjoy the verb usage of Annamayya, especially, in this stanza he talks of washing ( his feet)  the dirt off and he uses the word "thadavaga" which has two meanings, one is to get wet and the other is thought.

చ|| కలచు  చిందనే పట్టె కడవగ నించగ బట్టె | కలుషదేహపుబాధ కలకాలము |

తలపోసి తనపాలి దైవమైన హరి | తలచగా కొంతయు పొ త్తులేదు |
ca|| kalacu ciMdanE paTTe kaDavaga niMcaga baTTe | kaluShadEhapubAdha kalakAlamu |
talapOsi tanapAli daivamaina hari | dalacagA koMtayu pottulEdu |
కలచు kalacu=the agitation; చిందనేciMdanE=spilled;  పట్టెpaTTe=started; కడవగgaDavaga= as pot; నించగniMcaga=as filled;  బట్టెbaTTe= took | కలుష kaluSha= impured;దేహపు dEhapu =of body; బాధbAdha= pains/sorrows;  కలకాలము kalakAlamu= forever;
తలపోసిtalapOsi= in thought ; తనపాలిtanapAli=to oneself;  దైవమైనdaivamaina= God that he became/is; హరి Hari; దలచగాdalacagA= as think/remembered/intended; కొంతయుkoMtayu =even little; పొత్తులేదుpottulEdu=(Pottu+ledu) (great deal +not there)=no agreement/ partnership, not favorable 
The agitation started to spill. Like the pot the impure body filled  with pain and sorrows, it took me forever. 
 Hari who is the God to oneself if one thinks of HIM, himself has intended (this), there is not even a little bit of agreement.....
He regrets for having wasted his life in filling the body with pain and sorrows which started to spill out. Hari, the God who resides in one's thoughts, Himself has intended this(pain) for him and so he doesnot have even a little bit of chance/ agreement.( for what?? answer lies in last stanza).

చ|| శిరము ముడువబట్టె చిక్కుదియ్యగ బట్టె | గరిమల కపటాల కలకాలము |

తిరువేంకటగిరి దేవుడైనహరి | దరిచేరా కొంతయు పొత్తులేదు ||
ca|| Siramu muDuvabaTTe cikkudiyyaga baTTe | garimala kapaTAla kalakAlamu |
tiruvEMkaTagiri dEvuDainahari | daricErA koMtayu pottuulEdu ||
శిరముSiramu=head; ముడువmuDuva= curl/droop;  బట్టెbaTTe= started; చిక్కుదియ్యగ cikkudiyyaga = tangles+open;  బట్టెbaTTe= started | గరిమలgarimala= dignity/ greatness;  కపటాల kapaTAla=crooked/shrewed; కలకాలముkalakAlamu = forever;
తిరువేంకటగిరి tiruvEMkaTagiri=Thiru Venkata Hill's;  దేవుడైనdEvuDaina= who is the God; హరిhari | దరిచేరా daricErA= (dari+chera)shore+ to reach; కొంతయుkoMtayu=even little; పొత్తులేదుpottulEdu=(Pottu+ledu) (great deal +not there)= no agreement/partnership, not in favor.
My head started to droop. As I started to open the tangles of greatness(pride) and cunningness, it took me forever.
To reach ashore ThiruVenkata Hill's Diety, Hari, there is not even a little bit in favor....
 He says, his head started to droop,( may be refering to his old age ???)and also to all the wickedness he  accumulated. And as he started to free his head from the tangles of greatness/pride and crookedness, he realised it took him forever.
He now doesnot see even a little chance to reach ashore to Lord Hari, Thiru Venkata's God.It is in this stanza that he presents what his whole dejection is about. He thinks that he doesnot have a chance now to reach Lord Hari.


[1] Telugu to English dictionary by Paluri Shankarnarayana.
[2] Lyrics from http://annamayya-u.blogspot.com/2009/05/gaaline-poya-gala.html